babynewbie - How are you doing? How have you been? I remember you. Wow I can't believe it's been so long that we have talk. Congratulation twice over!!! Give little Olivia Rose a kiss for me. Rub your belly for me. Please don't leave us again and stay in touch with us.
Sunshine7610 - How are you doing and feeling? I'm praying so very hard for you that you have two sticky beans. I hope the 2ww fly by so when is your test date? Please do me a favor and try and relax and not stress I know that is easier said than done but please try. Sending you all of my positive vibe.
Naomi98 - How are you doing? Please rub your belly for me. I can't wait for you to post about your scan on Thursday. I am so excited for you. I know once I got to looking at the cost of the surgery it really wasn't that much if I would have started sending in money back in March I would have been had the surgery done but now it is count down to surgery day. I am glad I do have insurance even if it isn't the best my cost for me to have the surgery was $1,175.00 but they took a $175.00 off so I only ended up having to pay $1,000.00 now my new balance is $150.00 and I just can't believe it. I am on pins and needles. I did find out that if I didn't have insurance it would have cost $5,500.00 and that didn't even include the anethesia cost which I think would have been around $1,050.00 now that is a lot of money.
As of now I am in the 2ww and just hanging out. I forgot to take my temp this morning I have done this a few times already this month oh well. I really haven't been that good about taking it I guess that is one way to relieve my stress level we will see.
I am so sorry that your time at the beach was hell people are so very rude. I bet you are looking too cute in your maternity clothes.
Hey ladies it really isn't nothing new for me to report about my 2ww. I'm on cd19/5dpo and like I said I didn't take my temp this morning. I'm still bding even though I know I am out of the timeframe but he thinks that I am not LOL. I have already told him that after I heal and get the green light from the doctor I don't want to hear it that I'm tired. LOL!!! I hope you all have a very nice day and I will talk to you all very soon. Love you. Krissy
Guess what you guys......I'm pregnant!!!! It worked! I still can't believe it. I'm in total shock. I took a hpt a week after the transfer, I thought it might be too early but what the heck I have a ton of internet cheapies just sitting in my cupboard. After a couple minutes it was blank so I tossed it. I came back in the bathroom a little while later and thought I'll check it again (as I always do) just to see and I saw the faintest line there. I just started crying. I took about 7 more until I got my blood work done just so I could see the line getting darker. I had bw on Thursday. My beta was 160.5 and I go back tomorrow to make sure it's doubling correctly. Then on monday they will book an u/s for me! Seeing it on u/s will make it seem real. I still am completely amazed. 4 years of trying and it's actually happened. I never thought it would. The only symptoms I'm feeling is a slight crampiness every now and then. I just tell myself it's the little embryos implanting in there. And I've noticed just the last couple days that I've been extremely tired. Like if I just sit for a minute it's hard to keep my eyes open. Naomi, did you notice those things at all? Did you have morning sickness? When did it start for you? It's really cute. My husband calls them wombmates!
Naomi, how did your scan go? You haven't put an update on here so I hope everything went well. Did you find out the gender? I can't wait to hear!
Krissy, your surgery is getting close are you excited? It'll be over and done with before you know it and you can get back on the ttc train!
Talk you soon, Mandi
Mandi, Oh my goodness...CONGRATULATIONS!! I'm crying here (get used to that - it'll be happening to you soon too!). I've been thinking of you SO much these past few weeks, so hoping you would get a BFP :-D I had such a good feeling that you would. And LMAO at Wombmates...love it!!
As for symptoms, I had cramps exactly like period pains, exactly when my period was due - definitely a sign that something is setting up home in there! I didn't get morning sickness thank goodness but I did get waves of nausea (especially from strong smells and travelling in the car) and boy was I tired, I slept for 2-3 hours almost every day for the first two months. I think my symptoms, apart from the sore b___bs, started at around 6 weeks but they were very mild til about 8 or 9 weeks. It can drive you a bit crazy when the symptoms come and go but it seems like that's quite normal. Please please keep us updated, especially after the scan...i wanna know how many beans are in there!
I didn't actually get a scan in the end...I was a bit disappointed but I am getting one at the 22 week check up as well as bloodwork. I did hear the heartbeat with a doppler which was nice. And the past few days I've been feeling the tiniest little movements in there. They're so subtle I'm sometimes not sure but yesterday I had my hand resting on my belly and felt this kind of rippling across my stomach! SO WEIRD lol. I think because of the ectopic surgery, I still don't have full feeling on my stomach so I'm not feeling the movements so strongly but it's still awesome. It's like I"m finally realising there's a baby in there.
Krissy your surgery must be soon. Where are you in your cycle now? Hope it all goes great for you.
Talk soon xx
Update: I got my 2nd bw done on Saturday. My Bhcg was 421! It's at least doubled so I'm pretty psyched. But as I was getting dressed this morning I realized that my bbs weren't as sore as they were before so now of course I'm freaking out a bit. I have an u/s booked for next week. I was a little shocked since i would be just shy of 6 wks. Not much to see at this point but they said they want to make sure it's intrauterine and not ectopic. Pretty exciting!!
Mandi - Congratulations!!!!! I am so very happy for you. How are you doing and feeling? I'm jumping up and down. I can't wait for your update. I'm glad that your numbers are going up. Do you have to have another blood test. That is good that they are doing a u/s to make sure the baby(ies) are where they should be. Please keep us updated and I hope to be joining you and Naomi soon. Rub your belly for me. Yes my surgery is getting close and I am getting scared.
Naomi98 - How are you doing and feeling? Wow you are starting to feel the baby that is always a wonderful feeling because now it really starts to feel more and more real. Rub your belly for me. I can't wait for you to have your u/s and you give us an update. I started AF on Thursday.
Hey girls here is my little update. I started AF on Thursday and I also started taking my birth control pills on that day as well. I really hate taking them pills because since I have been taking them I have been sick as a dog but I know I will get through this. I now only owe $100.00 and I now have 3 weeks and 1 day left before I have my surgery. I am so nervous/scared and excited. I know the time will fly by. I will keep you all updated. I have my blood work done on Nov 18. I can't wait to join you ladies sharing my news that I am pg as well. Have a nice evening and I will talk to you all soon. Krissy
Hey girls I have another update for you. We get a letter in the mail yesterday from SSI so Kirk can finally see a neuroligist but guess when the date is... you guessed it November 24 so of course we aren't going to miss this appointment so now I am having my surgery moved up from November 24 to November 10 so in exactly one week I will know one way or the other what is going on with my insides. I am still trying to have it done on November 11 because I don't have to work that day since it is Veteran's Day and my youngest daughter will be out of school from November 11-13 but more than likely she will have to miss a day of school since I will not be able to have anyone get her to and from school. I went and did my lab stuff this morning. I am so ready to stop taking the birth control pills because they are making me so sick and my period is still heavy. I will talk to you all tomorrow. Krissy
Krissy, that's great that your surgery will be moved sooner! So what exactly are they doing again? Checking your tubes? Hysteroscopy? I had that done and it wasn't so bad. Just felt crampy when I woke up but I was fine by the next day. Is kirk your hubby? Why is he seeing a neurologist if you don't mind me asking? Hope everything's okay!
sunshine7610 - how are you doing and feeling. I am having a laparoscopy with the hysteroscopy. They are going to look inside and see what the problem is I know I have a lot of scar tissue and cyst and fibroids. Kirk is my fiance with have been together for over 2 years not sure if you know this but we have finally set a wedding date of July 31, 2010 that is also is parents anniverssary date even though his father have pa__sed away. I guess since about March after he broke his ankle he has been losing feeling in his legs some days it is so bad that he can't walk and I have to help him and he shakes real bad well of course he can't work with this going on so we started the process of trying to get him disability from SSI and they schedule his first appointment on Oct 15 and that doctor refered him to the neurologist but on oct 29 he had to have a mental evaluation and now he sees the neurologist on Nov 24. I will keep you updated I just hope he don't have parkinson or MS. Krissy
Mandi, great news on the HCG numbers. And it'll be so exciting to have the ultrasound. You'll be able to see a little blob (or two) in there lol! Can't wait to hear how it goes. I know it's freaky when the symptoms start playing tricks on you but your hcg numbers sound very solid so hold on to that for rea__surance.
Krissy, I'm so sorry to hear about your fiance's problems. That sounds really tough. I hope they can figure out what's causing it all. But great you're getting your surgery sooner and congratulations on the wedding date!! Let us know how it all goes.
Well I think I'm breeding a breakdancer here. Since last week the movements are so pronounced even dh can feel them when he puts his hand on my belly. I spend so much time now with my hand on my belly waiting for the next one...I always wondered why pregnant women did that lol. Cannot WAIT for my scan....
Hugs and kisses to you both x
Naomi98 - How are you doing? Thank you very much for the support and I will update after the surgery I will be off line for a week. I can't wait for your u/s update. You and Mandi please rub your belly for me I hope to be joining you both real soon. Krissy
Hi Naomi & Krissy! sorry for the delay in response but I have been sooooo sick! I am guessing this one is a boy because other than fatigue and gas I didn't have much with Olivia...LOL!
This bean was not planned and came as quite the shock..haha. I'm pretty sure Garrett was going to fall over when I told him. :) We weren't exactly back on track with birth control 100% and I was still b___st feeding at the time and well that's just how God works sometimes! :) But after the initial..OMG what the heck??? We are super excited that Olivia will have a brother or sister so close in age.
It's hard to believe that she just went for her 8 mos check up, where does the time go?
Looking forward to our first ultra sound, we heard the heartbeat. I am just entering 8 weeks. So fingers crossed for a little boy since I'm pretty sure we will stop at 2 munchkins but either way I don't care. I have a sister and she is a year younger than me and we are BEST friends so it would be pretty cool if history were to repeat itself! LOL..
Anyway I will check in more regularly and I am enjoying reading about you girls and being a part of a thread once again.
Take care and all the best to everyone!
Regan, Olivia & the bean. ;)
babynewbie - How are you feeling? Rub your belly for me. Well I will be off the rest of the week because I will be having my surgery tomorrow at 8:15am. I will update as soon as I can. Krissy
Krissy...thinking of you! Will check back in for your update. I am feeling okay, I wish I could eat something else besides toast, plain broth, saltines and tea but it could be way worse! :)
BIG NEWS here Olivia said her first word...dada!!! LOL...crazy. I'm hoping mama is just around the corner. haha..
Take care,
babynewbie - Thank you very much for the support. Rub your belly for me. How cute her first words. Krissy
hey girls, Regan, how cute that Olivia is talking...though what's this dada business lol! And sorry you're suffering this time around. I was so lucky in the first trimester...no morning sickness at all.
Krissy, how did the surgery go, what's the prognosis? Hope everything's ok with you.
I'm just waiting for my scan tomorrow. Baby is kicking like a footballer these days. Damn, I love those kicks!
Mandi, what's the news with you?? xx
Hey everyone!
Just dropping by to say hello and see what's new here. Full on what I like to call "round the clock" sickness in my world paired with 3 hours per day naps...LOL.
Naomi..the scan is so exciting!!! Do you have a feeling about what it is? I felt Olivia was a girl early on and I feel this one is a boy for some reason..haha. Either way can't wait to hear. Agree with the 'dada' thing but she is a daddy's girl through and through!!! She is saying 'nana' now and putting her hands towards what we are eating..so I think banana means all food! :)
I have my appt this Friday and we get to have the first scan, I'll be just over 9 weeks.
Krissy - hope you are doing great, looking forward to reading your updates and that all is okay.
Well that is it from Toronto, Canada!!!
I'll check in some time this week.... Regan