Glucose Test Shaky And Lightheaded
11 Replies
So I had my glucose test today and about an hour and a half after I started shaking uncontrollably and became so lightheaded I was sure I was going to pass out. Has this happened to anyone? I immediately pulled over and found someplace to eat. I sat and ate and waited for about a half an hour, and then started to feel normal. I still feel a little off...but am wondering if it was because of all of the sugar I had. Baby is moving a lot so I am not too worried about him....just curious....I hope I pass...because that was a horrible feeling...
I hope all of you ladies are doing well....xoxo
hi heather....dont worry, what you experienced was normal. before i took mine they told me it was exactly what would happen, and to eat something as soon as it was ove (the test part). poor thing, that is a scary feeling.....glad you are feeling better.
I too felt the same thing you're describing after my test. No one told me to eat afterwards though...that might have helped. I failed my one hour though...and I kind of figured I would because I felt so bad and just a__sumed there was still a lot of sugar left in me. I had to take the 3 hour. I felt bad after that one too, but not as bad...and pa__sed. Good luck to you!
what you experienced is usually considered a sign of hypoglycemia. your blood sugar spikes and then plummets so hard. i always carry a bag of peanut m&m's in my bag because the chocolate gets ur sugar back up there and the peanuts have protein to help your sugar stay normal. all i can say is don't sit still or lie down once you've eaten to feel better because then it takes twice as long as the sugar to recirculate into your body. and a big gla__s of water helps. i have my glucose test in about 5 weeks and do not look forward to it =(
I think that is just sugar OD! How are you feeling? I have been thinking about you!
thanks ejmeskan....still the same same same...still in my normal jeans...belly is growing...I am still losing weight...but he is gaining...and that is all that counts...still have home IV therapy...which does help me become active...I just feel like October will be here before I know it and I will have nothing to get another IV set...
how are you doing? When is your due date again?
I was a reck for almost the rest of my work day after my 1 hour. I didn't eat right after and it definately had something to do with it because when I went back for my 3 hour (where they give you 2X as much of that nasty stuff) I ate right away and felt significantly better.
Oh bummer. Come back onto the forum and talk with us!! We miss you! Well look at it this way- at least you will look d__n good after the baby comes! :) Sorry just trying to make light! I have gained 6lbs so far but packed on 25lbs in the 3rd tri with my son so I am worried because I just got this incredible junk food tooth! Anything junk. I am working out 2 days a week but goodness...that isn't even cracking the Big Mac's and Hohos! :) You hang in there. I am sorry this has been such an awful time for you. How has your DH been through this all? I bet that has made things harder for you to have to give up control around the house- it would be one of the hardest things for me. I am due the 18th of Oct. I can't believe that it is only 12 weeks away.
I too have been craving junk...I just can't keep it I eat all I want...LOL...well my nurse just called and said I pa__sed the GTT test (YAY!) but that my electrolytes and pota__sium are way too low. So now I have to have home care with lactated ringers and pota__sium. The problem is it takes 10 hours to get 1 liter I will be sitting on my couch for 10 hours every Tuesday and Wednesday and Friday and Saturday. How boring.
As for my DH...he has been great (well, except for today..LOL)...he does get frustrated from time to time because I can only do so much...but I feel like he only notices what isn't getting done. On my best days I do as much as I can because I feel guilty about him doing so much of the work...but then he gets in these moods where he gets frustrated and makes me feel bad about the state of the house and what not. I just don't think that he understands that I would love nothing more than to not be hooked up to IVs and to feel good and to be able to do all of these things. But he doesn't. He just gets cranky and snippy and makes backhanded comments. Trust me...I do not want to be stuck with IVs twice a week and limited to even taking long walks...but this is how my pregnancy will be...and if it needs to be like this to keep the baby healthy, then it needs to be like this...and if this is what is going to keep the little one healthy, then I am willing to do what it takes.
sorry...I'm venting...but I just get frustrated when he can't see that this is the last thing I feel like doing...
6 lbs...that is are so lucky to be able to it normal for the last trimester to have your appet_te increase? Before I felt so sick and food was a chore...but I am finding myself constantly thinking about food even though I am not going to keep it down...
I am due on the is crazy how quickly this is approaching. I remember the old first trimester boards and wondering if menstrual like cramps were it is a whole new ball game...with tons more wonderful side effects of pregnancy...
I will be back on the board...hey..I have 40 hours a week to burn
be well everyone!!!!
Oh that is a bummer Heather (I am a__suming that is your name!) This isn't your first baby is it? I felt like you have one at home right now. You know I was sick with this pregnancy for 4 not even CLOSE to what you had to deal with and I couldn't stand the fact that all I could do was go to work and come home and lay on the couch (my son was 10 mo at the time) and I just felt that even though my hubby was being somewhat sympathetic it was as if HE was the one being put out and having to be stuck in such a cruddy situation. I was like..>You are welcome to puke all day and not want to move if you would like! :) So I feel your pain. And with all of that being said my husband is awesome and wonderful so I know that you just want to vent and not have anyone judge him! :)
I felt the same thing during the test. No one I talked to at the hospital knew that was even going to happen, nor did they tell me to eat anything afterward. The nurse who took my blood looked so scared like it was her fault or something. I also pa__sed out when she took my blood. It was not a good experience let me tell you.
i didn't feel like eating after my glucose test. so probably 4 hours later, i finally went out and had some steak. that test just sucks lol.