I am 31 weeks pregnant and I have noticed that my feel have started to swell. I try not to use or eat foods with salt and drink lots of water. Now I was wondering how I could get the swelling to go down. I can't afford to buy new shoes for my swelling feet haha.
There is not much you can do especially if you work on your feet all day. Just continue avoiding salt and drinking lots of water. When you get home elevate your feet. Putting them in cool water helps the swelling too.
it has only gotten worse.....dont know what to do....I have like cankles now...doesnt help that im on my feet for 10 hours at a time at work.
I lived in my flip flops all through my last pregnancy, through a winter in NJ too. I understand. This is my second and I have noticed the some swelling in my hands..my rings are getting tighter. I'm not happy about it all. Maybe try an cool foot bath after work with a cup of whole milk, i just read somewhere that milk is great as an anti-inflammatory, and moisturizer. BTW i'm 30 weeks. And it just started 2 days ago.
lol well I drink water, milk, and orange juice like crazy. and I rarely drink pop. I soaked my feet in ice cold water today but still nothing. and keep them up when I'm done work.
Prop your feet above your heart.