7 Weeks Pregnant Empty Sac

831 Replies
mytwoloves - December 22

I asked the doctor about the 2 sacs, (at the time I wasn't really thinking clearly or listening close because he wasn't saying what I wanted to hear) but he never said anything about not having a viable baby in there yet. So I guess I have to wait until next week when I get my HCG levels checked again. If they are still high or rising, I will request an ultrasound. I am trying not to get my hopes up, but I have read so many stories on the internet that give me hope.


mirthula l - January 7

hai i have miscarriage on 3months of my pergancy that doctor said me there is only sac and no fetus found this happened me 2 years back till now i am not conceived i went to lot of treatment everythings tells there is no problem but i don't till now why i am not conceived will please help me


rose5309 - February 7

I wanted to post once again..... My son is now 7 months. Same thing happened to us at 5 weeks we went to a get a us at a clinic and their was a big empty sac no heartbeat. They suggested for me go to hospital to repeat process. We waited 2 weeks and at the hospital the doctor told me to schedule a dnc.He said he is positive there is no baby and sent me home with papers about what to expect with a miscarriage. My best friend called her OB that delivered her baby and her OB said DO NOT get a dnc. She was upset on how many doctors jump the gun and said its completely normal to sometimes not see the baby. She said it can sometimes take up to 14 weeks. It was very hard for us to wait but we took her advise and waited a very long 3 weeks. So at 10 weeks I went to the doctor and on the ultra sound that big huge sac was now filled with a baby. Its amazing how big the fetus got in such a short amount of time. I continue writing on here because I to trusted the doctor and almost got a DNC and thanks to some great advise I waited. The first ultra sound there was no yolk and the second there was the yolk and at 10 weeks the whole baby. He was hiding. Please wait. If the pregnancy does not turn out to be ok your body will naturally determine this for you. I will prey for you and please keep me posted.


boom1231 - February 29

Hello All. I'm 30 and in good health. My last period was 1/8/12, I ovulated 1/22/12 (took a test) and we took a pt on 2/6/2012 and it was positive (bright lines). My firt appt was on 2/27/12 and I was supposed to be 7w1d, but the sonogram that the doctor took says the embryo is only 5 weeks! He wants me to come back next Friday... Should I be concerned. I have read so many different post and I just want everything to be alright. I have a son (10 yrs), but this is my husbands very first child!


boom1231 - February 29

Hello All. I'm 30 and in good health. My last period was 1/8/12, I ovulated 1/22/12 (took a test) and we took a pt on 2/6/2012 and it was positive (bright lines). My first appt was on 2/27/12 and I was supposed to be 7w1d, but the sonogram that the doctor took says the embryo is only 5 weeks! He wants me to come back next Friday... Should I be concerned? I have read so many different post and I just want everything to be alright. I have a son (10 yrs), but this is my husbands very first child!


raghyb - March 14

be strong and dont loose hope.theres always hope and not always doctors are right they can be wrong somtimes.when iwas 8weeks pregnant ihade an ovarian cyst wich leads me to have an opearation and dr.told me iwill loose the baby alsi ibled for 3weeks and thought i lost it when the bleeding stoped iwas asked to go back to hospital for D&C and i finde out iwas 12 weeks pregnant and now ihave my 11yr old son. so dont give up im going through samething right now im 7weeks pregnant with empy sac,no embrio just an empty sac but ikeep telling my self that i leave it in gods hand and hopping for the best. iwish you all the best and im sorry to hear that.iknow how hard it is.


raghyb - March 14

be strong and dont loose hope.theres always hope and not always doctors are right they can be wrong somtimes.when iwas 8weeks pregnant ihade an ovarian cyst wich leads me to have an opearation and dr.told me iwill loose the baby alsi ibled for 3weeks and thought i lost it when the bleeding stoped iwas asked to go back to hospital for D&C and i finde out iwas 12 weeks pregnant and now ihave my 11yr old son. so dont give up im going through samething right now im 7weeks pregnant with empy sac,no embrio just an empty sac but ikeep telling my self that i leave it in gods hand and hopping for the best. iwish you all the best and im sorry to hear that.iknow how hard it is.


sparesilver - March 21

rose5309: Your post gives me hope! I went to the doctor yesterday and they did an ultrasound and told me they don't see anything in my uterus, I'm suppose to be 8 weeks according to my last period but my HCG level and measuring put me at around 6 weeks 4 days. I am now schedule next Tuesday for a viability ultrasound. I'm really nervous now! This is my 5th pregnancy with 2 miscarriage prior to my daughter in 2008 and another miscarriage last year. I have no miscarriage symptom like my previous 3 time. no spotting, no cramping so was really positive that things were going well before I got that horrible news yesterday. I'm praying everything will look good next Tuesday, if not, I'm not going to think about DNC or taking the pills like my OB suggested. I'm going to wait it out till 10 weeks and pray all is good or just let my body take care of it. I'm really hoping all will look good by next week though!


sparesilver - March 21

rose5309: Your post gives me hope! I went to the doctor yesterday and they did an ultrasound and told me they see a sac but nothing else, I'm suppose to be 8 weeks according to my last period but my HCG level and measuring put me at around 6 weeks 4 days. I am now schedule next Tuesday for a viability ultrasound. I'm really nervous now! This is my 5th pregnancy with 2 miscarriage prior to my daughter in 2008 and another miscarriage last year. I have no miscarriage symptom like my previous 3 time. no spotting, no cramping so was really positive that things were going well before I got that horrible news yesterday. I'm praying everything will look good next Tuesday, if not, I'm not going to think about DNC or taking the pills like my OB suggested. I'm going to wait it out till 10 weeks and pray all is good or just let my body take care of it. I'm really hoping all will look good by next week though!


kakreitzer - March 30

i have had 3 children (9-7-5) all pregancy's were fine. with my forth pregancy i had to have a d&c on 12-16-2012 i was about 10 weeks and the fetus did not grow past 7 weeks and there was no heart beat. i had my cycle on 1-18-12 and never got my cycle in Feburay i took a test and i was pregnant. today 3-30-12 i should be 10 weeks i had blood work done and a u/s they said i have a 7 week empty sac.my doctor is out till Monday i guess i will know more.......


kakreitzer - March 30

i have had 3 children (9-7-5) all pregancy's were fine. with my forth pregancy i had to have a d&c on 12-16-2012 i was about 10 weeks and the fetus did not grow past 7 weeks and there was no heart beat. i had my cycle on 1-18-12 and never got my cycle in Feburay i took a test and i was pregnant. today 3-30-12 i should be 10 weeks i had blood work done and a u/s they said i have a 7 week empty sac.my doctor is out till Monday i guess i will know more.......


raghyb - April 1

hi rose. im waiting to hear from you.on your last ma__sage you said you going for another scan.so how did it went.im praying 4 u that everything is fine.you are in my thoughts everyday. i wish all the best. please write to me so ican know wats happening. thnx.


rose5309 - April 2

Raghyb thank you for asking. After many scans and10 long weeks with little hope the last scan and thwill to wait was worth it since we got to see our baby. My son is now 9 months old and already walking. I continue to post on here since some of the post I read back then are the reason that I waited and opted to to so the dnc even tho the doctors said I needed one. I just want to share the hope.


rose5309 - April 2

Sorry about the speeling and incorrect word placement I am responding with my phone and it has a mind of its own.


prego88 - April 4

hi people, i am in the same boat, i am about 7 weeks pregnant and went for a internal US and found i was pregnant but no yolk sac or fetal pole, my hcg levels were 20000 which were normal for my time but i am worried sick why there was nothing in the sac? i am due for a second US on the 13th April, so will update then could i be wrong in my timing or is something wrong with my pregnancy ??? any help will be greatful.


prego88 - April 4

hi people, i am in the same boat, i am about 7 weeks pregnant and went for a internal US and found i was pregnant but no yolk sac or fetal pole, my hcg levels were 20000 which were normal for my time but i am worried sick why there was nothing in the sac? i am due for a second US on the 13th April, so will update then could i be wrong in my timing or is something wrong with my pregnancy ??? any help will be greatful.



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