I helped my bf to m____ee and he also fingered me. Is it possible for me to get pregnant? I don't think any sperm was on his hands since he 'came' after I left from beside him and I didn't go back close to him. Please help me.
Penis + v____a = babies. Not p___s/v____a + hand/finger. Okie dokies?
PArents are really failing these days on teaching their kids about s_x. How can someone not know that the way to get pregnant is by having unprotected intercourse? Come on now! I'm so freaking tired of seeing these posts! If you can find your way onto a pregnancy forum you can find out the answers easily enough by looking it up on the net! Jesus. I'm getting ready for my period to start I think because this c___p is annoying me more then usual.
w/e roch. Stop asking stupid questions and you wont get mean responses.
You really need to talk to your parents, because this is incredibly dumb.
lol unless he has super sperm that can fly, no. you're not pregnant. i thought they taught this kind of thing in school? if you know how to have s_x, you should know how to make babies considering s_x is how. another example of why guys should wear condoms is this girl here. i shake my head at you lol. i imagine her next question will be "if i watch my bf masturbate and then come through a webcam, could i be pregnant?"