3 Replies
I am 29 weeks today and for the past week or so I have been completely exhausted. You would think that being so tired I would get some sleep at night, but nooooo, I wake up every 2 hours in order to switch positions and take a pee break. I have started to feel nauseous again and have been getting headaches off and on. My body just feels worn out. I am very moody now b/c of all of this. Not to mention half of my house is under renovation and won't be completed till the end of May (baby due June 25). I was feeling great up till this point. I am still working full time and really want to work as long as I can. I am not sure what is the lesser of two evils- being at work or at home during construction. Is nausea and headsched normal at this stage of pregnancy? This is moy first one so I am not sure what to expect. Any thoughts would be appreciated!!!!!!!
wow - it sounds like MY life. :) I'm 32 weeks. I'm not working full time but I do have a 19 month old and work 2 day, volunteer one night a week - and am in the middle of several home construction projects and have been since I was 5 mo pregnant with my first! :) Has your iron been checked yet? Mine is pretty low which explains some of my tiredness.
nausea is normal, unfortunately... i have heartburn constantly, which makes me want to puke. taking maximum strength zantac a few times a day really helps me.
Mhm, I just turned 30 weeks today and I have all the same symptoms, including nausea. I have even vomited one or two times... It's perfectly normal just extremely unpleasant, hang in there!