How Long Where You Losing Your Mucus Plug
3 Replies
im am 38 weeks today. yay! lol but i have been losing parts my mucus plug for about a month now.sometimes its blobs of clear mucus and sometimes it just a little of mucus plug was yellow only once and that was when i had loose stool the other night.[yes i know my baby getting ready to come!] but i feel im going to be losing my mucus plug forever!! anybody had this problem?how long after did it take for the baby to come? {YES I KNOW EVERYBODY IS DIFFERENT}
hi, i am 38 weeks today, and i lost my plug this morning at 2am when i went to the bathroom and i wiped there was a big blob of clear/green mucus (sorry tmi) and so far all day when i wipe there are still lil bits of mucus, i have the same question, how long could it be till my baby comes, i am 2 cm dilated as of wed and my baby is head down already . I hope its very soon that he comes. I am due Nov 15.
and also, i know its kinda out of topic, but is it safe to still have s_x after losing your plug?
yes its and my partner still have s_x to bring labor on but with my luck..nothing has happened! lol
I commented on your other post, but i'll comment on this one too. I'm pregnant with #2 now, but with my first i lost my plug (or at least part of it) at 35 weeks, and went into labor at 37. For me it was a one time thing.