Hi there,
So I was been seeing a guy and we had s_x on Sept 11th, the condom broke and we realized that after he ejaculated. I took Plan B 14 hours later and started bleeding the next day. That lasted about 8 days, which was a few days more than my regular period. I didn't think much of it.
A week after I took Plan B I started the Nuva Ring for backup birth control, just incase. I was on it three weeks (what you're supposed to) and when you take it out for a week thats the week you're supposed to get your period. That was Thursday. Its now Sunday and I'm still awaiting my period.
My question is; anyone who has taken Plan B, has it delayed your next period by a few days? I don't want to go out and buy a test as its only three days late. I'm trying not to stress about it because I know that delays it also.
Worst part is, after this happened, the guy I was seeing hasn't spoken to me. I'm trying not to freak out, but its gotten my anxiety going which doesn't help at all.
Any advise or other's experiences with Plan B would be great. Thanks :)