Help Being Unduced Saturday But Hoping
2 Replies
I was told this am i will be induced at 37 weeks on Saturday. This is because of a bleed at 31 weeks and they don’t want the baby to be too big which would increase my chance of hemorrhaging.
I am hoping that I will go into labour naturally before this. Does anyone know what my chances are and what I can do to help him along??? My consultant told me that his head is fully engaged; when i walk it hurts apparently because my pelvic bones have started to move apart.
Thanks for any help
wow - I don't know that there is anything you can truly do to naturally induce your labor. Most of it is wives tails..or things that only help once labor has started. Why were you bleeding to begin with??? Try walking, have s_x all the time, eat spicy food...all the standards for continuing labor. :) Wish I could help more!
You can also try evening primrose oil caplets inserted into the v____a at night before you go to bed. The oil helps soften the cervix. Your chances of going into labor this early on your own are very slim, though, unfortunately. Good luck!