594 Replies
KM Williams - November 24

SJT23 I am going to keep you in my prayers. I know what it is like trying to make a decision that can alter everything.... for instance the myo. I didn't know what to do I was scared I was going to wake up and they tell me everything went wrong. It's different because u are dealing with a precious 8 weeks old baby. Pray... ask God for the advice and he will lead u in the right direction. KB and Kat how are you two? I missed you guys. I have been on money saving sites trying to find the beast deals for diapers/coupons,etc. Since I am not working every little bit helps. I am glad to know all is well with you and your family. Kat my daughter had a slight case of acid reflux after about 3 weeks I think it was whenever I would lay her flat on her back she would have it. the smell is horrible. However I make sure she is elevated or sleeps on her tummy and that pretty much took care of that. KB my daughter is not turning yet either I put her on her side but she is not intersted. Have to bath her now will write tomm. God Bless.


KM Williams - December 7

Where is everyone?


KM Williams - December 7

Nothing but screams in my house... I am trying to wean my daughter off the b___st back to the bottle and she isn't having any of it. It breaks my heart to hear her but it's best in the end. How are you mothers doing?


KB - December 8

Hi KM Williams! Nothing much here. Just trying to take in as much as I can with my son when I'm home with him and not at work. I'm still b___st feeding (pumping at work) but for some reason this week he's decided that he doesn't want to eat at much and sorry if this is TMI but his poo diapers are very, very watery (more so than the seedy ones that are normal for b___st feeding). My DH keeps the baby during the day because he works night shifts and I'm afraid that he's just not paying attention to when the baby is hungry. I know that he would not intentionally not feed our son but since he works 3rd shift I worry/wonder if he's just tired and thinking that the baby is fussy and sleepy and just lets him cry himself to sleep instead of trying to feed him. I really don't want to put him into daycare if I don't have to but because my husband doesn't really have the baby on a feeding schedule then it concerns me and since I'm not home during the day anymore it really worries me. I think that I mentioned in an earlier post that I'm desperately trying to find a part-time job so that I can be at home more with the little one more. I guess part of it is my fault because I never got our son on an eating schedule when I was out on maternity leave. I just fed him on demand! It's hard not to worry... that's one thing that I was not prepared for and did not realize was the constant worry that would come with the new baby!!! Even so, I wouldn't give it up for anything. KM do you remember this time last year?! I think that I had just found out that I was preggers! I think that you and I found out within a couple of weeks of each other? I was nervous and scared and worried and wouldn't allow myself to get excited because of the 2 prior losses. I'm just so thankful to God when I think back and see where I am now. I never thought that it would happen for me but it did! :-)


sjt23 - December 16

Hi ladies, I am 12 weeks now and the baby is doing fine. I guess I am getting the cerclage placed in two weeks. I just had a scan of my cervix which measured 3.3cm. This was a huge disappointment to me because although it is within the normal range it isn't very long. I know some of you were checked for cervix length, did any of you ever have this kind of length? I kind of broke down after this dr.'s visit. She said that after I have the cerclage I will be on bed rest indefinitely. Because of my history (the way I presented with the last baby)she thinks I am really at risk and it scared me so much. Then another whammy...My husband may be getting a transfer to Birmingham which would happen when I am right around 20 weeks (the same time I lost Olivia). Geez...Does anyone know any dr.s there? I actually think that if I could get safely there the dr.s will be MUCH better than what I have here in the sticks. I just don't know how all of that is supposed to happen when I am on bedrest and he is the only one working and doing everything. Thanks for letting me vent. Hope all is well. SJ


angelkitty - December 17

sjt....I am so sorry to hear about you having to get the cerclage...BUT I know serveral people that have had one and worked up until their due date. You will have to go with what your dr tells you but that may give you some hope. The good news is your cervical length is still normal and not super short already. Hang in there and remember that whatever you have to go through is so worth it. I am scheduled for my csection for next week Dec 23rd...and believe me I have been through what seems like hell and back but I know with God all things are possible. Keep up informed.


sjt23 - December 17

Thanks Angelkitty Its so funny because I just got a kitten a few months ago and I call her that sometimes...hehe. Anyway, I am so happy that you are where you are. I would give my left arm to be there. I pray that everything goes perfectly. Thanks for the encouragement. Its going to be a long road. SJ


katarinak1 - December 23

Very fertile Christmas and very pregnant year 2010 to all of you. Love: Katarina


KM Williams - December 24

I hope evryone is having a wondeful and blessed christams eve. I am so excited my little girl has a bunch of presents under the tree and she can't even open the box yet. Angelkitty, I hope you had a wondeful c-section enjoy your little bundle of joy. God Bless to the two of you. Sjt23, I am sorry you have to get a cerclage but if the dr. says you need one then get it. I wish you nothing but the best for the duration of your pregnancy keep us posted. Kb, I found out I was pregnant Dec. 28th you knew a few weeks before me. I wan't to take the test but was scared to get that BIG FAT NEGATIVE!!!!!!. I hope you and your son are enjoying the holiday thus far. God Bless.


sjt23 - January 20

Hi ladies just an update; I am 17 weeks now. I did have the cerclage placed, mainly because we live so far from doctors that could do the emergent cerclage if there was a problem. Having it would hopefully buy me some time. I get my cervix checked every week. SO far so good. It has been 5.5-4.8cm the whole time. I think the first reading (3.3)was a fluke or mistake. Anyway, everyday is a big waiting game. So far no new fibroids have appeared. I am sure they will check more thoroughly at the 20 week u/s. I am still holding out that my cervix will be fine and it was the fibroids. It seems like doctors just don't feel those fibroids could cause a loss like that, but look at all of us. And you guys have proven that it wasn't your cervix. I know we have all gone over our losses but did most of you have pain prior to the loss? I am on many IC boards as well and none of them did. I sure did. Newbie pregnant girls, let me know how it goes. Thanks-SJT


AJ2009+ - January 20

Hi everyone, sjt23 - I'm glad to hear things are going well with your pregnancy. Things are coming along with mine as well. I have had a few scares, but everything seems to be okay. I am just about 24 weeks now. We didn't discuss a cerclage, since our understanding is that my previous loss was related to the fibroids. To answer your question, I sure did have pain prior to the loss. I had over two weeks of excruciating pain related to the fibroids. Once my water broke, I don't recall having anymore pain (or at least not severe pain). To the best of my knowledge, I don't have any new fibroids either. Anyway, the baby is moving around a lot more now and we are very excited! All the best to you & to all the others who are pregnant, new moms or contemplating myomectomies! AJ2009


KB - January 21

sjt23 and aj2009 I'm so happy to hear that you guys are doing well in your pregnancies! I've been there... I know that it's scary... every little thing is scary but believe me once your little angels get here all of the scary parts will be behind you and then you'll start stressing out about baby!!! ;-) Yes I had excruciating pain as well the entire week prior to my loss. I had never had fibroid pain before so I had no clue what was causing the pain but it turns out that's what it was. Good luck to all who are pregnant or ttc'ing! Take care, KB


sjt23 - January 21

Thanks for the feed back. It gives me renewed hope. I am not sure why my drs disregard all the pain I had before I lost my daughter. You guys are a constant inspiration to me. I hope other women who have had similar situations and are faced with the decision to have a myomectomy find this thread. AJ2009-24 weeks! that is great. That is my first goal week :) Keep us posted. thanks


MaternityMission - January 25

Hello ladies, I have never written to a forum before but since my experience I felt the need to connect with others who share my experience. On Nov.27 2009 I lost my daughter at 20 weeks gestation. It has devastated me to my core. Like all of you I have fibroids - 3 of them ranging from 1cm to 5cm so not too big. During my 18 week ultrasound the largest was around 6.5 cm so they have shrunk in the last few months since the pregnancy. Anyway, I had exccruciating pain around 19 weeks and it was a week from hell until I woke up in labour. I knew it was labour and that the situation was bad since I had woke up with severe abdominal cramping like every minute and I felt a ton of pressure in my v____a, like the baby was already on her way out. Like many of you I had gone to the hospital before this point and was given tylenol 3 and told it was a degenerating fibroid and it would resolve itself. Well the resolution was obviously the loss of my pregnancy. At first I cursed myself and my body. We got pregnant the first month trying and it had all been so easy until then. I didn't even have morning sickness. I felt like my body betrayed me. I also felt a lot of guilt that I didn't push hard enough with my dr or at the hospital. I felt that things weren't quite right the first time I went but they kind of explained it away and I just wanted to believe it would be fine so I ate it up. Its been two months. I am still very sad but trying to look ahead. I have gone to 3 new OBGYN's for ultrasounds and opinions. Because after the first month the fibroids shrunk none of the dr's are under the impression that I need a myectomy. My original OB even said with the size I have he would advise me to go ahead and try if I were just coming to see him as a new patient. He is only willing to so the surgery because I had the loss under his care. But he has said that there is no guarantee new ones won't grow back or that this was even the cause. Anyway, out of the 3 new OBs I picked one I like very much and this doctor used to work with my husband's mother who was a L&D nurse so we will get priority and top care with him. He advised me to wait another month to see if they have shrunk further and we will decide how to proceed. So in February I will either be gearing up for surgery or TTC. I hope for the latter of course, as no one looks forward to surgery. I too have mande many many many changes since the loss. Almost immediately I started going to weekly acupuncture, drastically changed my diet with the help of a holistic nutritionist, started working out as soon as I was able (I always worked out, pretty fit person but diet wasn't always the greatest) and of course lost of prayer and meditation. I am doing what I can in a natural sense to see if it helps. I have my fingers crossed. My situaton has been exceptionally hard since I was pregnant along with 5 other friends. 4 had their babies this month, one is due in March and I was due early April. We all had such plans for play dates etc and now I won't be a part of it (for now). I feel like a bad friend because I have dropped out of site and barely leave my house except for acupuncture and appointments. I have also taken a leave of absence from work. I have not gone to see my January birth friendds or bought gifts or anything. I can't bring myself to go to baby stores right now. I know they understand and I wish them all the happiness in the word but it's hard.... I'm just trying to take care of me now. We are renovating the bas____nt which is keeping me kind of occupied, oh and I see a shrink once a month to help with the loss as well. I am doing all I can while still trying to take it easy and rest and heal on all levels. sorry for the long post, I just have no one else to really let it out to. My husband is great but I don't want to keep talking about it with him because as much as he's hurting he keeps super busy to keep his mind off it. We check in and talk abbout it periodically but we are both just hoping for a happy healthy pregnancy this year. We pray together for it everynight. I will keep you posted on what direction my doctor suggests. He already believes I will be on bedrest after 16 weeks of the new pregnancy if we don't do myectonmy. Thanks for listening.


sjt23 - January 25

Maternitymission, I am so sorry that you had to experience that. It is devastating. I am pregnant again and every appointment I go to is scary and stressful. Anyway I have some questions. Do the doctors think your loss was due to the degeneration? They told me cervical incompetence and that I should take care of the fibroids. I think BEFORE you get pregnant again I would see a reproductive endocrinologist. Its like night and day with a regular doctor. FOr me the perinatologist didn't think I would need a myo but thought I should get another opinion with the RE. The RE immediately saw a fibroid that was very close to my endometrial lining and said I needed the myo. SO get some opinions form specialists.


MaternityMission - January 25

Thanks sjt23. I really appreciate your feedback. And congratulations on being pregnant! I trust since your myo you are having a much better experience this time around. I did see one specialist and I am seeing another who is the one of the best in Toronto on Feb. 10 and then later that day I have my ultrasounds. From last month it seems as though the 3 are in the lining toward the outside of the uterus. Then I see my new OBGYN on the 15th. So I will have some direction one way or another. I'm open to the surgery if that is what I absolutely need to do. I will do whatever it takes to have a healthy pregnancy and baby. That is also why I made some drastic lifestyle changes which I hope are making a difference as well. Can I ask you how big your fibroids were and how long you had to wait after your surgery to ttc? I have read all through the the threads (part 1 also) but I can't quite remember.



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