2 Replies
My lil guy is 5 wks. I put him in the bed with me the first few weeks just so I could get some sleep. Now at night I put him in the bassinett to sleep. He will sleep for only 1 hr. Then I have to get up. I put him int he bed with me and he will sleep for the 3-4 hrs before the next feeding. How can I get him to sleep in the bassinet longer? When it is time for him to go in his baby bed we are going to have a horrible time to convert him. I dont mind him sleeping with me but me and dh need some time for us.
| d - November 16 |
Try putting on some sleeping music to soothe him. That's what I do. I never swaddled. I noticed when he was on his back his arms would flare and it would wake him up but they wouldn't flare when he was sleeping on his tummy. I also used to sing twinkle twinkle and still do till he falls asleep. When I put in his crib I would continue singing to him and pat him on his back so he knows I'm there. After a awhile he'll a__sociate the crib with you a place to be comforted and relaxing. It will take time to get used to. Keep trying. Comfort him when he cries and put him back in the crib when he falls asleep.