594 Replies
angelkitty - April 7

Joker a dear friend of mine from another thread gave this weapon when asked when my dh and I were going to start a family. She told me to ask them how much money they made last year. :o) Try it. Last year a girl I knew asked me that and when I said we are working on it she just kept going on and on and on even when she saw tears in my eyes...I told my friend from the other thread about that and she armed with that advice. Use it. it is going to happen joker it is!!! I do not know God's time table for you or for me but it will happen. I am actually going to do Clomid/IUI this month. Here is to praying it is my time.


Joker - April 7

Hi everyone. Thank you all for your support and encouraging words. It is a terrible b__w to recover from. I was not shocked or suprise when the resuts came back. He had taken one about three years ago..I believe it eas July of 05 and with the same results and we were devastaed, but we were young then and had hope, plus we were not in any rush..then by our suprise I was pregnant in Feb of 06, just a few months of trying..we started in october..but we weren't really thinking or expecting anything it was more like lets see what happens. So I'm hoping that we will not have to go through anything testing is hard anyway..I read on line state of mind can effect sperm count, so we are going on vitamins..we were already taking vitamins..I'm on pre natal and he was on reg multi vitamins, but I got the fertility aid for men and we are going to see what happens. When I go to my doc I'm going to see if we can get a referral to a specialist or get hubby more could be blockage or an infection..from what I've read on line or could just be what it is. The last time he got tested there was no follow up so we never actaully got the results and options from a specialist. I'm trying very hard to stay hopeful, but some days it is very hard and Aunt Flo is about to show up and I just feel like screaming...but I keep on telling myself what is low for others may just be the right amount for someone the human body both male and female thing are still very mysterious to medical science and miracles happen is me on a good girls sure wouldn't want to be around me on a bad day..someone ask me today when I'm going to have kids...I wanted to the way this is going I think everyone at my job will end up asking me by the end of May. Maybe I should send out a company e-mail and just tell everyone to stop asking me! j/k...but if this keeps up I might be tempted :) MsMonet it is so nice to hear from you and know you and your twins are doing and hopeful give me hope and ecouragement..there is a light at the end of the tunnel. To all the other ladies..hang in there...don't let my ranting discourage any of you..on the surface I'm ranting but deep down inside I'm very hopeful and wish myself and you girls all the best. Sometimes you have to vent or you wil explode. AngelKitty, good luck to you this month..with a little luck maybe we will both have to skip the margaritas this summer :) Take Care everyone


KM Williams - April 9

Hello everyone.... I have good news I've scheduled my myo for April 29th. I am extremely scared, nervous, excited, all of thee above. Please pray for me and my family as I do for you. Lots of baby dust to all trying this month.


KKMS - April 11

KM Williams, we will be praying for your surgery and for peace leading up to it! My surgery was so rushed that I didnt have tim time to be nervous. Joker, we are praying for you guys also!


katarinak - April 13

Hi girls, just wanted to let you know that I am still around reading your posting on every day basis. Just "chilling" and waiting for my time :-). Meanwhile prying for all of you who are trying, for my friend who is going throught really hard time with her pregnancya right now and I am sending speciall prayers for you KM Williams. You will see, everything will be just fine, soon it will be just memory and you will be very very happy you made that decision. There is NO EVEN ONE DAY in my life when I would regrert I did it. Love you girls and keep praying for all you.


sasha777 - April 15

Hi everyone~ My doctor had me go to a fertility doctor today. I will start IVF treatments in late May. My age - 42 - had everything to do with it. Please keep my husband and I in your thoughts and prayers. Today I gave blood. I'll have an HSG next week and start clomid on day 10. Does anyone out there know what I'm about to experience? If so, please share!!! Sasha~


jasp - April 16

Hi KB welcome to the best thread. I am so sorry for your lose.Like everyone here will all been there. Its hard to understand when you know you did all you can . There are no answers to a lot of the questions and the what ifswe all have Some days are better than others .Last year around this time i had just found out I was pregnant only to lose my baby to fibroids at 8wksk you wont regret having them taken out i know i don't . You will be in my prayers


KM Williams - April 16

Hi KB welcome to this thread. I hope you had a chance to read some of the old posts. The 1st link I sent you. When I lost my daughter I felt so alone. Many women loose children. However, none that I know has lost a child due to fibroids. When I came home from the hospital I felt so alone a few days later I searched all night on the internet just for a forum of women who I can relate to. Joker, thank you for being brave enough to share your experience and start this thread it has completely changed my life for the better.


KB - April 16

Jasp & KM, Thanks for the reply. I have had an opportunity to skim through both threads and I'm glad that I've finally found a site that I can relate to. I don't have any family or friends who've gone through what I've been through either so it's an extremely lonely time for me right now. For some reason 3 of my friends have really been talking about their kids a lot lately and shoving photos in my face of their kids. I love my friends and I love their kids but I just can't handle that right now. I mentioned to one of them that I'm having a really difficult time hearing so much about everyone's children right now because I'm still grieving and missing my son. She took it very personally and told me that I should understand that she and the rest of my friends are just proud of their kids and that they want to brag about them and basically I just need to get over it. I went through an angry phase at first then I got extremely depressed. My loss is still so recent that things like that hurt me really bad. I felt like I had started to pick myself up and not be so depressed then that happened and it knocked me right back down again. I've had to distance myself from all of my friends for right now because they just don't understand and they don't realize how bad I'm hurting and truly how depressed I am. I miss being pregnant and I miss my child. I wish that he would have lived long enough for me to get to know him or for me to at least have seen him move or hold my finger or something. I wish that this was just a bad dream and that I would wake up and everything be back to the way it was before the day that I lost him. The stillbirth and the impending surgery and the fibroids... it's all consuming me right now and I just feel like I'm getting more and more depressed. I sought the help of a therapist immediately after this happened and visited her twice but it just didn't work out. I would leave her office feeling worse than before I went in. I just pray that this gets better.


MsMonet - April 16

JOKER-Hey, girl. Did you get the pics of my twins> SASHA-I had an HSG done. Its a X-ray taken of the uterus and fallopian tubes which will allow the doctors to the inside of the uterus and tubes. You'll find out if there are any abnormalities. KM-Prayed for you, girl. Your emotions are normal. Pray also for a super quick recovery. You will do well! KB-I am so sorry for your losses but overjoyed because I know that blessings are coming your way. If God can do it for me, He can do it for anyone. I believe He will bless you for all that you have gone through... Be patient! Your confidence is still their just buried by pain. Don't worry about the nursery... Claim your dream and keep preparing... Talk and write your feelings... Don't leave them balled up inside... This too Shall Pa__s... Hugs to you, Karmen! :o)


KM Williams - April 16

Ms. Monet you are a motivation to us all. How are the twins? That is the main reason I am haing the surgery.. what if I were to become pregnant with twins and these large fibroids. Too much weight for my uterus. KB I know exactly how you feel. I lost my child on the 31st of Dec. It seems like everyone was moving on with life but me. The only person I could talk to was my husband and mother everyone else didn't understand. To this day things aren't the same with my friends and family. This experience has changed me and that meant letting go of people who I felt no longer needed to be in my life. Like you said this lost just recently occured you need time to heal and sort out your emotions. Today I saw a little girl in the store and I burst into tears just seeing how her mother and her interacted. I feel/felt like I am missing out on that bond. But just like Ms. Monet said you have to claim it. Each night my husband and I claim a sucessfull, quick recovery surgery and many children for the future. Keep your head up and find someone friend or family member you can talk to that made a difference for me. God Bless.


damajuana - April 17

Welcome Karmen adn I am very sorry to hear about your loss. How are all the other going? Just wanted to tell you not to loose faith. I know it´s very difficult to go through this, I have two friends who also went through it and was very difficult to them, but they both have children now. So please don´t loose faith, keep going, look for alternatives, technology is improving a lot and that can help all of us. You know yesterday I had the three months ultrasound?, and everything is ok, and I am still fibroid free. Please don´t think that I am not sensitive to your pain, I completely understand what you are going through, but I would like you to also know that there is hope, that the surgery is worth, and that it can help. Hugs to you all, and very good luck. Kisses Damajuana


healing . . . . - April 17

Karmen (KB), I am very sorry for your loss. Reading your post was like reading my own story. Only I lost my son a year ago at 16 weeks. Anyway, you have every right to be in mourning, to be confused and angry. Don't feel the need to justify your feelings to any of your friends. I also had to shed some people from my life until I was ready to talk to them, or until they could understand what I was going through. Take your time to grieve. What you went through sucks. And its nothing you're going to "get over" in a couple of months. That being said, this forum is a godsend to me, and I hope you find comfort in all our stories, our empathy, and our support. These postings have given me hope, when I thought all was lost. These ladies' stories have let me know that I'm not alone. It's nice to know that there are a lot of anonymous women out there who are praying for you! Stay strong, dear, we know its not easy, but God's delays are not His denials.


Joker - April 19

Hi Ladies! Sorry I have been away for so long..I had some business to attend to. Nothing much has changed with me. I'm still TTC and hoping and praying. KM, I will be thinking of you..the surgery will be over before you know. The one thing I have learned from having the surgery is how much fear can cripple one's judgement and choices..that is why it is so important to step aside from situations and look at it in black and white...if I had let fear control me I would not have had the surgery and I would be beating up myself about it. KM, I know it is easy for me to say all these things becuase I have already been through it...but you will know exactly what I mean the moment you wake up from your surgery and you are told everything is OK. KB..welcome to the site, I'm so very happy you have a place to vent..I'm deeply sorry we meet under these circ_mstances and I know exactly how you feel. Your story as hit a very tender spot in my heart, and what sadden me the most is how people react when someone looses a child during pregnancy...I would think for someone who has children already they would understand just how painful it is and for your friends to react that way when you tell them you just can't handle hearing about people's children is (IMO) someone who is not your friend. Just because they did not know your precious one, or see your precious one, does not mean your son did not exit. All that should matter to them is you knew him, from the moment you found out you were pregnant. It just amazes me that other women are unable to think about when they were pregnant and what it would be like for them if their child was not here? Where is the compa__sion? Your experience is very similar to mine..I was having pain, went to the ER (labor and delivery) was hooked up to machines, examine and told everything was ok, everything was closed and tight and blah blah blah..went home pain did not get any better,...the next morning hubby was getting ready for work and if he had left the house a second earlier..I would have had my baby girl at home. He was on his way out when my water broke and I knew at that moment my life was never going to be the same again, all my plans and hopes were over. He drove like a maniac to the hospital which was only 5 minutes away but we got there in 2. I had enough time to get in lay on the bed and off to the delivery is very hard to think about it or even tell you about it, but I want you to know when I say I undertand I understand. Please only keep the people who love and support you around you. Your friend should undertand you are happy for her and her cildren becuase you what it is like to lose are only mad as hell, angry, and hurt because your little one is not here. Please come here anytime and vent your feelings. Do not keep them bottled up, we here will understand and will not judge you. MsMonet, I did get the pictures...your little ones are so cute and chubby.. I love chubby babies!!! Take Care everyone..wish me luck this cycle!!


KM Williams - April 27

Hello, I hope everyone is having a great weekend. I am excited because I am having my myo this Tuesday. Small recap.. I lost my daughter Makayla at 19.5 weeks on Dec. 31, 2007. I have 2 known fibroids one 9 cm and one 5 or 6cm. The 9cm is by the lining of the uterus and the 5-6cm is near the cervix. I've been debating if I should have the myo and finally decided I need to do this not only for me but for my future children (I am claiming it I am scared, happy, nervous all of thee above but most of all I am ready. What I've realized throughout this whole experience is life can through you a curve ball (which all of us have experienced) but the key to it is to have faith. We will never know what tomorrow holds but all we can do is have faith in God and the decisions we are making. Deciding to have this myo is the most difficult decision I've every had to make. I want children in the future and this surgery could be the best thing for me or the worst thing (I think it is the best though). KB I am so glad you joined the sight I know what it is like to loose a child and others can't relate. Joker, again I just have to say thank you for starting this forum... it takes guts and determination. Many woman loose children to fibroids but this is the only site I've come across where there are genuine people who listen to you situation, make suggestions and are just there when you need to vent about husbands, doctors, the lost of a child and friends. I've also want to say thank you to all the ladies who have prayed for me and supported me through my loss it is truely appreciated. God Bless to everyone.


KB - April 28

KM Williams, Good luck on your surgery Tuesday. You will definitely be in my thoughts and prayers. I know that you will come out just fine! I'm sure that you're just excited to get it done and over with. Thank you all for your comments. I don't really feel like I have much to contribute to the forum right now (other than complaints) as I don't even have my surgery date yet. The hospital is supposed to be sending my dr. the June schedule this week so hopefully I'll get to schedule my surgery for June 24th this week (gheez seems so far away). Keep your fingers crossed for me. I'm so ready to get it over with... I saw baby stuff this weekend and wanted to buy it so bad that it made my heart ache but it's like I don't want to jinx myself and ttc again is so far away for me that I feel like I just need to not buy anything just yet. I have not had fibroids removed before but I have had abdominal surgery so I kind of know what to expect. I had a benign colon tumor removed in 05 (with a 12 inch vertical cut and 24 staples). They cut me from the very top of my stomach all the way down to my lower abdomen. My hubby says that the scar looks like a big zipper. Fortunately he loves me the way that I am because I don't know that I would have been able to find anyone to marry me looking like the bride of frankenstein by the stomach! I'll have an upside down T on my stomach by the time all of this is over with since the ab myo is a horizontal cut. The recovery sounds about the same for the ab myo as it did for my prior surgery (painful walking immediately afterwards, gas, holding a pillow up to my stomach to apply pressure so that I could cough without terrible pain, several days in the hospital and about a 6 week recovery period). I'm hoping that the ab myo is a cake walk compared to that surgery but I do read your post often to remind me of what's to come and to find out if there's anything out of the norm that I need to be on the look out for when my surgery gets here. I love this forum because even though it feels like my life is on indefinite hold right now reading your posts gives me hope and I can learn from your experiences. KM do you plan on ttc again immediately after the 3 to 4 month recovery period? Please write as soon as you can to let us know how it goes!



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