I had an accident with a condom two months ago and took plan b less than 12 hours later. I had withdrawal bleeding 5 days later and my period came on time from the day that I took the pill and was relatively normal. However, this second month, my period came on time but is much lighter (less than a heavy flow but more than just spotting) and is very clotty. I have also experienced sore nipples and more cramping before my period arrived both cycles. I've taken many hpts which have all come out negative, and a qualitative blood test which was also negative. I am just slightly worried about being pregnant, but what could be causing the light period and when should I expect my cycles return to normal again??
Good info, Christina, a period 28 days after taking Plan B with a withdrawal bleed in the meantime? I don't think that is a hard and fast rule, but anyway.. Your negative tests pretty much rule out pregnancy so it must be that Plan B has messed up your system just a little. My guess is that everything will be close to normal next month, but that is not based on anything I have read.
Should I be concerned that the second period is lighter? I have been stressed out this past month due to family issues and school, which I have read can affect periods but I am worried that it could be a sign of something else? I don't have other symptoms besides more exaggerated PMS symptoms that go away before every cycle and slightly irritated bowels before and during the last two periods.