Cramping 5 6 Days After Ovulation
499 Replies
ok so here i go again looking for some answers, my last period was october 1st, i do have unprotected s_x with my bf very offten apparently my ovulation date was the 15th of october and i kno i had s_x everday from the 10-18th, now on the 25th of october i went to the doctors for a blood test becuz i havent been feeling like myself well that same day i had the blood work done i came home to spotting more discharge then blood only happend twice and only when i wipped, the blood test came back neg, now if what i had was implantation bleeding no wonder the blood test came back neg writ? i was due to start my period on the 28th of october here i am still waiting, i did go in for another blood test on tuesday of this week i will get the results tomorrow what do u guys think could i be preg? not to mention all the symptoms iv been having includeing a faint + thought maybe it was a faulty test becuz digital said " not pregnant " is there still a chance?
- implantation bleeding
- queezy at random times of the day
- sore b___sts, burning nipples
- tight/heavy feeling lower abdomen
- alot more tired then usual but cant seem to sleep
- slight cramping like AF is comming just not as bad as when it does come
- tender lower abdomen at the pant line ( seem to actually feel the waste band witch is odd for me ) now i also have a yeast infection
Yay we have a new friend! Welcome Steph!
And guess who had some strange cramp sensations today at work!? THIS GIRL!!
Something else weird....
Hubby and I are living with his grandparents at the moment because we are in the process of buying a home and didn't want to renew our lease and they BOTH asked him if I was pregnant. Old person intuition maybe? Hmm... I'm really excited for Monday now! GL ladies! Bfps all around!
hello there steph H
that faint positive can be the real answer but the digital probably hasn't picked it up yet. depending on the brand and level of sensitivity one may have picked sensed the hcg...your symptoms sound all positive so good luck to you.
dovkav-thanks for the good advice. i asked my RE about taking the metformin since i saw that many women with PCOS took that along with clomid just out of curiousity because i've been on clomid for 3 cycles and have yet to conceive. but he didnt want to put me on metformin because he said he didnt think i was insulin resistant. so we will see...yes hopefully November is our month...good luck to you to
dallas.nicole-yup they can be righ for some reason they tend to know first. when i was pregnant with my son it was my mom who asked me if i were pregnant. so thats when i took the test and yup it definitely came up "pregnant"...i was those intuitions older people have tend to be right. hopefully they are...looks like we are keeping up with each other as far the symptoms as well. i had cramping earlier when i got off work. i didnt want to take anything so i laid down and slept them off. i was definitely nervous because i thought af was coming. so i put a panty liner far so good..still no af. as for now the cramps are gone...but those d__n hot flashes are kicking my but. i have them during the day and bad at night. so i dont know what to make of this. did you test or you're waiting to test on Monday? tons of baby dust****
dallas.nicole- I appologize, I thought you were a few more days past ovulation, shouldn't have given you such a hard time about testing. I am convinced you are pregnant and every time I get an email that you have posted I am sure that I'm going to open it for your BFP announcement.
preciousmoni- I am keeping my fingers crossed for you that AF comes, maybe you are just a lucky one and you will have a pregnancy with few symptoms... I'm very optimistic for you!
Steph H - Welcome! I agree with preciousmoni, I think you are pregnant, I think that faint line was your first hint and that the dr will call with a BFP
preciousmoni- Correction on my last post, keeping my fingers crossed the AF stays away!
As for me I am still trying not to get my hopes up... sore bbs, tender nipples, and vivid dreams persist. I don't know how I'm going to make it another week until I test.... ahhhh!
Haha I'm refusing to test until Monday. Because nearly all my symptoms are gone today. My bbs and nips feel fine, no cramps, s_x felt normal, etc. No bloating, nothing. I'm still sick though. Sore throat, cough, nasal congestion, etc. Hubby is sick too. I think I got my faint positive on frer at 10dpo with my last pregnancy. Judging by when my lmp was and just averaging days for o. It was faint, like, barely a shadow of a line. The next day it was darker on the dollar tests from save a lot. The u-check ones. Those gave me stronger positives than the frer did! The ic I used the other day seemed a little messed up. Where the antibodies are, it was kinda mangled lol you get what you pay for I suppose ;p
By the way, something fun for poas addicts to do, Google "early pregnancy factor". Too bad they don't sell tests that look for that! We would know at conception if we were pg or not!
I'm definitely not pg. There is no way. I'm not feeling anything. I feel TOO normal.. I better go buy some tampons so I'm prepared for next week. I'm out! Lol there's no way. I feel anti pregnant ;p
Hello ladies,
Been off for a while but I've kept track of all that's going on and I'm glad to see some positive sounding posts. Still trying seems I'm having issues with implantation. Any suggestions. Hope we see some BFPs soon. Baby dust to all.
Hi didie.
I've read contradicting things concerning help with implantation. Some say that's natures job. Though I did read a post by a woman saying her re suggested taking 1 low dose 81 mg baby aspirin a day and 7-11 dpo placing a warm heating pad on her abdomen for an hour of so a day. Could be crazy talk. But worth a shot! Good luck!
I'm a forum creep lol
So I came home from work early today because I was miserably sick and went right to sleep. Could be pregnancy related, or it could be a TheraFlu induced coma. Lol ive got a lot of crampy activity going on too.
Dallas. Nicole
I'm highly hopeful for you, you've got lots of positive signs. I think its worth a try so ill give it a shot. Ill keep you in my prayers.
I used yet another mangled wondfo internet cheapie tonight and its weird. There is a second pink line, but I think its the antibody strip. Does anyone know why the control line would show up pink and normal, but the antibody strip or the pink dye strip would still be in tact? The line isn't even in the right place. Not counting this as a bfp. I'll try in the morning because I'm out of pee for the moment and I'm exhausted lol I'm kinda waiting to see if an evaporation line appears now.
Lol I have no clue about those ic...I hope that line was your bfp...I tested today as well I got a bfn..but cramping...pms and body preparing for af? Oh well I guess I'll be trying next month again (sigh)...put a tampon on just in case. She should be here by Monday or Tuesday the latest...with clomid my cycles have come on their own. So at least that's a good thing. If its a bfp later this morning giiirrrlll post asap hahahah!!!