can you get pregnant while you are on your period
Yes. You can get pregnant at any time of the month because you can ovulate at any time during your monthly cycle. Generally, women ovulate 10-14 days before the start of their period, but stress, illness, or other factors could cause a woman to ovulate at a different time during the month.
i had s_x while on my period can i still get preganet someone told me i could not is that true?
| tru - September 13 |
you ovulate 10-15 days after you first day of your period---not before!!
Tru I see your point but since it's a CYCLE meaning you are probably going to have another period. Isn't before and after statement valid. Let me give an example LMP on 7/12, OVULATION, then next MP on 8/01. So you have ovulated AFTER your LMP on 7/12 AND BEFORE your next MP on 8/01.
| tru - September 14 |
Brucen-I guess if you are looking at it that way.
| Viv - September 14 |
This is kinda technical, but it would be nice if we were all of us who post answers were all on the same page. The way I read it, the menstrual period starts pretty regularly 14 days after ovulation, maybe plus or minus a day. The variable is how long after the LMP ovulation occurs. That follows one of those mathematical curves whose name I have forgotten, and the most likely time is 14 days for a 28 day cycle, but it can vary from 10 days out to whenever at the 10% confidence level. Brucen, one of your posts pointed me to that research, and it ties in with what we are seeing so well that I have to believe it.