im 38wks preg an baby head still not engaged can drinking rasberry tea or a lavender oil bath help bring on abor
I am 37+ weeks and Baby's head is not engaged. Drinking the tea as I type this. From what I understand it won't induce labor, but it might make your uterus more efficient when the time comes. I don't know about lavender oil! Some others have suggested bouncing on an exercise ball. My doctor is telling me to walk for at least an hour everyday. Let's keep checking back to see if anything works anytime soon. I'm not trying to induce, but I would feel less anxious if she engaged (She's on the large side). Good luck!
I drank the tea from 32 weeks on, I had my baby 8 days overdue. My labour was 12 hours long with a pretty fast progression. I believe it helped shorten the labour, but hell, it sure didn't induce it!
Well, that's some hope for us, bbelmore! Thanks.
Raspberry Leaf Tea will help your uterus become stronger. It can bring on braxton hicks like contractions, but wont start labour if your not ready. Lavender oil is extremely relaxing, and if you are close, deep relaxation may help start labour.
Someone just told me to eat eggplant if I want to induce labor. It might be worth a try! I'll wait until my due date to start trying all of these strange tips, though! Lavender oil sounds lovely, even if it doesn't work, so why not try it, and let us know if you have any success.
Our daughters birthmother asked me when she was at the very end of pregnancy if I minded if she drank raspberry leaf tea, take black cohosh and maybe castor oil. I told her it was her body and if she wanted to have the baby that was fine. Well within 12 hours of doing the tea and the black cohosh she gave birth to our daughter :) So it might just work.
Good luck and best wishes!
hi, i drank the tea from about 33 weeks onwards & i came right on my due date but my labour was almost 30 hours long.
I wish there was a surefire thing to get labor started but I've read so many conflicting things about the tea... I don't think it brings it on, just meant for easing labor pains and that's not even definite. Nothing really is.
I drank the tea from about 34 weeks onward. I went into labour 1 week after my due date. From my understanding, it does not induce labour, but it does make your contractions more efficient when they do come. When I arrived at the hospital in labour, I was already 5 cm dilated after having contractions at home for about 12 hours.
hi everyone, i am due sat the 5th august, i have started taking raspberry leaf tablets, aparantly are more efficiant than the t, will let you know, nothing yet.
I'm 40wks and 6days and drinking the tea iced but no luck! (And I'm drinking a lot of it!!!) Now if I would have gone into labor (which should naturally be happening anyway by now!) then I would have said it worked! We are just not in control at all here! :-(
Hello, again. Nothing has changed for me. Baby is still high. I'm due in 8 days now. I did read recently that statistically the majority of first babies are born at 40 weeks + 5-8 days! Ugh! I'm still drinking the tea, hoping I'll have like a 6 hour labor when it does happen. Gotta be positive!
I've been drinking a tea called "Pregnancy Tea", made by a company called Traditional Medicinals out of California. It contains all sorts of goodies (all safe during pregnancy) including Raspberry Leaf, Stawberry Leaf, Nettles, etc...I've been drinking it since I was 4 weeks pregnant. I am now 32 weeks and hoping that it will help during labor. Raspberry Leaf strengthens the uterus and makes the contractions more efficient when labor begins, it doesn't bring on labor. The tea box says that after 36 weeks I should start alternating between straight Raspberry Leaf tea and the Pregnancy Tea mix.
Raspberry leaf tea will not bring on labor, but it is supposed to make labor faster and smoother if you drink several cups a day in third trimester. I drank it, and my labor was about 8 hours, but it hurt like a bugger. My family has very short labors so I don't really know if it helped me or not. By the way, my baby's head wasn't engaged until I was in hard labor, so it is not an indicator of whether or not you will go into labor soon. Everyone kept telling me I was going to go later than my due date because I was still carrying high, but I showed them by going into labor 8 days before my due date! Your baby will come when he/she is ready. Try walking, that really got things going for me!