Has Anyone Experienced This Before
9 Replies
My cervix feels like someone is messing with it. Like poking it with something slightly sharp. It's kinda painful but not really. And (TMI) I feel like I have to poo. Anyone know what this is?
i kind of felt that when she would kick my cervix. i asked my doc about it and she said it was really normal and her kids all did that to her too, but you might ask if it doesn't just feel like normal kicks and jabs to the cervix. but i do remember that when my baby wasn't facing forward, i would feel the kicks to the cervix and i had to poo like 3 or 4 times a day.
Yeah, it's been a little while, but I do remember that when I hit about 33 or 34 weeks and I was so huge and the baby had dropped, I had sharp pains down there and I would tell my bf it felt like all my female parts were going to fall out. At that point it wasn't kicks I don't think-I think it was just the weight, and his head and hands. After about a week, the discomfort really became permenant until I had him. It started to feel like your muscles do when they are already tired and you keep making them lift something heavy. Of course ask your doctor about it, but it sounds to me like the normal and fun discomforts of your body getting ready to kick that little one out.
oh sorry I forgot the poo part. Ummm how do I say this lightly-at certain points inside of your female parts, theyare really back to back with your colon. I mean it's divided by a wall of tissue, but it's still right up next to each other. Since your baby has moved down (and I saw the pics-she has moved down), it could be that she keeps moving in a position that's pushing on those poopy pipes. If you have poo in there moving it's way down, then that pressure will cause A "I gotta go feeling." And even if you don't have to go-that pressure in the right spot could cause that feeling. I know my son, during the last couple of days before I had him, was kind of sitting in my back, and when I was in labor he was kind of pushing into my back. Well In that region of your body, the back side is right into your b___t. As for you, I hope these aren't signs that labor and stuff is going to start soon. Cuz the cervix thing really is like what gets the dilating started, and if your pooping alot or have diarhea then that is usually what women have days or the same day they go into labor. So I'd tell the doc.
I think I had that... It sounds vaguely familiar.... It was so long ago haha.
Tess my dr always told me it was the babys head was rubbing on a nerve that causes that. she said it is a good thing because that stimulates your cervix to soften or dialate (cant remember which one), she also said in some cases that it could just be the babys head rubbing on the cervix....That of course wasnt the case with me. How far along are you now? have they checked you yet?
Ok well I know it's not the baby kicking my cervix because it was this constant odd pain but not really painful you know what I mean? Last night. And it made me feel almost like I had to pee but it was that feeling in my cervix and just.. funny like someone was constantly rubbing my cervix. The haven't checked me since the hospital, but I may request an internal on my next appointment because it's just weird. Also I've been losing my plug in snotty mucous strains really really gross I know but just had to get that out there. I'm 32 weeks right now.
If you're losing you're plug, then that's what it is. Your baby's head is pushing on your cervix, and it's leading some reaction-probably dilation-in your cervix!!! I'd be very careful about s_x now-u may throw yourself into early labor.
I was losing chunks of (and regenerating) my mucous plug throughout pretty much my entire pregnancy. It started around 13 or 14 weeks (according to the May 30th due date) and it was REALLY unpleasant. I used panty liners to keep it from getting all over my underwear, and I had to change them pretty much every time I went pee (which was obviously a lot)
Yeah, we are going to be. And really Amanda because I have since like, week 28. So THAT makes me feel better lol