8 Weeks No Heartbeat But Yolk And Embryo Exists
415 Replies
On Feb 11, I explained the first 1/2 of my story. Here is the rest. When I went back to do another followup US, the baby had died-- no more heartbeat-- and the yolk sack has calcified. My husband and I were not surprised, but it still disappointed us. I waiting a week to see if I would miscarry on my own, but nothing. From the research I read online, it could take 4 weeks or so and I needed to put this behind me and be able to grieve the loss of my child and move on. I had the D&C yesterday and the entire producere went great. We will wait atleast 3 months before we try to conceive again.
KristenC....I am so sorry for your loss. I was just thinking about your first post and what a positive outcome you had. I hope you are treating yourself to something good or something fun because you deserve it. What a rollercoaster ride for you. Best of luck to you next time. We are still waiting for a BFP and more importantly strong heartbeat.
I have spent the past 2 days reading all of the posts on this thread. I just want to say that I have received great comfort from knowing that there are so many of us that go through this. I am 39 .. my youngest son is 16. This was a surprise pregnancy but very much wanted. I had no Dr appts or blood tests done til my first office visit on March 1st. I was 9wks pg but internal u/s found no heart beat. I went in early the next morning to confirm with another u/s and we had the same results and scheduled the D&C for this Monday the 6th. My Husband and I decided to go for another u/s this Wed the 8th to know in our hearts that there is no possibilty of a viable pg. I was concerned because the size was only 1 mm small for the size and we had no previous u/s or HCG levels to compare too. My dr's office will not test your HCG level if the baby is large enough to see on screen. I have found this a bit aggravating. But .. with this site .. I will be able to find the closure that I most likely will need. :( I'll keep everyone posted.
how bad does a D & C hurt?
Erin1980 - I have had two D & C's and neither of them hurt at all. It is very painless and the procedure itself only takes about 15 minutes.
i have not had a D+C i had the tablets definatly not something i would do again, it was horrible the worst thing ive ever gone through. what ive heard about the D+C sounds a lot better and ive not read or heard of anyone having pain after one
I just had pretty much the same thing happen to me. I went in due to some cramping and they decided to do an altrasound. It showed a 6 week rather than the almost 10 weeks that I was. Taking blood 2 days apart showed my HCG level going down. They had to do a D and C 3 days ago.....my advice to you is to not make in rushed choices. As long as your HCG level is increasing try to stay positive!!! Good luck to you my thoughts and prayers are with you,
Erin1980, I think it depends on how your physician does the D&C my Dr doesn't put you out so I'm sure it would've hurt. He said I could have a pain reliever and then he would do the procedure he said it would hurt. I opted for the tablets.... they were horrible and it was a long painful experience.
Hi girls, sorry to have to report I had my d/c 2 days ago, monday the 6th. the d/c went very smoothly, and afterwords, no cramping or bleeding. much better for me than having to wait it out for natural. My emotional state just couldn't handle a natural m/c. d/c was the best route for us.
Thanks for all the support. Best of luck to all of you and your beans.
hi i was wondering if anybody could help me. i wrote on here about my missed miscarriage it was 4 weeks ago yesterday that i took the tablets instead od D + C to start my miscarriage off. On friday i thought i was getting my period, i had very very light pink bleeding after i had been to the toilet, more like discharge and have not had any since. I havent had any period symptoms, i usually get very bad cramps, to the point where i am doubled up in pain. The only things i have got is spots and sore b___sts which i got with my last pregnancy. We have been careful not to get pregnant so soon after miscarriage as i wanted to have at least 1 normal cycle but i no i can fall pregnant easily as last time i fell pregnant in the month of trying. Has anybody else had a period like this after a miscarriage? Please help!!
| KC - March 13 |
I know how scary this can be. I've had 5 miscarriages in 5 years. The last one 1 week ago.The last 2 times there was a heartbeat at 6 weeks and then every day after that I could feel my symptoms diminishing.The baby stopped growing and died. I didn't have any bleeding or cramping, I just knew. I think once they see/hear a heartbeat theres no good reason they couln't find it every time after. I am so sorry. Life is so unfair.I'm 40 and I will never give up until I hit menopause. I wish you luck.
Sherry, don't worry the dr. said that I was 8 weeks. I started bleeding in the middle of the night I called the dr. he said to come to his office first thing in the morning. I went they did a blood test and sent me for an ultrasound. I went to the ultrasound and the dr. came in and said that he had bad news. The baby doesn't have a heart beat and he said that my dr. would be calling me, but I didn't come straight home because this is the second child that I have lost. I to lost a child on 1-22-04 from a subchronic hematoma. It really hurts to lose a child! Your dr should be able to do a blood test to make sure that your hormones are rising and not dropping. if you would like to talk some time my email address is lexcameronbrennan@yahoo.com.
Nicola - I got pregnant right after my second miscarriage (by mistake) and also had the very light spotting. It was implantation bleeding. Take a hpt and you will probably see a faint line. You may very well be pregnant again. I unfortunately lost that baby too... but I am almost sure it was because I was quite far along with the pregnancy before. My body didn't have enough time to recuperate and produce the hormone I needed (progesterone). Keep me posted on what you find out....
KC - Have you had any testing done?
KC I have the same question as Cristina...Hi Cristina! Five miscarriages makes me a little concerned. I had 2 and because of my age (now 39,,,Yikes) they didn't wait until I had a 3rd to do some testing. What they found is that I have MTHFR ( a blood clotting factor and folic acid deficiency gene) which can cause miscarriages if the right treatment is not followed. I wish you only the best! I hope they find something that will help you.
| Mm - March 15 |
Hi, I also have the mthfr and 2 mc's. My dr. had me and dh do chromosome testing. Did anyone else's dr. have them do this??????