Hip Pain

2 Replies
pain in the end - June 14

I have severe pain in my hip joint especially when I sleep. How can I reduce this pain.


Beth Sampsel - May 8

Unfortunately, my experience has been that giving birth to your baby is the only way to fix this problem. I'm sorry - I know it's miserable.... My doctor told me that this pain is likely due to loosening of the hip joints related to the pregnancy hormones that allow your hips to expand so the baby can make its way out. I also have problems with early-stage rheumatoid arthritis, so I'm not sure how much of this is due to the arthritis vs. the baby hormones. I've tried all combinations of sleeping positions, pillow arrangements, etc., with very little relief (I'm currently in the 6th month of my 2nd pregnancy, and in both pregnancies the hip pain began in month 3 and persisted until shortly after the baby was born). During the final month of my previous pregnancy, sleeping in a recliner was the only way to (1) get any sleep at all or (2) manage to get out of bed for the nightly potty routine without my husband physically hauling me up and helping me walk for the first 8-10 steps!!!! Good luck :)


Elaine - June 14

Thank you Beth Sampsel for your answer to this question---I've never had this hip thing going on in my last three pregnancies, but number four is such a different story! I was thinking it was something I did myself and I've never heard it mentioned before--thanks again.



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