Implantation Bleeding Need Help
2 Replies
so my last period was on the 6th of jan. i have a 31 day cycle and according to ovulation calendar i ovulate on the 23rd but im highly fertile 18-23. I had s_x on the 18th, 20th and 21st. On the 29th i started to experience brown discharge when i wiped. That night i went to wipe again and there was pinkish on the toliet paper. the next day, 30th i had more brown blood and it stopped and picked up again on the 31st. and stopped i had a small bit on the 1st and tiny pink on the 2nd my period is on the 6th. could this be implantation bleeding?
I just found out I am pregnant and had similar symptoms. My last period was Jan 2. I am on a reg 28 day cycle. I ovulated between 14-17 and on Jan 24, 7 days before my expected period I began to have brown discharge when I wipe (never made it to the liner). This last for 7 days (It appeared to get lighter and lighter each day) and on Jan 30 when AF was to come, it had completely stopped. I had no other symptoms. However the day AF was suppose to come I began to become very dizzy, my lower back was killing me and my b___bs began to tingle. I went in to do a routine blood test(at a clinic not my obgyn) and asked that they check for pregnancy as well. This was Feb 1. My blood test came back positive, and Feb. 2 I went to see my OBGYN and since I am very early, she just took another blood test it also came back positive. My HPT never showed a clear positive. I hope this helps. But as I learned most docs wont see you until your period is 2 weeks late at the least. I now have to wait until I am 7-8 weeks before I can actually have a prenatal exam done.
Best of luck!!!
so did you show negative with your HPT? or was the line just faint. Yeah so today is the 3rd , three days before my period im still experiencing the brown discharge except today its darker and had some red but very little. i have been monitoring it all day and hasn't been enough to think its my period which is not till the 6th. I thought maybe it is a early period but it started 9 days before my period and ive never had this before. What do you think of the chances of it being implantation bleeding