Hi Sarah- This is also my second month on clomid and I am having the same symptoms. I am supposed to start by the 15th. I am going to wait until I am late (if I am late) to test. I've been let down too many times.
well girls, i am right there with you. This is my 25th day of my cycle and i'm just going to see if i start this weekend. i don't want to be let down either and don't know if the signs I have are pg signs or pms signs. hope all goes well with both of you
Hi Leslie, Thank you and I hope you get some good news too!! I'm supposed to start on the 15th, but for the past 2 days I've had this constant cramp, almost like a mestrual cramp, but it doesn't seem to go away until I lay down and relax. I sit all day at work and the cramp is just there all day. I told my husband if this is just some side effect of the clomid, I don't think I want to take it again. I'll probably talk to my Dr and see if there are other procedures or meds I can try. Good luck to all!!!
Hey, went to the dr today. Got to see my folicles. Looking real good. I am very excited about this month. It feels good. And I just wanted to say thanks to all who continue on with this board because ya'll are keeping me sane during this. Oh, BTW, after using clomid, does anyone else go see DR for an ultrasound and a shot? I got a shot last month and today (made my bum sore for a week) that is supposed to help egg realse. I was just curious if this is the same process ya'll are going through! Thanks
Monique - I was wondering the same thing as you. I haven't heard anyone mention any shots. Yes, I had a shot too. And I did have several ultrasounds after clomid. The dr wanted to make sure it worked, and it did. I had one on cd11, then cd15 and cd16. Not fun, but they wanted to watch closely. We found out on cd16 I had 2 follicles, 20mm & 17mm. So that's when I had my shot. That was this past Friday. Now I don't go back until I get a bloodtest on 8/22.
P.S. This is my 1st clomid cycle.
I am also 27, 6 weeks pregnant,and took clomid for two months. I also have simular stuff going on with my body. I worry all the time that the pain in my abdomin is not normal. So its good to hear that I'm not the only one having them. I Am so happy to be pregnant, and looked foward to moment for so long, Congrads and good luck!
Wow Chris, they really were watching you! Last month (my first round) they only did one ultra sound and one shot. On that one they found 3 folicles, 1 very good looking, 1 horrible, and the other was so-so. Yesterday though, there was this one that was HUGE! Dr says thats the one, and she saw 2 more good looking ones. Doc even says there is a good chance of twins! That is really scary seeing is how I am only 21 and was praying to have at least one child...but hey if I am blessed like that, then bring em on right?! Anyway, I'll have my fingers crossed for you!
Well ladies AF hit me this morning so I guess it is yet another month on the Clomid. This will be the second month on 100 mg. I have been on it since April but it was 50 mg, but since I never ovulated after three months on 50 mg after the miscarriage he decided to double it. So I guess it is just another month with the horrible side effects. Best of luck to the rest of you! I take Clomid on days 3-7. Metformin 500 mg twice a day. Is it better to take it in the morning or bedtime. I have heard different stories. We have been married 15 years and would love to have a child. I miscarried our first in March at 9 weeks. Baby dust to all!
Monique - Yes, they are monitoring me closely. I also had an HSG. I was surprised to read a post from a few months ago from someone who's been on clomid already and not getting pregnant. So the dr now wants to send her for an HSG. That should be checked out first. A friend of mine was put on clomid by her gyno, not a fertility dr, and they didn't monitor her closely. Well, a year later they found out she was going into ovarian failure, kinda pre-menopause at age 33!!! Had she gone to a specialist they would have checked her out more thoroughly to see why she wasn't able to conceive and maybe had time to do something about it. So, I'm thankful my dr is watching so closely! It's great to see the meds work, because I know I ovulated this past weekend, exactly as planned.
| DW - August 11 |
I'm on day 9 of taking clomid. I have one child and conceived naturally (she's 2) but seem to have trouble the second time. I'm hoping the 50 mg.of Clomid works. My doctor did it and conceived twins the first time. My doctor has scheduled to see me on the 21st day to check my progesterone and the 28th day. That way no waiting for results
I took 50 mg of clomid (was not ovulating per 2 different fertility specialists) & after several months I did get pregnant but it was an ectopic pregnancy which can be a side effect. I continued to take clomid & developed severe cysts on my ovaries that have ruptured also a side effect of clomid. Therefore, I since stopped using clomid and have become pregnant on my own. Unfortunately, I have since miscarried this baby as well. Moral of the story..... clomid does have risks and take it with caution.
Hi Laides - I'm back from my holiday & waiting to O. time will tell. Hope everyone is well Kelly only a few short days girl.
| KT - August 12 |
Hello all, i have been reading your posts and it keeps me encouraged. I am on my first round of clomid. Day 14. Hope i get pregnant this cycle. I had a miscarriage in October of 04 at 12 weeks. We have been TTC ever since. Don't want anymore dissapointing negative results. Good Luck to all of your and God Bless!
Hi Lauren, Well I took a test today and it was negative. I'm supposed to start on Monday the 15th. I talked to my doctor yesterday. I know the clomid is working (I ovulated both times with great levels) so this month (after I start) he wants to schedule a HSG test to check for blockages in my tubes. Sounds like fun, huh? I just can't believe we are all going through so much just to conceive a child. It's supposed to be soo easy! Guess not for everyone. Good luck hun!
| KT - August 12 |
Hey Kelly, i agree with you. Thought it would be so easy to conceive but its definitly not. Good Luck to you
hello all. i have been taking clomid for 6 cycles.....and nothing. i think part of the problem is my husband travels a lot. i went to the doctors yesterday and she told me to go to a fertility specialist. i have been experiencing cramping in my lower right side. has anyone else experineced this? i am 31 and have been trying for over a year. i .am on 100/clomid days 3-7. please some advice....anyone.