Implantation Bleeding-pg111103519218

710 Replies
JerzyGirlatHrt - January 20

Well, my blood test was negative. :o( I don't get it. My AF is now 5 days late. I'm not stressing...and I know about stress. My ex was in Iraq on two separate tours and even on the occasions where I came close to a nervous breakdown, my period was NEVER late...if anything, it came early. I'm just lost at what is going on!


Tammy276 - January 20

In order for you girls to know if your period is "late or early", you need to be keeping track of when you ovulate...not all woman ovulate 2 weeks after their period starts. It is possible if you are sick or under stress that you will ovulate later, making you think your period is late, but really, its not late. you just ovulated later than normal.


tonjak65 - January 20

I am so sorry JerzyGirlatHrt. I am sure your time will come soon. Did you read my October 29th post? The reason I ask, is that what you have experienced reminds me a lot of what I went through that month. The strange, off schedule bleeding ended up to be my AF after all, and I started back on a normal cycle the next month counting from the first day of that odd cycle. Maybe you should look at when your next AF would be due in that scenario, and see if things get back on track. Good luck to you!


Silverchild - January 22

I am so happy to have found this thread. There is so little about Implantation out there outside of the same thing repeated over and over again. I have spent a lot of time searching for information because I had a crazy thing happen to me this week! Let's hope it's a good crazy. My AF was due on the 15th. It's typical for it to be 2 days late or right on time. The last time I was a week and a half late I wound up discovering I was pregnant because I had a miscarriage. Like all women, things vary in timing, but the actual AF is always the same. Once it starts, the pattern is always the same. This time, it started on the 19th. Not unreasonably late, but completely different. My AF starts light then gets heavy within 2 hours and is very bright red. This time it started medium/light medium and dark brown with no read at first. In fact I have seen no red whatso ever, except for a rusty, brownish red (if that makes sense). It stayed brown with a couple of smears of pink now and then. This is day three and this morning it had stopped. My AF always lasted almost to the hour 7 days, being super heavy the first 2 days, medium the next two and light and super light for the last three days. But for it to be gone after only about 2 and a half days, most of it so light that I didn't need a pad? And now my b___sts have started to become tender - after AF has stopped. Normally they are tender before it through about half way into it. Midafternoon I noticed a few twinges, now they seem to be getting more and more tender as the hours pa__s. I took an HPT which was negative. I think I probably did it too soon from what I am reading I should have waited until a few days after the AF stopped? I have never had a brown AF before and I was scared to death to see it start that way and not go red at all. I figure there are three posibilities here: 1) I am indeed pregnant or 2) there is something wrong with me or lastly 3) It's just an odd AF as I know some women if not most women experience it. I'm leaning towards 1 because my lower abdomen has been uncomfortable but not cramping. It's a similar sensation to when I was pregnant before (however short that may have been) and is starting to be noticable arounf the same timing. What does anyone else think? Am I being too hopeful? I don't dare try another test until Friday for fear of seeing a negative again and still have doubts on if I did it too soon. How long does it usually take for HGC to show up strong enough to test for? I know everyone and every prgnancy is different, but there much be an average timing out there? Thanks guys. I'll write again to let you know what happens Friday, until then, I just need a way to 'vent'? You all know what the worry is like.


JerzyGirlatHrt - January 23

Okay, so now I'm back to a state of confusion. 9 days late for AF. Blood test at 4 days late was negative. Took a HPT this morning and there was a second line!! Could the blood test have been wrong even though AF was already 4 days late?!?


Silverchild - January 23

Jerzy - You know, I would trust the one with two lines. Have another blood test done. Sometimes your body doesn't produce enough hgc to be detectable until later on. I have a niece that didn't get a positive until she was almost in her second trimester! Try another test of another brand or something (just to use your first one as a "control" test ) and if it comes out positive, then you would be pregnant. There are false negatives all the time, but a false positive is rare. Good luck! Baby dust!


tonjak65 - January 23

JerzyGirlatHrt I have to agree with Silverchild. If there is a definite second line, the chances are more than excellent that you are indeed pregnant. Congratulations! We will be due at almost the same time!


Lika - January 25

well its now the 25th!! am 5 days late with not a hint of af arriving any time soon. my hubby and i are agreed that if nothing by the weekend we will test again! am scared of another neg!!! we are both confused as im normally clockwork...congrats though to tonjak65 and jerzygirlathrt!!!! will post the result of test on monday!! fingers X'd....


NicoleMW - January 25

Wow, I have read all of your stories and thank you for them. However, before I read, I was thinking,"No, I am not pregnant, it was just a weird, early, light period." This is after going back and forth over and over again since Monday. My story: The first day of my last period was Dec.27th. My cycles run from 26-28 days with my period fairly heavy the first day and diminishing each day for four days. Monday, the 21st I woke up spotting. A couple drops that were red and watery when I went to the bathroom, only in my underwear a bit when I woke up (but appeared brown not the same color as drops in the toilet), lasting the day. I put on a light day liner and never needed to change it. The next day Tuesday, I too wore a light day pad and only had very very little brown smear at the end of the day. Nothing yesterday, or today (Thursday)- THE DAY OF MY SUPPOSED TO BE HERE PERIOD! I have had no cramps this month, just bloaded, tiredness and moody, sad moody, not my usual -crabbie. A little freaked since Monday like I said, I was prepared with a pg test this morning. It was negative. From the reading I have done, These test should detect the day of your period- as long as implantaion as occured. (Which if it was, IB, it has) I really do not have symptoms other than being really tired and - constipated! :( I was prenant once before and m/c at 8 weeks. No period or spotting. One day I thought, "Shouldn't I have had my period?" Did the math and realized I was five days late, went to the doctor, blood test positive. The next day I threw up all day, even at work and could not drive myself home I was taken to the doctor and threw up as I was talking to him telling him about my sickness all day, then I did not have any other preg symptoms at all other than sore b___bs which after I m/c I realized had dimished a few days prior. I don't know what to think. Knowing that spotting can happen during pregnancy, and before your period, but it could just be a change in cycle, or stress. Plus, if pregnant it can be normal or potenially a m/c. My plan is to wait (if I can) another 3 days, and if no period I will take another pt. I will write again. Any other advice? Thanks.


tonjak65 - January 25

I have a sad update. I had some extra hpt’s left over, so yesterday morning I tried another one just to see how much darker the line would be a week after my first + test. But instead of being darker, it was barely visible, so I took another of the First Response ones that I had left, and the line in that one was very light compared to what it had been previously. I called my doctor, because I had read of this happening sometimes before a m/c. They sent me in to get a blood test, and I am supposed to go in for another one tomorrow to see if my hormone levels are increasing like they should in a healthy pregnancy. But this morning, before I had even heard back from the doctor’s office about the results of the first test I started bleeding. I just got off the phone with the nurse, and my levels are not very high from the first test, so the chances are more than likely that I have m/c. I guess I will know for sure after the test tomorrow.


Silverchild - January 25

Congradulations Lika! I just know you'll see a BFP! Nicole. I am sorry for your loss. I have been reading my b___t off all over the internet too with a similar situation (which is not too far above this post) and something I have found most is that it's about 10+ days after IB that is the best to test. You have to make sure enough HCG (or is it HGC?) is in your system. I still haven't tested myself. I am trying trying trying to wait till Feb 1st. Mostly because I don't want to see a negative again, but partly because I want to time things as close to Valentines day as possible to tell my DH in case it is positive. (Or would that be a romance killer? hehe men...) Today I have had such a terrible headache that is still raging and have been sick to my stomache. My b___bs are tender and my cervix is so high I can barely touch it (I know I shouldn't be touching if I am prggers, but I am just searching for any sign at this point before I take a test). I know you'll get a positive! When are you testing? Have you have any other symptoms? Tonka. Sweet stuff, I am sooo sorry. But I have read that sometimes the tests do that to pregnant women where they look light for a while then get dark again later due to changing hormones or some crud and do not necessarily signal a M/C; the lines may come back darker again later. And women frequently bleed in the early stages. I'm being optimistic for you since I know it must be terribly hard for you to deal with this yourself right now. Keep us posted no matter what happens?


tonjak65 - January 26

Thank you Silverchild for the kind words, but I am now quite convinced that I have had a m/c. I have been bleeding quite heavy all night, and I just don’t see how I could have kept the pregnancy with that much bleeding. The blood also has the same odor as after birth bleeding. I guess I just have to trust that God knows best, and keep trying. I hope to hear good news from the rest of you soon! Baby Blessing to you all.


NicoleMW - January 27

tonjak65- I am so sorry. However,You are really in tune with your body though and that is good. It will be meant to be another month maybe next month! Silverchild I admire your paitence. I have none. I took a first response test yesterday (in the mid-afternoon) I know it was impulsive. But only one line (-) The only pecuilar thing is that it was a very visible crooked line. I have not been able to find any info on this. The line went straight and then halfway through,it curved to the left (looking at it) and then straight again. If I did my calculaitons right , yesterday would have been 12 DPO. And 3 days past the day and barely a half I had of spotting. (see prior post) As far as symptoms, I feel normal this morning. Last night I was very uncomfortable on my belly, side and back, but having to choose, laying on my back was the best. My stomach since last Friday at night makes many noises. I have had big acne, one after another of pressured zits that are so painful. I had no appet_te after noon yesterday, where days prior I was starving about every two hours. Frequent urination, not sure about today yet as it is only 6:30 am. Still am very tired. I am leaning towards "not pregnant" because I would think it would have shown up yesterday, or a faint second line would have been visible. I know many women do not show (+) until 14 DPO so - My birthday is next Friday, so before i go partying it up, I am going to take another test tomorrow (Sunday the 28th) just to be safe. My maybe father to be says, "Why don't you just get a blood test and call it a day?" I don't want too. I'd rather test myself and if I see a positive, then yes, the first thing I will do is call my doctor and get in. Man, being a woman is amazing, confusing, and just plain tough. Good Luck to everyone, I will post again Sunday.


NicoleMW - January 27

Oh yeah, I forgot. Silverchild, about your lower tummy and the uncomforableness- I know that is probably the most "symptom" (maybe) I have been expierencing as well. It's sort-of bloated, but no really. I have had no cramps at all, just a weird heavy, slightly pulling feeling for a couple seconds. For me it feels heavy and I am very skinny, so my belly is sticking out (this does happen on my period but usuall a few days prior and the first day of period. I have felt this way since Monday when the spotting started. (Two days before my expected period) I think it is very possilbe you are pregnant. Save yourself a little grief and try to wait until the first like you were saying. My inpaitence gave me a weird negative result (as I said in post above) and this just made my anxiety worse and curiosity and confusion even higher. Good luck to you :) and get back to us please!


Silverchild - January 28

Nicole, good luck girl! Its driving me crazy waiting! Does anyone use cervical position to watch for fertility? (along with with all the other c___p too of course) Mine got a lot softer and so high I can barely touch it and has remained there since the unusual brown spotting. It's tightly closed though and widened! Unfortunately, since my dog chewed my plastic digital themometer two weeks ago, I can't check to see if my temp has remained high or not. I can't find much of anything about this "widening" thing except in horses. Half of the sites you find say that this is not a consideration in determining pregnancy. I don't agree as of course the cervix must change (even though it happens at different times for different women) and there must be signs of pregnancy in it since it shows us when we are ovulating, right? This "widening" business, let me describe it more (HAHAHA TMI warning inserted here?) Usually it is almost perfectly cylindrical at this stage and low and firm, but tightly closed. Now, it sort of mushrooms across the top but still is cylindrical at the base and so high I can barely reach it. Or maybe the better description is like a clumulous (spl?) cloud Tall then branches outward in a round form.. mushroom like (hahaha). Ok... one more try, Picture a mushroom with a flat top and short stem. The top is larger around it's outer edge than the stem's diameter. Does that make sense? There is also this hardness at the top behind the opening. I've read that that might also be a sign, but I am of course worried that I'm just wishing so hard that I'm looking for anything at this point hehe. I'm sure I'm not the only one.


Silverchild - January 28

Nicole, I have read that women that get acne before that time of the month tend to get it much worse in the begining of pregnancy. And you should definately take a new test. The crooked line isn't trust worthy as it is a sign of a malfunctioning test. But from what you are writing, I bet you are pregnant!!! Let me know what happens!!!! When are you planning on testing again? Its all I can take to keep from testing before the 1st. arrggghhhh



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