I was suppose to get my period on May 7th, but instead had brown spotting, very light for 3 days. I typically bleed heavy. Home pregnancy tests are negative, but I feel as if I could be pregnant. I have never missed my period before. I started light spotting again yesterday, 18 days late. Anyone ever have this happen and are pregnant?????
in early december i took a test just to compare to a friends test because she got a faint clear line and wouldnt believe me thats normal so we knew i wasnt pregnant and i did one to show her but it came up positive as did another the following day, then every one after that negative and i even started spotting which would sometimes last a few weeks but be light. I gave up thinking i could be pregnant when the tests were negative and spotting even though i was tired, would get sore b___sts, felt sick, got heartburn, i put it down to iffy tummy. But last few weeks i can feel something moving, i thought it might be gas but it seems to be getting stronger and doesnt feel so much like gas but i am still getting negative tests. A girl in the same street as me is pregnant, she was getting negative tests, no signs at all only that her mum insisted she was pregnant and when the doctor gave in and sent her for a u/s she was 30 weeks gone. I keep telling her maybe i am having her symptoms but she keeps laughing and saying yeah right see you in the delivery ward. I haven't been to a doctor because i would feel silly telling him i think i feel something moving just for him to tell me its gas and send me home because if he tests i know it will be negative. I really dont know if i am, i want to be and think thats making me worse but i have a child and know what it feels like and i know this isnt just gas it feels like flutters and now tiny kicks inside, guess i will wait and see if i get big kicks or if a baby pops out in 3 months.