Pregnant And Currently Uninsured
5 Replies
I just recently tested positive after a 10-day late period :). I should be about 5-8 weeks along right now. I am really excited, really uncomfortable from severe palpitations, stomach aches, head aches, fatigue, gas, and more hunger than usual, but I won't be able to go to the doctor for another few weeks. Does everything about my symptoms seem normal? What should I do between now and then to make sure I make the right decisions, eat the right things, exercise well (extreme athlete) without putting too much stress on my body, and in general do the right things to get ready. Should I test again to make sure? My first test on the day I was late showed a negative so I waited 10 days and got a really clear positive.
Well for one go to wal mart and get prenatal pills, they work just as good as prescription fact I never even got prescrition prenatals because my doctor highly recommended them ones. As for can only do what you can handle. Your body will let you know when enough is enough. It is very wise that you not over exert yourself because you may harm the baby, and the baby is more important then looking good, or staying in shape. For now look into prenatal yoga, at least until you are still doing something, walking isn't bad at all...and as for insurance, let me tell is expensive. With insurance my husband and I paid over 4,000 out of pocket for me and my daughter.
Hun, you might qualify for Health Wave... well thats what its called in Kansas...but your state should have some type of funding to make you and your baby receive healthcare cost free....if you fall within a low income bracket. Which I don't knwo if you do, but there is always that option. Pick up a bottle of Prenatal vitamins from Walmart like Nerdy Girl says. I got a bottle that had 250 pills for 9 bucks. They're very good quality Spring Valley.
If you go to your local Planned Parenthood they can give you prenatal care for free while you wait for your insurance to kick in.
Agreed on starting the prenatal ASAP. Also, if you go to your local health department and obtain a proof of pregnancy you can get almost immediately signed up for a special type of temporary Medicaid that will cover all your medical needs throughout the pregnancy. Make sure to bring a pay stub (or someone that lives with you and can sign a written statement saying you have no income), your birth certificate, ID, and SS card.
go to your local department of healtth and human services and sign up for healthy kids, they cover pregnant women as well. they have a sliding scale fee depending on how much you make. its nation wide so you should be able to get it anywhere, its the one that the president is trying to cut funding for. way to go bush!