If you Want a Boy:

  • Eat lots of salty foods
    We're not so sure that this is a good idea. Too much salt can cause hypertension and in some cases, stomach cancer. If you already have high-blood pressure, definitely don't try this.
  • Eat lots of red meat
    There are a lot of vegetarians who will tell you that you can have a boy without eating any meat. While moderate intake of red meat is fine, too much does carry some health risks; consumption of too much red meat has been linked to colon cancer and heart disease. If you want to try this, consider choosing organic meat. Meat from cattle that have been fed grass contains more omega three and six fatty acids (the good fats), and less saturated fat.
  • Let the man initiate love making
  • Make love standing up
  • Lie down for a while after sex
  • Have sex while on all-fours

Other Pearls of Wisdom

A common claim is that more boys are conceived on odd numbered days and more girls on even numbered days.

If you want a girl, try to conceive when the moon is a quarter full and for a boy try when the moon is full. Some people claim that the time of day can affect the baby's gender too: girls are conceived in the afternoon and boys at night.

What Doctors Say

Sorry to say, the scientific community doesn't put any stock in any pregnancy folklore. Probably because all of these methods produce no more than a 50/50 chance of conceiving a child of the sex you prefer.

Of course, there are some scientific theories about how to choose the sex of your baby. The most popular one involves keeping track of your ovulation cycles and mucous production.

Another scientific method of gender selection is called Percoll density gradient centrifugation procedure, also known as "sperm spinning".

The sperm is placed in a centrifuge and spun. The Y (male-producing) sperm rises to the top of the centrifuge and the X (girl-producing) sperm goes to the bottom. This method has about a 77% success rate, however it is expensive and time consuming and requires undergoing in-vitro fertilization. In other words , it's not a try at home method.

Table of Contents
1. Determining Your Baby's Sex
2. Tips for having a boy.
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