Tiredness in the first trimester

A woman may experience fatigue due to the physical and emotional demands of pregnancy. During your pregnancy, you might feel tired even when you've had a lot of sleep at night.

Many women find they're exhausted in the first trimester. Don't worry, this is normal! This is your body's way of telling you that you need more rest. Tiredness will pass over time and be replaced with a feeling of well being and increased energy.

When you are tired, get some rest. Try to get eight hours of sleep every night, and take a nap during the day if you can.

If you feel stressed, try to find a way to relax. You might want to start sleeping on your left side, if you find it more comfortable.

This will relieve pressure on major blood vessels that supply oxygen and nutrients to the fetus. Using a body pillow can help to comfortably support your body.

Once your body has adjusted to the increased demands placed upon it, you should have more energy. Until then, you may need to work fewer hours or take a few days off if you're really fatigued.

Once your body is back to some semblance of normality, there is no reason why you shouldn't return to your job. You will probably find that you are happier and less anxious if you keep busy.

Tips to Help You Deal With Fatigue

  • Get eight hours of sleep or more each night
  • Ensure your following a proper diet. Fatigue may be aggravated by a deficiency in iron, protein, or just not getting enough calories.
  • Baby yourself and let others baby you. By getting adequate rest and relaxing while making sure your spouse is doing his fair share of the chores, you will be able to focus on taking care of yourself and your baby.
  • Fatigue is often worsened by your environment. Be alert of inadequate lighting, poor air circulation, poor air quality, or excessive noise and try to get them corrected.
  • Get some exercise. Often a nice walk or even a slow jog can help with fatigue. Too much rest can actually heighten fatigue but be sure not to overdo the amount you exercise.

Mood Changes

Partly due to surges in hormones, a pregnant woman may experience mood swings similar to premenstrual syndrome (a condition experienced by some women that is characterized by mood swings, irritability and other physical symptoms that occur shortly before each menstrual period). You may also experience emotions such as fear, joy or elation.

Table of Contents
1. First Trimester
2. Dealing with Fatigue
3. Morning sickness tips
4. Not that heartburn again!
5. Unsightly varicose veins
6. Prevent varicose veins
7. What are you craving?
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