Please Help Worried

11 Replies
wv_red - February 13

This has some serious TMI but it would help explain... sorry. After 4 days of not being able to go I finally went yesterday morning. This involved alot of straining which i shouldn't of done but I was in alot of pain which ended up causeing more pain. I ended up bleeding from there. Well ever since then my lil girl really hasnt been moving alot. usually she is extremely active and moving around and kicking. I though t she might be having a bit of an off day. Well that went on all day and this morning i havent felt her hardly at all. I am scared and but i dont want to go running to the hospital if its normal. please help me!!!!!


Lucky Diamond - February 13

Oh...If you notice any changes in your babies moving patterns please go to the doctor. You are not over reacting, you know your baby better then anyone else does.


jennifer_33106 - February 13

It sounds like you busted the blood vessels down there or that you might have hemmoroids. They dont have to be painful for yo to have them either. One time about a month and a half ago I woke up with blood down there. I had an appt the next day so I just waited. I had hemmoroids. Ask your doctor about it but I am pretty sure that is what it is. He may be able to suggest a over the counter laxitive of some type. My doctor told me to get Colace. Dont get that though unless you talk to your doctor first. Also about the baby movement, How far are you? If you are not far along enough yet, the baby is still really small and you might not feel her everyday. Babies have off and on days too. I would suggest eating something or drinking some OJ and laying down for a little bit. Also you could try drinking some ice water. If you are still really concerned about her movements it hurts nothing to call your doctor and ask for advice. Even if they send you to the L&D and everything comes back normal (which it probably will) at least you will feel better about it. Good Luck!!


jennifer_33106 - February 13

Also just so you know, I am 38 weeks 5 days and my baby girl still has the off and on days. Some days I will feel her kicking up her heels. Others she is really quiet.


wv_red - February 13

i had just called my doctor and the response I was given was as long as you feel any type of movement dont worry... we will doc_ment your chart. That really helps me out alot! I am sitting here at work going about half nuts and all they can say is dont worry. This is my first pregnancy that has made it this far I am still worried regardless of what they say.


jennifer_33106 - February 13

My doctor told me that as long as I feel at least 10 movements in a 24 hour period not to worry. So far, so good! When is your next appt?


wv_red - February 13

my next appointment is on the 20th for another ultrasound. So the straining to go wouldnt of bothered anything?? I mean thats what worries me is that i may of pulled something or did something to her. I dont know! I turn 26 wks Friday.


jennifer_33106 - February 13

As far as I know, and this is by what my doctor has said, that you can not hurt the baby by straining. You can burst something on you but as far as dislodging her or hurting her, dont worry. At 26 weeks she still has lots of room to move. She is getting bigger but can still get around. I wouldnt worry about the straining hurtin her. OH you know what else has helped me?! I hate that stuff but cream of wheat. Or even get like raisin Bran if you cant eat that. Its not that bad I just have to be in the mood to eat hot cereal. But that might help you out a little. If the bleeding gets worse or you start to get really uncomfy down there I would call your doctor again. I have been constipated this entire pregnancy so I feel you. Dont worry. There is very little possibility that you could hurt her by straining if any at all. :)


wv_red - February 13

Thank you so much for your help. I do feel a little better, thank you. This forum has really helped me out. I guess i shouldnt freak out so easy. I guess she knew I was worried about her cause she just gave me a lil kick. As far as the constipation, I drink alot of water and eat fruit and fiber. I guess I shouldnt of had that beef jerky and block of pepper jack friday night. defiantly not worth


CgGirl - February 13

I have been worried in the past with baby movements too! I am almost 28 weeks and some days are very quiet. Also, it can depend how your placenta is lying. I can't help but worry about not having enough movements about 1 day a week. I can understand the worry! For me, eating a little bit of chocolate, or drinking ice cold water usually makes baby girl move around...


bubbles_99 - February 13

aslong as you are feeling atleast 10 movements a day you should be okay.... and as far as straining it shouldnt hurt her at all... with my pregnancy she moved in the moring when i got up and when i go to sleep... during the day she hardly moves... but my doc also told me not to worry... i think she is okay but it is perfectly okay to worry... good luck oxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox savina


Nemo - February 13

Hi.. glad she is moving more now...but you shouldnt feel bad about getting baby checked out if you are feeling anxious. As well as haemerroids sometimes after being constipated you can bleed because of a fissure (small tear) which takes a few days to heal and can leave you feeling a little sore when you "go" so if you bleed a little again dont be too concerned.



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