Confused By Information I Am Receiving
5 Replies
My question is pretty straight forward. I really do not keep track of my cycles dues to me not having to worry about it because I do not have s_x.
Well here is the exeption I had a one night stand the guy could not sustain a errection and did not ejaculate at all. There where periods that he would be able to insert his p__s but it would only take a minute and he would be this may have happened 4 or 5 times so I guess you could call this the withdrawal methode without having to withdraw. I knew that I was geting my period shortly so I thought that there would have been no chance of ovulating and I do know my body quite well being 36 and having 2 children already.
So 2 days after having unprotected s_x my periods came and they are normal. But I started reading the internet and have been overwheled by the amount of information out there that suggests that I could still be pregnant. Please can someone help me?
I don't see any way you could get pregnant in this scenario. Your period was expected within a week and actually came within two days. You were way past ovulation when this happened. There was no egg to fertilize. Quit worrying! If you are ready to re-enter the s_xual jousting field, talk to your gyno about an IUD. For casual s_x, your own supply of condoms is essential. You can't tell if someone has an STD by looking, and if he is infected, the chance of him telling you about it right from the get-go is pretty small. GL!
Thank you Grandpa Viv
The reason for the stress about this situation is because as I read the internet there are very conflicting stories.
So many sites say you can be pregnant and get your period.
Others say that you can ovulate 2 times in one cycle.
Some say that itis possible to be ovulaing 2 days before a expected period.
Thank you for the advice about STD's on this occasion I did not worry because I know him quie well and is a military man and is tested regualy.
Grandpa Viv
In relation to my post above I was hopeing that you could answer a question for me?
Is it possible to ovulate twice in one month? If so would be possible to be ovulating 2 days before a period and still get it?
I remember reading that ovulating twice in one month is theoretically possible, but one would be within a day of the other. The only way to get pregnant 12 days after your ovulation day is if stress or sickness delayed your ovulation for that lenght of time. In that case menstruation would also be delayed by a like amount. In my opinion it is not possible to have ovulated 2 days before a period that came on schedule. Please learn your signs of ovulation - an ovulation cramp one side or the other, fertile mucus (raw egg white and stretchy), cervix Soft High Open Wet (SHOW), and libido high (wanting s_x).
Grandpa Viv
Thank you very much. I have came to the same conclusion after reading many many articles now about ovulation. It seems that there was research conducted that said that the hormones that cause ovulation rise and fall many times in one cycle and therefore one could ovulate 2 times in one cycle. BUT THIS HAS BEEN DISPROVEN and it has been disproven by the group that did the original study amd admitted they where wrong. The problem is that many sites on the internet do not get updated and still hold onto this information.
So it is only possible to ovulate one time in a cycle but there may be two eggs released in a 48 hour period.