
109 Replies
AddyAndVictoriasMommy - January 23

Hey my induction went great an angel, I think you do have her best interests at heart. Some can say c sect is bad for baby, so best of luck to you. Addy at 37 weeks had no problems btw


MayMomma - January 23

Theres nothing wrong with being induced. Every pregnancy is different. If your doctors are saying they may want to induce then it's obviously the best option. And considering 38 weeks is considered full term you're not really delivering early. When a baby gets to big it causes a lot of stress on both mother and child. Doctors tend to know what theyre talking about ladies. Theyre the ones with the degree so it's best to leave it up to them in the end.


angelmonkey - January 23

thanks guys! they may look at amy scans and choose not to induce until 40 all deoends on how she,s doing and how big she is. i wonder if any of you know what babu palitates mean? im not sure if it means heart palpatations or not but she wroye baby palpates in my notes but didnt say anything to not sure fi this is a sigh that,s shes full term like the midwife thoufgt? anyone heard of it?


newbaby2009 - January 23

Baby palpates is when your midwife is feeling the baby through your abdomen, to tell position and such.


HeavenisMine - January 23

I was induced with both of mine. Each induction went smoothly and my babies both had perfect APGARS, and are healthy to this day. Anyway I believe if nature does it's thing and you go into labor naturally that is great! It tells you your body is doing just as nature intended. However your placenta does start to 'rot' so to speak after a time, and a large baby can present problems. Perhaps back in the day women had more luck going into labor naturally. For some reason these days it seems women need some a__sitance more often than not. In other countries where health care is poor more women's babies are dying from malnutrition. Why that is, I have no clue. You'd think every woman would go into labor naturally since our bodies were designed to give birth, but that just isn't happening. In an ideal world maybe. So if you think it's best and your doctor think's it's best, go for induction. We have more improved health care these days which may explain why less women are dying during/after childbirth, and babies have a better chance at life, so it's not a bad thing to go for a modern day technique. However induction I believe should still only be used when absolutely needed. Now that that tangent is over, Heh heh, I was induced for medical reasons which I will not disclose here. But I wish you the best in your decision, and a happy healthy delivery and baby as well!


AddyAndVictoriasMommy - January 23

Well whatever they decide to do, it is best for you and baby so good luck. And the other poster is right, trust your MW lol. She has the degree!


newbaby2009 - January 23

Many midwifes dont have a degree. Its not required because its only been an option since 1996.


newbaby2009 - January 23

Just google it. Only 70% of midwives have an actual degree. Yes they have extensive training but arent required to have a degree such as a bachelors. If you want to become one today you have to have a degree but anyone who became one before 1996 doesnt. And yes, baby palpates is the feeling of the baby through the abdomen. Thats why she said she "felt" full term. Palpation is simply feeling your baby and locating different body parts. Don't be afraid to do it. It doesn't hurt the baby. I like to think that the baby probably enjoys having mom feel him/her twice a day running her hands over their little body kind of like a ma__sage. Glossary: Abdominal palpation Abdominal palpation A physical examination whereby a midwife or obstetrician feels the abdomen to a__sess the position of the uterus and the height of the fundus.


angelmonkey - January 24

meh any midwifes that dont have a degree have still be doing it over 13years anyway and thats good enough for me and if they havnt been doing it for 13 years they have a degree so theres not really much difference thanks for the palpation stuff was starting to worry theyre was something was wrong with her


newbaby2009 - January 24

You're welcome, im sure shes just fine and will be here when the time is right.


durante baby - January 24

a___l just wanted to pop back in..i have been absent for a little while..I wanted to let you know that I wasnt trying to discourage you from being induced, or say I thought you were doing the wrong thing. I just wanted to input my opinion...If i was in your position i wouldnt have it done...but again that is if "I" was in your am the type of person i believe in let nature take its course, the type of person who doesnt listen to doctors just because i think they dont know as much as they should. The type of person who only goes to the doctor for the things I dont have the means to to on my own...I am a very stubborn person. I have had to many doctors having me jump through hoops for nothing, for me to put much stock in what they say.....I think for now days you have a very lagit reason to be induced if you deep down feel it is necasary. I think everything will go GREAT for you : )


angelmonkey - January 24

thats ok db, i,ve always had a feeling she is big, i have people come up to me in the street all the time to ask if im having twins, to tell me tthey,ve never seen someone so pregnant, its quite rude actually lol! i will see what happens on tuesday, i just dont want her to be stressed if she,s too big


Teddyfinch - January 24

hey angel, i'm here. sorry it took so long for me to read the post. i'm sure someone has already answered your questions, but for me, they started me on the antibiotics when the started my iv the night the put the ovidrel (or something like that. it's used to soften my cervix) in and then the second bag when they started the pitocin.


Teddyfinch - January 24

oh, and i just finished reading the post lol. but yeah they can start the iv as soon as you enter the hospital and it's best if you head in as soon as your contractions get close together and if your water breaks, you have to go in immediately.


Teddyfinch - January 24

lunamoo: you obviously don't know much about being induced. it is a natural birth if you pop the baby out the vj. are you saying my baby wasn't born naturally because i was induced and had pain meds? let me explain to you why being induced is sometimes necessary because you're very close minded about this. my baby had a dangerously low amount of fluid. should i have just said "sorry, i want natural. no inducing for me" and let her die? should a mother put herself at risk for ripping so that way she doesn't have to be induced? sorry but if you go through the whole "PUSH PUSH PUSH PUSH!" then it's natural. how dare you say otherwise. if you believe in god and mother nature, then you know god gave man the knowledge to induce to save more babies. inducing saved my baby and you can stick that in your pipe and smoke it. angel: don't listen to her. if it was so unnatural to be induced then why did my milk come in just like it would have had i gone into labor on my own? yeah it's so unnatural and weird that instead of dilating 1cm per hour like normal, i dilated 2cm per hour and had 7 hours of labor total. db: i wish you could have had my doc. she doesn't do convenient inducing. and she doesn't like c-sections and she's just an excellent doctor. i'm still glad i was induced, though. imagine if i had gone another week? gawd! she would have been enormous lol. *oh yeah, meant to add that they had to use the forceps with kiara because they waited too long to induce and she did get too big. so "too big" is a medical condition. and to add to angel, i would also not have it done yet if i was in your position. i would at least wait until 40 weeks.i don't like the idea of being induced early. and in fact i asked to wait the week longer (i wanted to see if she would come naturally) but because of the fluid i couldn't wait anymore.


angelmonkey - January 25

thanks teddy,i am too hoping they will wait to atleast 39 weeks 40 weeks but her estiamated weight is at 10lbs.6oz at 41 weeks so i have the scan tuesday ( they think she,l weigh 8lbs) so im hoping they,l leave me atleast another week, i dont think they want her to still be in there at 39 weeks i think thast the latest they,l leave it, but what do i know lol! they may not see a prob and leave me until 42 weeks........ i mean you say you ended up with a broken tailbone and your baby had a broken collar bone........see i really dont want that if i can help it, imagine the stress a 10pounder goes through trying to come out natrually lol



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