September Babies Pg1275486831
28 Replies
hi ladies ! sorry i've been absent lately. seemed like things were pretty boring in that second trimester, but now i could complain like crazy it seems. i can't tell if i just don't know what it's like being prego second time around, but this is not pretty. i have braxton hicks like crazy and i'm not dehydrated. my pubic bone is already sore, which didn't happen with my daughter till much later. i have sharp shooting pains in the vaaginal area, and just tons of pressure. anyone else going through this ? i also had some serious insomnia last night which i didn't have the first time. i slept like a baby with her until the day she was born. i'm hoping last night was a fluke... anyway, need someone to chat with so that i'm not complaining to every poor soul who asks how i'm feeling. this is going to be a long 6 weeks ! how is everyone else feeling?
Hi everyone. I hope everyone is doing well.
kearly: I feel the exact same way. This is my third pregnancy and I'm going through the same stuff. I've been having braxton hicks contractions a lot, my pubic bone was so sore the other day that I could barely walk around and it feels like the baby has settled into a weird spot and keeps making me get these sharp pains when it moves a certain way. As for sleeping, I get up a couple times a night to pee so I haven't gotten a good nights sleep in a little while.
Hey girls I too feel the same way this whole second pregnancy thing is killin me! I love being pregnant but this time it has been so different!! I have felt this baby move since about 12weeks weird I know but she has not stopped! One morning I woke up screaming and almost had to have my husband stay home from work I am not sure what she was doing but her kicks and movement we so hard and sharp I really thought she was going to break a rib or pock a hole! haha!!! I do get these sharp pains to wear I have to lay down and have my husband rub her to get her to move!! as for sleep not good!! between my husband and my daughter I dont get much! My daughter sometimes cough's a lot in her sleep or she talks and since my husband has to work I am the one that has to get up with her and then having to pee!! AAAAHHH!!! And of course non of this ever happens at the same time and then once everyting seems to be calm baby in the belly get the hick ups! WOW that probably just sounds like a lot of ramble so sorry!! I dont really have people to vent to about this!! haha!! we are for the most part ready for this baby we have stuff from my daughter and they are sharing a room we made her some wooden wall letters (which I love doing) and got those hung up I just got done packing my bag for the hospital but I have no idea what to do with my daughter when we have to go to the hospital so this has me a little uneasy but all in all everything else seems to be fine!! lol
kearly: I to am in my second pregnancy and this time is way different. Everything I pretty much expected to happen hasn't and everything I thought wouldn't has happened. Im dying to go and have an ultrasound done and find out if her head is what is on my bladder on my left side or is that her foot because there are times that it is sore to the touch. Its strange. There are times when I can't stand completely up because of all the intense pressure down there. And the insomnia I have just given up on. I have had a total of about 10 maybe 12 hours of sleep this week. Its killing me. But my fiance says im nesting. I can't stop cleaning and rearranging. I don't think she is gonna hang out in there for the next 7 weeks. I think she might try to come early but then again who really truely knows.
hi girls ! i'm sooooo glad i'm not the only one feeling these things and feeling cranky too ! last night i had to go to labor and delivery b/c we had intercourse and then i was having contractions every 3 minutes for about 4 hours. so they hooked me up and i was def. having real contractions. stayed for about 6 hours and then they released me b/c nothing was progressing or i wasn't dilating. so it wasn't active labor which is a relief b/c i'm not quite 35 weeks and would hate for her to be born this early. good news is i'm kicked into gear to get things rolling and have my bag packed and stuff i need to be ready for baby. hopefully this doens't happen again. i was only 1 cm but for me i was excited about that b/c i was only 1 cm dilated when i started labor with my daughter so hopefully in the next 6 weeks i'll be more than that ! hope everyone is well and hanging in there !
Hi everyone. I just wanted to see how everyone was feeling. Nothing too exciting going over here. I finally got the baby's room together and the main thing I have to do now is steam clean my carpets and that'll be it. Hope everyone is doing well.
hello everyone ! how is everyone doing ? i'm wondering if i may have had my bloody show or if it's just wishful thinking. my husband and i did the deed last night and i spotted a little bit, which is pretty normal. nothing new there. but then this morning went to the bathroom and nothing, etc. then on my way to work i had a feeling of a small rush of discharge. got to work and it was brown discharge. it could have been from the intercourse or it could have been the bloody show. i have no clue ? i have my first internal on wed. so i'm very anxious. today nothing new is happening except i feel an increadible amount of pressure. way more than even yesterday and we were in NYC walking all over the place and i still feel much different today. maybe it's all in my head though. i'll just drive myself nuts i'm sure over the next 2 days until this appt. anyone else having any signs ? anybody else have braxton hicks like crazy ? that's the other thing. i have them ALL the time and they're pretty regular and intense at times. i soooo do not want to be induced, can you tell i'm looking into every possible sign my body is gearing up on its own ? hope everyone is well !
Well I must say I want this baby out too!! haha! I have an appointment on wednesday too and I will be checked again! I am not sure what you have goin on it sounds to me like it is because you guys had s_xy time BUT I could totally be wrong!! haha! Sorry, I had some weird discharge last week it was thik and bugery looking and had a little blood in it and they didnt say anything about WHICH really irrated me but I do have another appointment on wed! I am trying to stay busy so that the appointment will come fast but I totally know how you feel! I keep telling my husband that I am sending this baby an eviction notice on the 18th when I see my doctor again!! haha! I am ready!
I definitely agree with you ladies. I can't wait for this baby to get here. I've been having a lot of Braxton Hick's contractions and I'm actually starting to get a little crampy. My My next appointment isn't until Friday so I still have a little way to go before then. I really hope this baby comes before 40 weeks. I don't think I can make it that long.
Ok ladies here is the latest on my end. I have been away from the computer for a week because (brace your selves now) I had an accident on the 1st of august. I fell in a store and they believe that I fractured my tailbone but unfortunately there is really no way of telling until my daughter is born. She is just fine in there. It didn't send me into labor. Thank god. I was only 35 weeks when it happened. Im still in alot of pain but im holding strong. I have to do physical therapy before and after she is born and the physical therapist will determine whether or not a C-Section would be more appropriate as to not damage my tailbone even more. So i don't know which is worse. Dealing with a fractured tailbone and major back pain or the fact that she is in the process of dropping down low and trying to prepare to enter the world. I went to the doctor yesterday for a appointment and they said she is great in there about 6.2 lbs and im not dialted at all. My next appointment isn't until thursday of next week. So im anxious to see what happens then. Until she is born the only thing I ask of you lovely ladies is to please pray for us. Thanks so much.
this site is infecting everyones computers i have detected two trojan horse viruses in 20 seconds please pa__s this along! I notified the site owner and they said they were aware of viruses on the site and are trying to fix it but they never did anything for weeks now. I have the e-mail if you don't believe me, us pregant ladies are being taken advantage of! They are tracking us by what we write, look at and who else knows!
please pa__s this along! I notified the site owner and they said they were aware of viruses on the site and are trying to fix it but they never did anything for weeks now. I have the e-mail if you don't believe me, us pregant ladies are being taken advantage of! They are tracking us by what we write, look at and who else knows!