8 Weeks No Heartbeat But Yolk And Embryo Exists
415 Replies
I haven't written in awhile, so I wanted to chime in!
LittleMadonna, I'm so sorry to hear about what you are going through... the wait is always the hardest and we'll keep you in our thoughts.
Elaine, I thoughts your words were very well put. There are so many things that we want to hold on to - but you do have to think about what is happening!
Christina and Nancy - HI! Nancy, you just made my heart melt with your comment about your little boy! So sweet! My little girl does the same when I am upset with her... she'll say, "Mommy, I want you to be my best friend!" - she's funny! I'm glad you two are doing well.
I am going to see the ob tomorow so I will keep you informed. I am trying hard not to have false hope. I just want to be positive about it before I go through with the d&c. My little sister is pregnant as well she is in PA though. She had an us at 7 weeks and they saw exactly what they saw with me. They didnt request another one till 18 weeks and she has a healthy baby growing so that as well makes me have hope. I thank you all for your words and I will keep you posted on what happens. No matter what though if I do miscarry we are going to try again as soon as we are able to. Thanks again
Hi Nancy & Melissa! Melissa, I am glad you checked back and that you are doing well....!! Nancy, I did get the panel of tests done (I didn't think I was going to have any blood left after they took all the tests - LOL!). I am relieved it is over with and now I can sit back and since I have to wait out my 2 cycles per my dr's orders anyhow, then it makes waiting for the results easier too. I took an ovulation test today which came out positive, so the TTC has been on my mind a little more than usual only because I know I am fertile right now. But I am OK with waiting this last month and look forward to TTC next month! I too have a little one -- a girl named Isabella who just turned 17 months. I am a stay at home mother and even with spending ever single day with her, I still am amazed at how fast she has grown. Her independence has come quicker than I would have wanted. The time that has elapsed since my miscarriages has made me uterly appreciative of having her in my life. Not that I didn't have an appreciation before, it is just that now it is so much more profound. When you hear the cliche "everything happens for a reason", sometimes I respond with a "yeah, yeah". But in my heart I know there was a reason for not having those babies and I am at peace with it. When he/she is ready to be in this world, then he/she will come. :-)
I just read everyone's stories because I'm trying to find out why I've had 2 m/c in 6 months. Dr. says it's blighted ovum. It's just too odd that I've m/c'd both times at 5 weeks. It's like my body isn't accepting the pregnancy. Any ideas??? My levels were "normal" (thyroid, progesterone, prolactin). Cristina, do you think I should ask for the thrombolytic panel?
| Ayo - January 27 |
Hi Mary. I am so sorry for your losses. I myself have recently lost a pregnancy. Just in case this might help you, there is a message board on iVillage called RPL (Recurrent Pregnancy Loss). The ladies on that website are very knowledgeable on the subject and also extremely supportive. They will gladly share their ideas with you......the link is http://messageboards.ivillage.com/iv-bhpregloss. Take care, I wish you the very best and a healthy pregnancy when you ready to try again.
Hi Mary. Firstly, I am very sorry to hear about what you are going through... It truly takes such an emotional toll on one. I have actually gone through 3 miscarriages. My second pregnancy was full term thankfully. After these last two consecutive miscarriages however, I discussed possible options with my dr. as possible root causes. She said that it could be as simple as mother nature just taking its course or as complex as low progesterone or even blood clotting. There are so many reasons out there which could have caused them. I personally wanted to be able to eliminate some of the reasons and therefore opted for the thrombolytic panel that my dr. suggested. If all the tests come back negative, I will at least be more at ease with trying again. If I were in your position, I would discuss your options with your dr. Did they recommend the panel to you? One thing that I wanted to give you a heads up on if you decide to move forward with the testing is that it is very expensive (something to consider should finances play a role). It is estimated to cost around $1800 or so. Talk to your doctor and after discussions with him/her, do what you feel is right. If you are emotionally capable of trying a third time, go for it. If you feel much too hesitant to know that you possibly may go through a third miscarriage, then look into your options for testing. Best of luck with your decision and please keep us posted on what you decide/your outcome. :-)
Mary - Here is a site that provides some info on multiple miscarriages:
I went to the dr today and we are going to do bloodwork this weekend. I just got blood drawn today and I am going on Sunday as well to see if they double. If they do not double then it is a loss but if they do double then there is hope. I will keep you posted. If it is a loss I would like suggestions on d&c or pills or neither. Let me know what you guys suggest.
Littlemadonna, I just wanted to let you know that sometimes your HcG levels can continue to rise even if your pregnancy is a loss. This is what happened to me. Mine rose to almost 300,000 but my dr. said that they would have to go by the sonogram and not the levels (my body detected a fetus and thus continued to produce the hormone). We re-did the sonogram a week later and still did not find a heartbeat. I unfortunately had to accept this and I opted for a D & C. The procedure was painless and it takes so much less time for your levels to return to zero versus the pills. I have also heard that the pills can be a very painful experience. As a suggestion, I would have another sonogram and utilize that more of a measurement to determine whether your pregnancy is a loss or not. Best of luck! Keep us posted.
| Ayo - January 28 |
littlemadonna, I had a d&c under a general anesthetic. It was fast and painless and I felt fine afterwards. The bleeding was very minimal. It's probably the best way to go because I've heard the pills can cause painful cramps and a lot of bleeding. Best of luck to you....
nancy- i went doctor thurday it was the same so i did the dc that day wanted to let you know i'm doing ok i have my bad day
Oh bratgirl, I am so very sorry for the loss of your baby. Please take good care of yourself and be gentle with yourself. It is so painful to lose a baby. Please let us know how you are doing and I will keep you in my prayers.
thanks for the information. I meet with my dr. next week and I hope he has a plan or ideas why this happened. It's interesting though that we got pregnant this second time without meds b/c the first pregnancy was with help from Clomid. I think the hsg I had done cleared something... I'm going to look into those websites and keep researching. I really want to get pregnant again. I've heard of women taking baby aspirin and progesterone suppositories, do any of you do that?
WE went through the same exact thing as you... slow hCg rise, failure to thrive, slow heart rate, bleeding... each case is individual but we did lose our baby. The heart stopped after our 4 sonogram in our 10 week pregnancy but baby never went beyond 5 weeks gestation. Now dealing with a pregnancy where I was told I have a small bleed behind the placenta.... a rare occurance but usually rights it'self.
Hi Mary. Yes, I have heard of the baby asprin and the progesterone supplements. The baby asprin is upposed to help with possible blood clotting. The progesterone supplement a__sists when your body needs that extra help to produce the hormone. I was on progesterone supplements after I found out I got pregnant right after my first D & C. Normally your OB office does not perform a progesterone test but under my circ_mstances, they did one and mine was far below average (a 1.9 when it should have been over a 12). I have heard that there isn't too much damage done by proactively taking them but I still would not take them unless I was told to. Basically what I have learned from my miscarriages is that when you go in for an HCG test when you think you are pregnant, ask for the progesterone test too and demand it. ESPECIALLY if you have miscarried in the past. If for any reason your test comes back with a low number, sometimes taking the supplements can save the pregnancy. In my case it was too late. I think it is well worth asking your dr. and see what he/she thinks you should take besides your prenatals. Please let me know how you appointment next week goes. And don't forget to ask your dr. about those tests.... Good luck.
I went to the doctor two weeks ago for an u/s. It showed that I was 6wks with two heartbeats. One heartbeat 100bpm and the other 77bpm. I went back to the doctor yesterday for another u/s. I expected one heartbeat for sure and maybe the other one. I should have been 7wks 6days, but I only measured 6wks 6days with no heartbeats. I go back to the doctor tomorrow for another u/s and if it is the same I will go directly for a D&C. My husband and I have been trying for a while and didn't think we could get pregnant. I'm just devastated. Please pray that there will be at least one heartbeat tomorrow.