Hi all ~
I do hope somebody may be able to shed some light for me as I am way confused about what to do next.
This is my first cycle off Contraceptives. I ovulated (checking BBT and using Fertility Friend) on Feb 5th. We did the BD all around there and timing was great. My symptoms were awesome and impossible to imagine! The 2 weeks since Ovulation, I had the killer lower backache, tender br___ts, sensitive nipples, wonderful uterus twinges, abundant CM, increased sense of smell, appet_te loss, headaches and I needed to pee a hundred times a day. AF was due on Feb 16th and I got my first positive HPT with FMU on Feb 15th. Got the same on Feb 16th and the same on Feb 17th! YAY :)
However, my temps dropped on the 17th and I decided to do a blood test and a progesterone test, in case the progesterone was low. Blood came back negative (less than 5), which they deem "not pregnant". Progesterone was not low but "normal for my follicular phase" (whatever phase that may be at this time!!!!)
My Ob/Gyn called me last week (9th Feb) to say that my Prolactin level was elevated (at 36 - which is really not too bad!). I have this checked periodically because I have a Pituitary Prolactinoma - which has been under control for ages now. (I have a healthy 5 year old daughter - and Grampa Viv was sharp to pick up on my early signs 6 years ago!) Doc had prescribed Dostinex for the Prolactin which I have not taken yet (but have in hand) because I suspected I was preggo.
So, blood was negative on Thursday. Doc is angry because I have not taken the prescribed Dostinex for Prolactin - even tho I explained I was afraid to do so as I suspected pregnancy - and Dostinex is contra-indicated in pregnancy. He didn't care that I had a positive HPT and said the bloodwork did not lie. Which I am sure it didn't.
However, my HPTs got progressively lighter, until a negative this morning (20 Feb). And my symptoms lessened yesterday and today. But now this evening, I keep getting pains thru my nipples again. I feel like my glands are up in my armpits. I am still so emotional and can cry over the silliest naff things! I still feel the odd twinge thru my uterus - which is not a pre-AF twinge. There is ZIP sign of AF coming and my CM is lovely and creamy and quite abundant.
I am so confused and scared to take the Dostinex. Doc says it will help to regulate my cycles, of course, but if I am already preggo and the levels are just not high at the moment, what am I to do? Doc won't entertain my "nonsense with HPT" and I refuse to go back to him! I am willing to take the Dostinex, but only when I am sure I am not preggo.
What are the odds that I may still be pregnant? It's possible I had a chemical. But where is AF and how do I proceed? Why are my symptoms still coming back? Is it too soon to tell? Should I keep testing or should I just take the darn ol' Dostinex?
My apologies for a looooong post. If anyone of you has been brave enough to read thus far, I do appreciate that! Many thanks in advance for any advice.
***best*** Jules~Jaimes *****