7 Weeks Pregnant Empty Sac
831 Replies
Marie at 8 weeks your HCG should be at least 40,000. THey should at least double every 48 hours. My HCG was 134 on 13 dpo. 370 on 15 dpo. 6 days later 21 dpo they were 4467. then a week after that they were over 40,000. HCG can totally vary in the amount. BUT it does have to at least double every 48 hours. Also, Kate - you are correct. They usually say once your HCG hits 2000, you should see something in the uterus. MEANING a sac. Not truly anything else. Just the sac for sure. I will say that if you are 8 weeks you should see a definite looking fetus. I have my 7 week 5 day ultrasound (I know my exact date of conception) if anyone wants it. Email me and I'll send it. My Email is "Jarhead4me2@aol.com" At 6 weeks we seen a little fetal pole, yolk sac and cardiac activity (heart flicker). At my 7 weeks 5 days u/s you could see the head arms, tail (lol) and yolk sac with a heartbeat of 166. At my 11 week visit you could see a baby. You could see it dancing, waving its arms, kicking its legs. My last loss was at 12 weeks pregnant and it didn't even look the size of my 7 week on this time. So, we knew it wasn't going to make it. The heart stayed a flicker for 3 weeks and then finally stopped. I had a D&C and got pregnant first ovulation (5 weeks later). I had to switch doctors because the first one wanted to do a D&C before the heartbeat had stopped and I said "no way would I do that" He made a horrible comment like, "Well, its not like its going to make it" OH MY!! So, I went to a different place that actually can not legally do a D&C until there is definitely proof of no cardiac activity because its a Christian hospital and thats the rules and regs. there. But, if you know 100% that its not a viable pregnancy, then a D&C is absolutely great!
HI there, I had another check of my hcg levels, and 5 days later they were 17,000, (up from 13,000) I had another draw yesterday (5 days later) and it was 17,200. I still have very scanty bleeding (it goes from brown, to pinkish-red), I don't need a pad, its only when I wipe, and only 2-3 times a day. I spoke with my doctor, and he said although the levels are not rising as they should, there still could be a slight possibility that there is a baby there, but something is not right, he doesn't like the fact that the hcg is still rising. He wants me to go for a follow up ultrasound early next week to see what's going on. What do you make of it?? I feel like I'm on an emotional rollercoaster, I've been having anxiety attacks over it, and it's driving me nuts going back and forth between thinking I'm miscarrying, and then maybe there is a baby there. Why would my hcg keep rising if I am miscarrying?? That's really confusing me and my hubby. Thanks all for responding, I know you all truly understand how I am feeling, and it helps to know that.
Marie maybe some encouragement will help. With my first pregnnancy I also bleed from red to pinkish, that pregnancy turn out to be a good pregnancy because he's now six years old . So don't loose hope also I am currently pregnant and like you my hcg wasn't doubling where they suppose to at first but now I am on my fifth month and feeling movement,heared and seen the heartbeat and the baby so hang in there! I think there's a baby in there you just probably just need to wait it out like I did! My doctor didn't sound encouraging he was more negative about this pregnancy and didn't want to raise my hopes but ,I believe in God and I claimed the pregnancy and right now I'm still pregnant. God bless on yours keep us updated you and your baby, you will be on my prayers.
I just got my first ultrasound today, I am supposed to be at 9weeks LMP, my uterus showed 8weeks gestation growth (10weeks LMP). My body has all the symptoms of being pregnant, b___st and uterus growth, but as we looked at my ultrasound, we did not find a baby nor any sign of a baby, just the uterus and the yolk sac. The doctor refered to this abnormatlity as possibly being a "molar Pregnancy" and there was another option but i do not remember what is. I do not know if this is the same situation you are having but I have a few appointments tomorrow and hopefully will be able to figure out what is going on.
Anna- thats not a molar, thats a blighted ovum. So sorry for what you have to go thru, it does get better though. Keep your head up!! Maria- your HCG will usually rise until you pa__s the main tissue. My HCG was rising on my last pregnancy up until the day that I had my D&C. Its heartbeat stopped before the D&C, but the HCG still rises. Just doesn't double the way it should. Your dr. should have put you on progesterone supplements the moment you realized that the HCG wasn't rising correctly. Have they seen anything in the uterus on ultrasound?? Also, how far are you from conception? (if you know your exact date)
Well, Wed., I had my final u/s at 11 weeks LMP. Still no fetal pole. I had my D&C yesterday, and I have had no real bleeding since. It's been a horrible 2 weeks for my husband and I, but we gave ourselves a little ceremony last night to help ourselves let go and heal from this. The D&C was not painful really, and I've had very minor cramping, like menstrual cramps. My doc has me on antibiotics and Ibuprophen (sp) now to prevent infection and ease discomfort, which really isn't bad.
Take care, everyone. Have a peaceful holiday season and I hope we all have a much better 2006.
i want to no would you feel anything when you about a month and a half
Tamara you are not alone this is happening to me and my situation is more critical because I'm 12 weeks pregnant i star to spotting 3 days ago but not pain is present I went to emergency yesterday the did u/s and they could not see the baby @12 weeks sac is empty they sugest D/C but I decided give the benefic of the doutb I will go in 2 more days to check hcg it they are not duplicate I will go for D/C. God's will. I hope you get better.
hi. im going through the same thing at the moment.on thursday its 10weeks since my last period i went for a scan 3weeks ago and i was told that the sac was about 5weeks. i have a 35 day cycle. i went for another scan thursday just gone and the sac and placenta had grown my hormone levels were but their was no sign of anything in the sac. i have been told its a failed pregnancy and im due in hospital on friday to have the sac removed. what happened to you in the end was it good news ,
| tae - December 22 |
Hi I went to the dr on today and my doctor did a u/s but only found a empty sac. But this is my 2nd u/s and my dr never checked for a heartbeat.i'm so nervous. I have no symptoms of a miscarriage I nly have minor cramps but they're not major and they only occurred once today. What should I do?
It's been nice to read everybody's messages, it's good to know you aren't alone in this. I am 6 w pregnant (or so we think I should be) I went for my first u/s today, and the doctor is concerned and wants me back in two weeks. HE didn't really tell me to much, but I know that he thought it didn't look like it was 6 w along, (although I believe he pointed out the heartbeat) and there was also some blood on the outside of the sac. It is so hard to think that I won't know anythign for another two weeks. What do you do to help the time go by.. I just want to know what is going on...
Sami- 6 weeks is just too early to worry, unless your bleeding and/or your HCG isn't doubling. But, as far as the ultrasound goes, its just too early for concern. Also, its nearly impossible to see a heartbeat at 6 weeks. The very earliest you can see a heart flicker (I mean, very earliest) is at 5.5 weeks. At about 7 weeks is about when you can actually get BPM on doppler. So, don't stress at all!!! Just take each day at a time until your next scan in 2 weeks. Goodluck!!! Also, how has your HCG been?
The doctor didn't really say anything about my HCG level.. I guess if it isn't rising correctly by the time I go in in two weeks, he'll let me know. You could see the heart beating on the screen (although it did look like more of a flicker) Your right that it's to early to worry, but it's so hard when this is something my husband and I have hoped and prayed for. It doesn't take long to feel like you are attached..
Sami- seeing the heart flicker on the screen at 6 weeks is a very good sign. So, try not to stress!!! I've lost 3 in the past and my current pregnancy where I am now 22 weeks, we seen the heart flicker only at 5 weeks 6 days, the doc. couldn't say anything at that point because it was too early. So, I went back 2 weeks later at 7w5d and the heartbeat was at 166 bpm and everything looked great. If you want the pics of my ultrasound, email me and I'll send them to you. "jarhead4me2@aol.com" Anyhow, it sounds like everything you described is good so far. Other than the HCG, I wonder why your doctor is telling you otherwise. Have they drawn blood from you?? Maybe you should call the dr. office and ask what your HCG has been. In the very early pregnancy it should double every 36 hours, then it doubles every 48 hours, then once it hits the ten thousands it should double every 72 hours. My HCG was 134 at 13 days past ovulation. Then it was 370 at 15 dpo. 6 days later it was at 4467, and a week after that it was over 40,000. That was when we seen the heart flicker at 5w6d. So, keep your hopes up!!!
I too just got a report of 2 sacs, 1 empty, 1 that has a yolk sac. I'm supposed to be around 6 to 7 weeks pregnant. If the baby does show up in the u/s later on; does this mean I'm likely to have twins? Or does one sac just dissolve?
Reading all these responses has been extremely informative. I feel like I know much more than my doctor shared with me today. Thank you.