Pregnant Or Driving Myself Crazy
4 Replies
My period is always a few days off, it can go from a 28 day cycle to a 34 day cycle. About 2 weeks ago i started getting alot of acne which i have never had, when i was on day 30 of my cycle i started spotting and it was a VERY light pink it lasted not even 2 days and is now gone completely. I have some cramps but just feel different, what is going on ?? Im 25 and always have unprotected s_x with my boyfriend. So can it be pregnancy :) or just driving myself nuts?? help
Fatigued, peeing more, lotion discharge, b___st and nip signs? Time to take a test!
Well I'm always tired and drink tons of water constantly so havnt really noticed that to much but I have cramping and after the 2 days of the pale pink spotting still havnt started my period so not sure if I should take a hpt or wait some more
Maybe a test next weekend would tell true. If you have been having unprotected for a long time with no pregnancy, there may be a fertility issue one side or the other. Your list of signs is limited, so don't get your hopes too high! Best of luck to you both.
Day 33 and no period going to test Thursday ! Fingers crossed thanks for your feedback :)