Spotting During Pregnancy-pg110063420738
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Hi Lydia, Im am 6 weeks pregnant today and this morning when I went to the toilet I was spoting brownish red. I am very worried as this is my first pregnancy and am going to the obgyn tonight for my second scan. Im hopeing everything is ok. It was good to know what other expectant mothers have been through and achieved a successful pregnancy/birth.
| PC - July 29 |
Hi All! I wanted to let everyone know that I had a healthy baby boy on July 6th. If you read my earlier posts you would see I had red spotting from 10 weeks to 17 weeks gestation. My doctor thought the bleeding was from my cervix being sensitive. My baby was born 6 weeks early for no explainable reason. After 2 1/2 weeks in the NICU, I got to bring him home last Sunday. He is very healthy and doing great. Best of hope to all of you.
Had no idea how common this was until its happened to me, I have 2 kids already and this didnt happen to me before. I am 9 weeks now and have had a spot of brown blood each day since I was 5 weeks. Been tested clear for infection etc. Had a US at 6 weeks which showed a perfectly normal embryo. Doctors say this is hormonal bleeding and nothing to worry about. Easier said than done!! However as the weeks have pa__sed and its not got any worse and the baby is still doing ok, we have to think positively and not worry and accept that yes it is indeed normal.
hi iv just been reading your posts for some reasurance iv just found out on monday that im 5 week and some day`s pregnant since then i had had a very dark brown in colour discharge ,i had`nt been worrying about it untill yeterday morning heni lost a dark brown in colour clot the size of a five pence piece, i hd pirod like pains thenlast night i started bleeding blood not s heavy as a period, today i have had bright red blood only when i go to the toilet and then wipe its in my wee, its lightend of in flow but not redness. can any one offer some reasurance on this one
Hey, I started to spot at 4 weeks all the way up to 8 weeks.. then it stoped unitl 12 weeks.... now I have been spotting brown, pink, and 2 time red for the last 2 weeks! I will be 14 weeks on saturday.!!! I have already had 4 ultra sounds they cant find a reason for it the hb looks good...... I go in for another ultra sound tomorrow PLEASE PRAY!
I am glad I found this but still can't help but to worry. I am 7 1/2 weeks have had 2 v____al ultrasounds done- both showed everything ok. I even heard the heart beat twice & saw it flicker on the screen. My concern is 2 days ago I Had horrible cramping & then browinsh & then pinkish/red blood. I ended up going to the ER which they told me my cervix was closed, but I was bleeding. Also I had a Urinary Tract Infection. This is my 3rd total pregnancy. I was on clomid for one month prior. I went back to my ob/gyn and he said it is coming from above the baby & not to worry. There was no infection. He is making me come once a week now and said just to watch it. But this is stressing me out and making me worry! He said less than 5% of women miscarry when there is a good strong heart beat but the possiblity is still there. I am really worried. I am still spotting. Every now & then there is some in my panties. Anyone have anything it would be helpful. Everyone around me is feeding me negatives & I can't handle it.
Some of you should check the forum on this site under subchorionic can have them without them showing up on the ultrasound.
how far along are you?!?!? Just wondering if everything is still going okay! Alot of women spot in their first trimester and people even spot through out their whole pgs and have healthy babies! :) I would try and trust your doctor! He seems to be great since he is letting you come in alot I wish my doctor is like that! Well best of luck to you!
I am 8 weeks & a few days. In my opinion the bleeding is heavy now. It is not just simple spotting. I am a total spaz! I have been having cramping too. My husband took me to the ER again on sunday & they were VERY thorough & basically said some women bleed. I was back at my dr today & he is very nice (still new like 5 years in practice) can't explain it but does an ultrasound each time to show me everything is ok. Again, he says some women bleed. It is very stressful. Usually when you bleed it is a problem, but they say everything is fine & let us hear the heartbeat and everything. He did tell me something really weird though- my uterus is backwards!!?? I don't know if this happened with my first child because he was breech and they did an external version (I do not recommend this to anyone! VERY PAINFUL) to flip him or what. He said I will have extra cramping because of this but is was not the source of my current issues.
that is ture though some women do bleed! I KNOW its stressful! Ugh sometimes I think I am going out of my mind! I really wish my husband was here! BLAH! I am getting sick of the army!
Hi ladies, I am so happy I found this web page. Its nice to hear people are going through the same things that I am. This is my 2nd pregnancy, 1st time I had a miscarriage 5 years ago, I am now 7.3 weeks pregnant and I have been spotting off and on for two weeks and this is my third day in a row. It is a brownish in color. I have talked to my doctor and although she said it is not normal to spot it is very common. 25-30% 1 out of 5 women spot during their first trimester. She said only be alarmed if cramping starts and can fill a pad up in an hour. I had an ultrasound 6.5 weeks and the heartbeat was detected, and with a heartbeat and spotting there is 95% chance the pregnancy will be successful, but I still stress out b/c it is scarry spotting. This makes me feel better typing on the computer and reading everyones comments. So thank you everyone.
It seems rea__suring that drs all pretty much saying the same thing... Mine was pretty heavy it has pretty much ceased now, at least for now. I have had both cramping & bleeding. IT started just light spotting but went to heavy stuff to me. But I wasn't soaking pads or anything so they told me don't worry. I know it is soooo Hard not to worry when you want to make sure your baby is safe and alright! It does help to write on here and at least get it out and help support each other on here!! I am so thankful I found this site.
Maureenb29 and bailey2786 how is everything going with pregnancy? I hope everything is good. My next appointment is 9/22/2006 I want to see if I can get in earlier I can't wait that long. Days use to fly by, but now they go by so slow. I called the advice nurse at Kaiser and told her my problem and she said not to have intercourse for atleast two weeks after the spotting stops and this means nothing. No stimulations of any kind! Can you believe this. I gues it is because even if it were as tiny as nipple stimulations the uterus has a chance of cramping up.
I'm so glad to hear that other women are having the same problem but im kind of frustrated because its my first pregnancy. I started spotting two days ago, but it happens and it stops, then it happened yesterday again. I called the doctor but i never received a phone call or anything. My husband told me to go to the emergency room, but i didn't want to go because i had no pain or anything and I only noticed it on the toilet paper when i wipe. It stopped now, but im afraid it will happen again. I just want to know if I'm ok because since i found out that i was pregnant i have not seen the doctor, the nurse told me that they don't need to see me until 8-10 weeks and that frustrates me because I don't know if everything is ok. I also don't have any morning sickness or anything, the only thing i feel is that my b___st are swollen and sore thats all. I even wonder if im really pregnant...( I took 6 pregnancy tests and all are positive) i guess i just need a confirmation from the doctor to feel better or something. Should I change doctors??? For one that will take me right away and answers all my questions or just wait until my first appointment Sep. 21?
lol Babsy1018 wow 6 tests. i took two b/c i wanted to make sure. However, 8-10 weeks I htink might be normal, but I am not sure i was seen at 6.5 weeks. I am now 8.2 weeks and my next appointment is 9/22/2006. I called a week prior to being seen. I am not a professional but maybe call other places b/c I do know you can be seen earlier. They should be able to see a heartbeat at 6 weeks, and I knwo when it comes to stuff like this, this being my first to, it is hard playng the waiting game.
hi, im 6.3 weeks pregnant. i m/c in june at 5.3 weeks. i didn't have any cramping and it started off as a brown spotting that never eased up or stopped and then i started getting clots and then from brown to red. and there i was having a "period". i have a 12 month old daughter and never had spotting with her. well at 5.6 weeks (this pregnancy) i started spotting (lighter then last time, only a few drops and that was it) and rushed to the ER. they got me in quick and said my hcg level was somewhere around 34,000 which is great. they did an u/s and saw the sac/baby but no h/b they said thats normal since i was only measuring 5.3 weeks. well the spotting came back yesterday but very minimal, and a watery brown. just some dull aches nothing really crampy but its REALLY scary. they have an u/s scheduled for me on the 14th and i CAN'T WAIT for it!! i need to see a h/b before i lose it!! i just want to know i can go buy a crib and not have to return it, you know? its just so horrible that there isn't much more you can do except play the waiting game.