Cervix Postion Has Moved From Front To Back
4 Replies
Hi all, Please can anyone advise me on my situation? IMy hubby normally checks my cervix postion every month but this time he has checked it he said that it feels in a different place. He says it feels as if it is at the back of your va___a as it has always felt at the front if this makes sense. I dont know why this could be. Could it be a possible sign of early pregnancy??? Please anyone with information I would be very gratefull. OOh and also today I have had wet cm which is white in colour. What is this????????
please someone help i going mad thinking of what it could be?
No. Cervical position is never a sign of pregnancy, because it varies from person to person and from month to month. Don't try to interpret it or *you will* succeed in driving yourself mad.The position does rise up in pregnancy, but most women report it a bit later, and it can also rise up without being pregnant. During my second month or so trying, my cervix was high and soft all the way from o to af, and it quickly dropped the day af arrived. I'd convinced myself I was pregnant, and I'm sure you can imagine what a disappointment it was. Cm is also pretty ambiguous. White cm is pretty characteristic of post-ovulation cm. Some women do report an overabundance of cm in early pregnancy, but I've also seen many other women report it who weren't pregnant. All you can do is wait and see! Good luck!
I am currently 9 weeks and 4 days and my cervix just went completely up.
Yes, that is a very good sign of pregnancy. I have been pregnant seven times and it did that within days of each implantation - long before a BFP.