Mirena Pregnancy

170 Replies
CorynaRenee - January 5

so i have had the mirena in since july of 08 and i've been having all of the symptoms of being pregnant. i've been extremely tired. haven't had a a regular period since the end of october-beginning of november and have had the crampy feeling, the slight b___terfly feeling, the headaches, ill be so hungry all the time but when i go to eat ill take like 2 bites and feel sick, i've had lower back pain, severe b___st swelling/tenderness, complete mood swings to the point where my boyfriend told me last night that i'm not the same girl he fell in love with. we both have a child to different people. my daughter is going to be 3 in april and his son is going to be 3 in july. he's actually the one who brought it to my attention that i'm acting like i'm pregnant. the thought had crossed my mind but i figured that i would ask my gyny about the chances of getting pregnant on the mirena and he told me that they are very slim but if i do end up with not having a period or if the symptoms keep occurring to take a pregnancy test and no matter if it comes up positive or negative to come in for some blood work. i'm so scared because i'm not even 21 yet. not till march. i want to be able to experience my 21st birthday. even more so, i want to be able to give my daughter a good life and maybe even get married before i have another child. i had my daughter young and i want to do it right this time. give my daughter the life she deserves before bringing another baby into this world. as for the metallic taste that everyone has been experiencing, i have a tongue ring and a lip ring so even if i were experiencing that, i wouldn't realize it because i've been tasting metal for the past 4 years. i just hope that all of this gets resolved before people end up with severe or life threatening symptoms.


kwana01 - January 10

i dnt kno if this is goning to help...i did some research on Mirena. it can be very likely that you are pregnant. Go to the doctor and get an exam asap. pregnancy with Mirena can happen and its not good. so if you think you are, take a test and get to the doctor because you can lose any fertility you have. there also can be the possibilty that it came out.


abreezyrayne - February 24

I do not like Mirena. I have been on it since sept of '07. Every month I think I'm pregnant. I constantly have the pregnancy symptoms. I recently took some tests and 1 said positive and 3 said negative. Not sure what to think. I'm considering having it removed and looking for an alternative.


Tenisha87 - February 24

So to update my previous post, I was not pregnant, but I wound up having a hemorrhagic cyst on my ovary. They tried to tell me that it wasn't from the Mirena but I know that is was. Ever since I received the Mirena in July 2007, I've been in enormous pain, even diagnosed with Lupus. I've had headaches EVERY DAY since I got the Mirena placed in. They've never once link'd ANY of my problems to the Mirena, nausea, pain, pregnancy symptoms, UTI's... etc. I am having it removed next week. I probably will not get any other form of BC besides a condom. BC changes your body's functions, I'd rather not deal with the side effects. I wish all you ladies luck!


ladaniels - February 25

I made a dr. appointment b/c of some of these same symptoms.I've only had the mirean for about 5 months or so,no cycle at all after the first 2-3 months.I am having other pregnancy symptoms,as well,and I took a test and it was positive.However,I took another and said negative.So,I have taken a couple more,but still saying negative.Something is going on and I need to know what it is!


sykolla - February 27

Okay. I've had the mirena since januarys 2009 its not feburary 2011. I didn't have much problem until recently. I finally stopped having a period around a year ago and now recently i've started bleeding everynow and then or should i call it spottting. Recently I became incredibly sick but since I've gotten healthy I've been having migraines out of no where and now I'm having acidosis in my stomach. and it scared me because the last time i had that was with both of my daughters pregnancy. I don't have the tender b___st or the craving or even the fatigue. But I'm terrified. It's been persisting for two weeks now. I was wondering if anyone has any updates on their situations to help me out.


Leealla - March 11

I had my Mirena since May 2006. I finally had it removed in December 2010, after 4 1/2 years. I was sick of all the problems(acne, headaches, weight gain etc.)and pregnancy scares. I am happy to say though, that we are expecting our third baby in October. They say that it can take up to 2 years to conceive after Mirena, but in my case, it took a month. Good luck to all you girls...when in doubt GET IT OUT!!


ladaniels - March 11

Thanks,Leealla for that!That is awesome!I went to the dr and found I have cysts but he couldn't see the mirena!He said the cysts should get better in a week or so...


sadierey_29 - April 5

I have been on Mirena for almost 5 years now. It has been a difficult process but it has been worth it in some cases. I have full b__wn periods for three months after the put it in. I was agressive towards my husband one minute and then a complete mess the next. After the first three months things begain to settle down. I still have the urge to cry all the time and I notice my patience with my kids is not what it was but I have learned to cope with these things. I believe that the company that owns Mirena needs to run more clinical testing because for the last 5 years I have had syptoms of pregnancy. Last week I took a test and it came out positive that is the first time that had ever happened. I also like to take a pregnancy test once a month at around the same time and if I feel sypmtoms I will take another. I think Mirena is great and I aslo think that there are risks with everything that you put into your body. You have to remember the medicine is not a natural process and the body is coping with the strange object because you are not just taking a pill you put a small piece of plastic inside of you and you can't expect it to be perfect.


Patch22 - April 11

I'm just going to throw my experience out there, when I had my Mirena put in I experience pregnancy like symptoms and mild depression for about four months before it settled down. My periods took 6 months to become regular again. It is common for this to happen with this type of contraception, so if your 'symptoms' have occurred at the start of your having the Mirena it is far more likely for it to simply be the side effects of the IUD. Although the doctor and Mirena themselves will tell you that it is unusual, there are plenty of websites out there listing women who have suffered adverse side effects like myself, many opt to have it removed as a result. I stuck with it and now I am happy with my contraception. Just saying, not to panic and a__sume it is pregnancy first off, speak to you doctor and if you are still worried, take a test, your peace of mind will probably settle a lot of your symptoms anyway.


jennymay1978 - April 19

I got the Mirena on January 26, 2011. My first period was 3 weeks of pretty heavy bleeding. It finally stopped and then started again the Monday before my wedding on March 19. It ended the day of my wedding (thank goodness) but I haven't started it again and I'm scared that it didn't work.....my husband and I want children but we want to make sure we're financially ready first. So tired all the time and I'm hungry constantly. I've also gained some weight since getting it in. Am at the point of perhaps taking a home pregnancy test....does anyone have any advice?


Lizzy018 - April 27

I am on mirena i have been on it for 10months now and starting last month (March 2011). I start having really bad cramping and everthing i eat gives me heartnurn and makes me sick to my stomchach. I am going to see my doc tomorrow becasuse i can't take tha pain any more and now i am getting headachs and my left arm is killing and my left leg will go numb very very lite bloddy disscrage not even a pantie liner will chacht it but no metal taste in my month but i am scared out of my mind. My Daughter will turn one tomorrow apirl 28th and i am lost. O yeah and i am always yelling at everyone or wanting to cry. I did this all when i was pregnant with my daughter. Wish me luck and best of luck with all of u.


Lizzy018 - April 27

I am on mirena i have been on it for 10months now and starting last month (March 2011). I start having really bad cramping and everthing i eat gives me heartburn and makes me sick to my stomchach. I am going to see my doc tomorrow becasuse i can't take tha pain any more and now i am getting headachs and my left arm is killing and my left leg will go numb very very lite bloddy disscrage not even a pantie liner will chacht it but no metal taste in my month but i am scared out of my mind. My Daughter will turn one tomorrow apirl 28th and i am lost. O yeah and i am always yelling at everyone or wanting to cry. I did this all when i was pregnant with my daughter. Wish me luck and best of luck with all of u.


ladaniels - May 2

I had the mirena put in in July of last year(2010)and am pregnant.I even went to dr to confirm.I have to get more bloodwork done to be sure my hcg levels are rising to rule out tubal pregnancy.He couldn't tell at this time if the mirena was in my uterus or not,but if it is,he said it has to be removed surgically or it have a much higher risk of miscarriage.I am scared...


Leealla - May 6

Think happy thoughts ladaniels. Stress on you is not good for the babe. In my opinion, everything happens for a reason and whoever is in charge up there, does not give us more then we can handle. How far along do they figure you are?


ladaniels - May 6

Thanks for that,Leealla!!I found out the baby is in the uterus where it should be,and dr. said if he couldn't see the strings to mirena,he'd leave it alone so he wouldn't disturb the baby.He saw no strings,so he said if it is still there somewhere,hopefully it will come out when I have the baby.There is a chance it fell out,which would be the best thing!I'm only 4 1/2 weeks,but I have faith and God wanted this baby to be here or I would not have gotten preggo,especially on mirena and nursing!LOL!!



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