Can A Baby Sleep Too Much

7 Replies
Sharmishtha - January 25

My almost-one month old baby sleeps a lot, both during the day and the night. I know, I know, I should enjoy the bliss. But my son was just the opposite at the same age, so I am a little concerned about whether a sleepy baby means developmental problems. She usually wakes up in time for her feeds, sometimes stretches it to 5 hours at night, but otherwise doesn't seem to miss too many feeds. Anyone else out there with that rare phenomeon, a sleepy baby?


Q - January 26

I do not have the same problem. But please remember this. When babies and children sleep...they grow. Maybe she is just growing, and needs the rest. Take it from a mom who had problems with her first born going to sleep. Take advantage of it. Soon she will be a roudy todler!


Maureen - January 27

My baby slept for about 5 hours a night at that age. Now at 3 Months my baby sleeps about 6 to 8 hours each night. Though we do go to bed late, I'm very glad and don't ask myself such questions. I don't think you can tell if there are any developmental problems until later on anyways but don't know that for sure. My baby is alert during the day and sleeps sometimes after a bottle feeding. Each baby grows at her/his own pace and needs to sleep when he/she needs it. I'd talk to your Dr. about it if you are worried. Just be thankful that your baby sleeps well and don't boast about it to anybody as all the "New" Mothers will hate you. Also, somebody told me to wish for a big baby before I gave birth because big babies sleep better than small ones. It sounds true enough but I don't know that for a fact.


Tracey - January 28

My little sister was one on those rare sleeping babies. I was 14 when she was born so I remember it vividly. Her first night home from the hospital she went to bed around 11pm and didn't wake up to eat until around 7 am. She slept 8 hours a night from the time she was 3 days old! She was always REALLY hungry when she woke up, but other than that it was a godsend for the whole family. My mom asked the doc if it was healthy for her to go so long without a feeding and he told her that if she was sleeping through it, not to worry about it. My mom tried waking her up in the middle of the night a couple times to feed because she was still a little worried (even after getting rea__sured by the doc), but my little sis was very crabby when she got woke up. She was just a little one that liked her sleep. Feel lucky, these babies are RARE!


Denise - February 3

I am not sure. I have the same question. Both of my boys seemed to barely sleep at all and now my 2 month old girl sleeps most of the time. She eats every two hours during the day and about every three at night with a one time 5-6 hour stretch. They say sleep varies, but she seems alert and happy when she is a wake. I try to keep her up as much as I can untill she is so tired and fussy with me I let her sleep. It's usually when we are in the car taking the older boys to school or practices, so maybe that is why. I am waiting for the night that she stays up because I let her days and nights get mixed up. Maybe it's payback for all the lack of sleep I got with my first two?


NAOMI - February 7

for a young baby sleeping as much as 19 hours does not make your baby abnormal at all, just on the sleepy side. Your babys focus at this time is on growing and feeding, and it sounds like he/she is begining to understand that an empty tummy means time to wake up and that is good. your baby has plenty of time to explore the world, make the most of you sleepy baby.


natalie - February 26

as long as you dont let you baby sleep more than 6 hour after each feed. its ok they have to be woken every 6 hours for there feeds


amber - March 8

my baby takes naps during the day... her real awake time is from about 3pm to 930pm-12am..... Then she will sleep from btwn 930p-12am to 530am... she will then eat and sleep til 930am..... then only small cat naps thru the day..... I think its fine, and normal. As long as she is eating and gaining weight, you shouldnt have to worry. If you are really worried, I would ask her DR.



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