Spotting A Little At 38 Weeks What Could It Mean
3 Replies
this afternoon I had a little spoting and suddenly nothing after that. what could it mean
Your dilating!!awsome,the big event is getting a lot closer.I had bloody show like that with my daughtet and had her the next day!!It still could be a while but i wouldnt count on it,Goodluck!!
goldfish, how much spotting did you have? was it like a period? i am just curious because of my situation, which you responded to on my post! good luck! hopefully we will have our babies soon! i am so impatient.
i just spotted a bit and in two weeks am just dialated like 1 cm or so not going anywhere with dialation iam trying to walk as much as posible but nothing is helping the dialation. also my spotting was just very little i wiped and thats all. nothing after that