I Almost Had A Heart Attack
44 Replies
oh and btw i am old too.....and here on the forum on a saturday night.
You're not an old hag I'm sure. None of you are more than likely...I think of old hag as a grouchy 50+ year old woman. Or my mom, she's a grouchy 43 year old lol. But you guys seem very nice not grouchy or hag-ish.
The older I get, the older my idea of "old" is. My husband is turning 30 in four months, so I can't think of 30 as old anymore...
| TC - December 11 |
I never though of 30 as being old. That's why I am exicited to turn 30 next yr. My dh will only be 27, though. I know he better not think of 30 as old.
Old is older than my parents...my FIL is old because he's 64, but my parents are in their 50's and that's not old. Funny, right?
AAAAGHHH! I need to get a life too!! I was "gone" these last 2 days and earlier this week I was busy organizing a fundraiser for the humane Society and I noticed I did't wanted to do giftbaskets,I prefer "hanging" out here.The turn out was good and it was a good cause,but now I am back.Rachael,I also had almost a heartattack on friday.I got the same message on my screen,TWICE,and I just could not imagine why I would be prohibited of comming here.I think they where just setting the whole thing up with the red names,and registration etc.They better not do that to us again..LOL. BTW,Do NOT talk about 30 being old,January first I will be 30!!! Bye bye twenties,boo hoo!!
Talking of the changing perception of "oldness", my mum, who is in her 60's, often describes women she's met as "a nice little girl". I always picture them as 5 years old, but in actual fact she uses this descripton for anyone under 40! Lol!
I know Lissi,my grandmother had "issues" with aging,so she was the same age for like 6 years at the time,when my mom turned 33 she told her mom that it was time to admit she was in her fifties and not in her forties.
I could take after my grandma and be 29 one more year..........
29?! Shelly, your just kid! :)
Hey, January 30th I'm 18! LOL. Anyone wanna give me 3 years?
| TC - December 12 |
NO!!! You keep your youth and enjoy it. Hey I'm gonna be young untli put in the ground. LOL
LOL. It's just I can't do anything yet! The other day my FIL got pulled over with me in the car and when she asked my age I said 17. She thought I said 15! I swear, I can't even get into a rated R movie yet. Arggggg lol. I can be youthful at 21...
| TC - December 12 |
Trust me, just be happy with your age. If not, when you're 21 you're going to want to be 25. Then when you're 30 you're going to want to be 21. Can't win so don't try. Enjoy 18!! It is a special year.