Gallstones During Pregnancy

342 Replies
Kitty - August 16

My daughter had them before she delivered in June. Was scheduled to have it removed after the birth, but had a attack so bad she had to have emergency surgery. Just be real careful what you eat.


Tami - August 16

Sprite-I am so sorry to hear about your gallstones and your worries. It is understandable to worry about things like that. You might want to talk to your ob and also find out what type of antibiotics they used. Some antibiotics are safe during pregnancy, while others may not be. I was on some pretty strong antibiotics we found out about my gallstones-I was in week 20, plus they gave me lortabs for the pain. Also later on they gave me percocet because the lortabs weren't working. I also had surgery to have it removed and I was under general anesthesia and also they gave me morphine. My ob didn't seem to concerned about that, although I was. Apparently these little babies are pretty tough! I hope that your doctor is able to alleviate some of your fears and help you feel better! Hopefully everything is alright. We are all here for you if you need to talk or vent. Just try to stay on a strict diet and not let it get to bad. If it is bad enough that you need to have your gallbladder out before your baby is born then try to control it until the second trimester as that is the safest time to have surgery! Let us know if you need anything. And remember, if you do end up having surgery Anna and I both had it during these pregnancies and our babies are still healthy and strong and we both can't wait until they are finally here! Hope I was able to help!


Sprite - August 16

Thank You so much for your answers, Ive spoken to my surgeon and he says that the antibiotics wouldn't cause a problem,I have already been pretty strict with my diet and havent had an attack since changing it, the memory of the last attack is enough to keep me on track! Now with the baby too there more incentive than ever, heres hoping that will be enough :) I was due for surgery on 13th next month but will be postponing that. It's interesting and rea__suring to read about other peoples experiences and positive outcomes. Im glad I found this place, and I will be back....hugs to all


sara - August 17

i saw aduringdilavery


Tami - August 20

Sprite-are you goign to wait until after your pregnancy to have the surgery or are you goign to try to do it during the first trimester? Anna-How are you doing? Hope everything is going alright!


Tami - August 20

Shelly-how are you doing? We haven't heard from you in awhile. I am a__suming that you are just enjoying your time with your little man and loving it. Hopefully everything is okay and you are recovering from your c-section quickly!


Sprite - August 20

Hey Tami, I'm going to try and wait but if I have to have surgery Ive been to second trimester is safest. In the last week Ive had an attack each day and thats with being very careful with my diet so I think surgery is on the cards :O( But i will hang in as long as I can.


Tami - August 21

Sprite-good for you. It is hard to hang in there, but it can be done! I ended up having it when I had a final attack that lasted for three days and my liver levels went to dangerous levels. Hopefully you can control it at least until the second trimester. Odds are in your favor that if you had to have the surgery things would turn out just fine. What pain medication are you taking when you have an attack? I hope that you are staying hydrated since it is dangerous to be dehydrated-especially during pregnancy!


Shelly - August 22

Hi ladies,it's nice to be finally back.I've had computer problems and it got fixed yesterday so i can be back and "brag" about my little man.It's wonderful to be a mommy of such a sweet baby.He is just adorable.Everything that i went through pregnancy and labor and c-section has been more than worth it.As soon as i can i will post pictures.Anna,on your question with breasfeeding,what i'm doing is pumping all my milk and giving it to him in a ventair bottle from playtex and that is working out great.I get to pump every 3 hours for about 15 minutes and this way i don't have any sore nipples either and my hubby can feed Jesse too.Also its easier to see how much he drinks.Last wednesday we had an appointment with the docter and she told us that we are doing a lot better than expected.Jesse is very healthy and i'm healing up fast.I have lost more than half my weight and can fit in a lot of my pre-pregnancy clothes.Just the very tight clothes don't fit yet and it's still too painfull to have something tight against my incision.I'm still taking painkillers but only half of the recomended dosage.Since i'm b___stfeeding i still don't like to take too many pills,kind of like when i was pregnant.Something that is really funny, when i was pregnant Jesse would kick and move to certain music,now he still does that with the same music and the movement is the same like when he was inside my belly.That is sooo weird to see that.Also he is a pretty easy baby (so far;knock on wood)and not really a crybaby.When he cries i change his diaper and feed him and cuddle and he goes back to sleep.During the afternoon he does like to spend quality time together and he stays awake for like hour and a half.Thats when i give him some very supervised tummy time on my lap and he also likes it when i swaddle him and lay him against my chest,that really sets him in sleeping mode.I can really write an encyclopedia on just Jesse.I am very proud to be his mommy. Enough about us how are you ladies doing with your pregnancy? Tami,you are getting a lot closer huh?Getting nervous?I could look it up but i'm lazy and forgetful,but when is your due date?Its in september right?And when are you having your second baby shower? I hope you dont get any huggies wipes.i really hate them and i will not use them on Jesse.Oh and i really really love the pampers swaddlers.I received a bunch of diapers for my baby shower and my second choice are huggies and third choice are luvs.But i really like the pampers,they are also very soft.The only thing i like about the luvs is that they have a cut out for the umbilical cord but with the pampers and huggies i just fold the front.I cant wait until you guys have your babies.We have been sharing our gallstone pain and pregnancy discomforts and later on we can talk "baby stuff".Thats a lot more fun than gallstones.Which reminds me that i'm stuck with my gallbladder for another month b/c of my c-section.I've had 1 mild attack since i had Jesse.Whih reminds me:Sprite i have read your post here and i really feel for you.An attack every day is awfull.You may want to ask your surgeon for Levsin,its a sublingual tablet and it relaxes your gallbladder and see if you can get some painkillers to go with it like Percocet or Lortabs.They are both safe during pregnancy.The combination of those 2 pills really made it bearable for me.And i advice you as soon as its the safest to have surgery(during your second trimester) do it.Don't wait like me until you had the baby.The attacks get worse and more frequent and b/c of that i was induced at 39 weeks so i would not go into labor and have an attack and i was horrible.I went 36 hours into labor had an attack,got a shot for that and for my contractions,my cervix did not want to efface.the shot put me partially in lala land but i can still remember and ended up with an emergency c-section.I also advice you to stay on a strict diet and besides no fat and no spicy food don't take anything acid either like orange juice.By the way Tami,have you been lately on the General pregnancy forum?I went on there a while back and geez,its no fun anymore.Its all rude and mean and very immature.I also went on the infant and breatfeeding forum.At least there are mature grown ups on those 2 sites.Question for the both of you,how is it going with decorating for the nursery?And Anna,i dont know if you have been watching the weather in Oklahoma,but the moment i had Jesse the temperature dropped to the high 80"s and low 90's.Of course no more 100 since i'm not pregnant anymore(read this with a sarcastic under tone LOL).Well ladies my fingers are cramping but i'll be back tomorrow since i have a working computer again.Good night!!!


Tami - August 22

Shelly-it is so good to hear from you! I am so glad that you are doing well and everythign is going great with your little boy. I can't wait to see pictures of him. That must be so fun to have him to hold and cuddle and just stare at! I can't wait! My due date is September 20 and I am getting so excited. A little nervous though, but I think that is normal. I think I am definitely going to try the Pampers swaddlers-that is what I have heard is the best. Thank you for the advice! As for the nursery-it is completely done! I decorated it with cute little animals paired in twos around the room and some wall hangings. We don't have her quilt yet since her grandma is making that and she is not quite finished yet, and I can't wait to have that in there for the final touch! So, do you feel that the b___stfeeding is helping you lose the weight quicker? I am probably going to pump like you and use bottles so my husband can help with feedings too. As for your question about the general pregnancy forum, yes I have been on there occa__sionally lately, but I actually started avoiding it the other day! It is awful that people can be so spiteful and mean. I am glad that all the forums are not like that, because this is where I go for advice! So are the attacks a little milder since Jesse is no in there anymore pushing on your gallbladder? Hopefully! I am sorry you have to wait longer to get it out of there. Anna-How are you doing? Hope all is going well with you. We haven't heard from you in awhile! How are both your little girls doing? Sprite-I agree with Shelly, especially after hearing her story! You don't want it to keep getting worse-especially since you are already having an attack every day! Also you don't want to have an attack during labor as I am sure Shelly can attest to! I would see about having the surgery when you reach a safe point during your pregnancy! Okay ladies, just had to add that I have been having contractions every fifteen minutes all day! They haven't been getting closer together, but have been getting a little more intense. Guess we will see what happens! Oh, my next baby shower is on Saturday, so hopefully she waits to come until after the shower! Besides I am only 36 weeks along-I would rather have her born next week if possible! Well, I will keep you updated and talk to all of you later!


Shelly - August 22

OMG Tami,i cant believe your contractions are so regular.Don't want to scare you but i really dont think you will make it till september.I'm getting sooo excited for when you have your little girl!!!! I can realy advice you to do the pumping thing,i think its so much easier and less painful.I know a lot of people say you have to BREASTfeed for bonding purposes etc but i really have a strong bond with my little man.And after feeding with his last burp i like to lay him on his tummy against my chest <skin to skin contact> and most of the time he falls a sleep that way.And to answer your question my gallbladder attack was very mild and it was my own fault,i ate something i should not have but oh well,it was good.And if i look at my little mans feet i really know why my gallstones where hurting me so bad:his feet are huuuuge!!! Jesse's nicknames are the little man(hubby came up with that one) and bigfoot.In the hospital they gave me his "souvenir" birth certificate with his footprint on it and my first thought was Wow he does have big feet.He will be a size 14 when he grows up,mark my words.But he is soooooo precious.I love him so much! And even if i have to say so myself(and everybody says so too) he is a very handsome baby.He was not wrinkled at all.he has a beautiful complexion,almost like if he went tanning.Of course i am not partial at all LOL.Back to your contractions Tami,when is your next docters appointment? I would try to go in and have them check you out to see if you have started dialating (and effacing).I know everything is gonna go great for you(cant be worse than mine lol).Trust me it will be a piece of cake.I cant believe it will be 2 weeks.Tomorrow morning at 7:14 am to be exact.Have you been going to the labor forum? And just to be on the safe and well informed site go and check the c-section questions as well.I did that and i am very happy i did b/c at least i knew what to expect when i had mine done.Keep me up to date on your contractions.Now that i'm home and my computer is working i'm checking back several times a day.Anna,i hope to hear from you soon as well.Hope everything is going well for you.I guess i'm going to check the "war" site and then to the infant care;since i'm a mommy now and can use any kind of information.Good night!!


Tami - August 23

Hey Shelly-how are you doing today? My contractions are still regular! They are getting a bit more intense, but pretty much staying 10 minutes apart. Lucky me huh? My doctor checked me today to see if I was dilating-I wasn't yet, but I am thinning. He said I was about 30% effaced. I have my next appointment next Monday and of course he will check again. He said that I most likely won't make it to my due date-lol I kinda figured that and I just am going to be one of the lucky ones that I have contractions regularly for quite awhile before I deliver. He said he expects me to go into true labor in the next couple of weeks-which is very exciting but nervewracking! I guess I will have to visit the labor forum. I need plenty of advice. I am definitely going to the c-section forum as well-I figure I might as well be prepared in any way I can! Did you drink red raspberry leaf tea at all? I am wondering if I should drink that to prepare my cervix and stuff, but I am not sure! So how is your recovery going? It makes it easier having Jesse with you I am sure! I bet he is so adorable. That is funny about his feet-not so little eh? He will just be tall I guess! My nephew was born with huge feet-they took up the whole paper-even where my sisters fingerprints were supposed to be, and he is in the 99th percentile for his height! How big is Jesse now? I will definitely have to do the pumping thing. I agree that you can bond with your baby either way and you can save yourself the pain! Plus, it is more convenient to express your milk then feed your baby rather than alwyas having to be with him to feed him right? I bet your husband just loves to feed him! Wow, I can't believe it has been two weeks. Time certainly flies by! Well, I better go. I am trying to avoid the general forum today with all the bickering becuase I am already in pain and not in the best mood-my poor husband if this continues for a couple weeks! My doctor said that if this continues for more than a week and a half straight that he'd probably induce. I'd rather not be induced, but if this is how it is goign to be the rest of my pregnancy I might be willing! :) Well, I will talk to you later. Hope you are having a great day!


Shelly - August 25

Hi Tami,i guess i'm becoming a nightowl,but it seems like in the evening i really have the relaxing time to write.How are your contractions doing today?I guess i can become a doter too since i already predicted your going to have your little princess before your EDD,maybe this month?I did not drink any kind of tea,i figure if any of that stuff is good for a pregnant woman to take a docter would prescribe that.Have you ever seen those ads on this site on "naturally disolving gallstones"? Thats a lot of bologny.There is a reason why every surgeon goes for removing the gallbladder.Before they induced me we did a cervilon treatment to work on my cervix,but you know i will tell you the details of my labor AFTER you have yours.Well today we went to the docter and my little man has pa__sed his birthweight and they said that was fantastic,my docter spend 45 minutes just "visiting" with us and playing with jesse,and she was all happy with the picture i gave her from him.And all the nurses were "flirting" with him and he kept pouting his lips like he was giving kisses,that was sooo cute.After that we went shopping, i just love buying stuff for him.I left the house for 6 hours and he only fussed one time b/c he was hungry.I changed his diaper after feeding and also in the docters office since he had to strip to the diaper anyways .I just cant believe i was able to leave the house for so long without problems.Even the carseat didnt bother him.And in the evenings he wakes up most of the time just once sometimes two times,so i am actually able to get some nite time sleep.I'm also losing my weight fast,i can actually wear a lot of my pre-pregnancy clothes,just the tight clothes bother my incision(which is also doing great).I was asking my docter too that i thought postpartum bleeding was going to be really bad and heavy but that has not been the case,i only bled a lot the first 3 days while i was in the hospital but after that its not that much, a lot less than my regular period and that was never bad either.She said that for a lot of women its like the worst period the had but had to remind me that nothing during my pregnancy has been normal lol.Anyways i guess i am going to sleep now.Hopefully everything is ok with anna,we havent heard from her in a while.Talk to you later.


Tami - August 25

Shelly-I guess I will understand the night owl thing in a little while! It is so good to hear that you and Jesse are doing so great. He is probably so adorable! Sounds like you got him a great pediatrician. I think I finally found one for Kailey after a number of interviews. It is so hard to choose, because you want the best for your little one! How big is Jesse now? It sounds like he is a great baby and not too difficult. Ha ha maybe you should be a doctor! I am hoping my little girl comes soon-I am predicting Monday just becuase my husband starts school again that day and that would be the most inconvenient time if he had to miss all his cla__ses for the first couple of days! We are just hoping she doesn't come until after Saturday evening since my baby shower is on Saturday in our hometown-three hours away. The contractions are still about 10 minutes apart and haven't stopped since Monday. I am just hoping that they are doing something to dilate and efface my cervix! I will be so mad on Monday if we haven't made any progress after this week. I have found that warm baths help though, so at least there is some relief. I have also decided against any herbal remedies and stuff since it seems to me like doctors would recommend it if it helped, plus there is no evidence that it could harm/not harm your baby so I would rather not take that chance! I am just going to let things happen naturally. That is great that you are losing the weight so fast! I only hope that is the same case with me. Has your gall bladder been bothering you lately or has it been much better since Jesse came? I would bet it is better without his feet up there kicking it! When are you going to have the surgery? I was thinking that it is also very good that you are pumping your milk and bottle feeding him that way because then your husband will be able to take care of him more after your surgery. Have you had anyone else come and stay with you and help since you had Jesse or has it been just you and your husband? My grandma offered, but I declined. Honestly I don't get along great with her and it would just be way too tense. In fact, if I needed help we would ask my mother-in-law first! I guess I am the opposite of many people! :) Well, hope you are having a great day-sounds like things are going well. I will keep you updated on my contraction situation! I, too hope Anna is alright since it has been awhile! Have a great night.


Sprite - August 27

Well Ladies, My gallstone problem is solved.Was rushed to hospital wednesday with a bad attack.... continuous vomiting high fever and pain termed unmanagable. They did a scan and turns out infection was so bad I was on the verge of gangrene. There was a 50% chance I would miscarry I I had surgery and a 90% chance that not only would I miscarry but I would die too if I didnt have surgery choice really. Anyway Im still pregnant very sore and sick still but hanging in and improving every day and peanut is a lil fighter and the docs at the hospital feel sure that I will carry to term :O)


Shelly - August 27

omg sprite,that must have been the most worst experience.I'm so relieved to hear that you and peanut are doing ok.Wow,that is awfull,for a change i'm pretty much speachless.I hope you recover soon and that you will be able to carry to term.At least the worse is over huh?Please keep us posted on your recovery and pregnancy.Take good care of yourself and baby and hope to hear from you soon.Tami,you are probably enjoing your babyshower(at least i hope thats were you are or do we have a little girl already?let me know how u are doing and if you dont have time just post stiil here!!I'm really getting curious.Anna,you got me worried,let us know how you are doing.



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