Oct Moms Barb Shannon Cit Ranya Leslie Where
167 Replies
Lesley dont appologise, i wouldnt of thought you were having a go, we all need to vent sometimes and this is the place, what your saying sounds c___p, i think you should try get out to a group for mums and make some new friends who will care for you and your children, your family, what is their problem? is there some issues from the past that make them behave like this? i feel i have enough to deal with with one baby, a supportive family and great friends but with more kids uncareing family and friends i think your doing a fantastic job. can you not change your kids school, why would people not come to parties, do your children get bullied? keep your chin up, were here, keep talking, let it all out :-)
JB i tried your website but i didnt work? what is the secret to them putting on weight, im trying to eat lots she feeds for ages, every hour and half but hasnt put on any weight from what she lost, she was 7.14 at birth and went tgo 7.5 and stayed, shes 11 days, feels like my b___bs arent full enough sometimes, only in morning, ive tried expressing but im c___p, both hand and pump? how do you do it? what do youeat, how often do you feed him for and for how long? thanks
Hi lisa, it's not kids at school that didn't turn up to parties, it's family. I only have little tea partys but spend up to £100 on food and games. I don't want to change him schools. He only started in September and has made loads of friends. I'm not a very sociable person. I prefer my own company to others. I spoke to my mum last night about how I was feeling and she fails to see what my problem is. Cos she went into hospital to pick me up she thinks thats enough (she didn't actually say it in those words though). I live about 5 mile from her, it's not like its really far. I moved into this area Feb 2004. I only moved here cos my old house was being sold and I had nowhere else. It was only supposed o be a temp thing, but we have settled here and I love the area and the people who live round here. Only thing is most are old and retired. Anyways I've been bad today. I am getting a lot of pain in my tummy. It's like afterpains but a lot stronger. I've took paracetamol and had an hour sleep but it's done nothing to help. Then when I fed Ben he threw up all over. I wil have to see how I am feeling tomorrow then ask my midwife about it. Got my oldest sons parents evening tomorrow night (it was supposed to be last tuesday but I couldn't go to that one). Hope I'm well enough to go. It would be a shame to miss out and not know what he has been learning and how he is progressing.
Well I have just found out my mam and aunty went to my cousins birthday party that they told me they were not going to, so they couldn't take the kids. It just gets worse and worse. I am so angry right now, I had a feeling they were going to do that. Why are they being like this towards me. It's not like I've done anything wrong.
lesley, try not to think about these people who dont seem to care as much for your children as others, better to get on with your life on your own and let your family get on with it, they only seem to be getting you down, i bet if you didnt bother with them they would soon be paying you more attention, about the pains, i had pains in my belly far worse than the afterpains the made me cry, im now on antibiotics as i hada womb infection as well as mast_tis!! fun
Hello everyone!! How great to see so many of you here :) I hope everyone finds this thread...well, my Trinity is 4 weeks old now...I can't believe how FAST it's going! she still isn't sleeping through the night, but she does pull 4 hr. stretches alot. We still have her in our bed...I keep trying to put her in her bed next to us, but she ALWAYS wakes up...I'll have to try the hot water bottle idea :) I'm still nursing...ALL the time...haha...if she's awake she wants to eat it seems.BUT...she is more alert now and looks around at everything :) and she finally started to smile!! YEA!!...it's SO GREAT WHEN SHE SMILES at me =) here's the website if you want to see her and my family : www.TrinityMarie.piczo.com
I just put a few new ones up this morning under the "pics" section...turn up your volume!! I'm going to go check out your sites....lesley and shannon...any new pics on your site lisa??
I have got no new pictures yet. The only one I have was took off the web cam. I still have about 10 pictures to take off the film, and will scan them all asap. There is a brilliant one of all 3 :-)
Lesley,Shannon, Lisa..your sites look GREAT! what GOEGEOUS babies we have!! PRAISE GOD!!!
hi barb, yes i have some new pictures on www.babygurung@piczo.com
Jasmin will be two weeks tomorow and is gorgeous, she has been sleeping from 11 till 6 but suddenly doesnt want to go to bed anymore, the last few nights we have left her to cry, it takes ages but she goes eventually, otherwise she just wants to lie and suck on me, not actually feeding, anyone else find their baby is not conforted by dh? i think its cos he treated me so c___p during pregnancy and never talked to bump she doesnt seem to like him?
John (my partner) didn't get involved with the pregnancy, but has bonded with Ben. Ben in content and will settle with anyone, unless he needs feeding. With you beatfeeding Lisa your baby will have a stronger bond with you.
yeh, im trying to pump to let him feed sometimes but it takes me ages and it comes out it drops not spirts???
| JB - November 15 |
Hey everyone. Try this for the website, go to www.growingfamily.com, then web nursery, search oct 24, mom last name - val, in texas, and his name is Joseph. Lisa, I don't really know why he such a chow hound. I normally only feed him until he falls asleep. I had a little trouble producing milk with my 2nd pregnancy (I know stress is a factor on milk production), so I just ended up drinking more water, mother's milk tea (you can get it at a health food store) and taking hot showers when ever I could to make myself swell. Then I'd usually pump the side that she wouldn't be feeding on. I don't do both b___st during feeding. I kinda rotate them between feedings (Lord, that sounds like I'm talking about tires, haha) I hope it helps you out some. It's so good to see everyone here. I'm sorry I'm not getting on as often, but between him and my 2 girls, I'm ready to go nuts at times (especially from sleep and caffeine deprivation)
Lisa, how is the b___stfeeding going? I almost gave up he whole thing yesterday night as I am so sore, My nipples are destroyed. Today I am using a nipple shield, it helps a little with the pain, but Jaime does not get the same amount of milk with it. I am so desperate right now, the pain is so huge. I think I am having latching problems and do not know how to fix them. I will post pictures of Jaime soon.
| JB - November 15 |
Mary, just a suggestion. Have you been using lansinoh or anything for your nipples? When I was first learning to b___st feed, my nipples got tore up too, but if you are willing to try, I used to pump until my nipples got the weird "shape" to where the baby can latch on right. You know what I mean?
mary, do you not get any support from midwives? can you not go back to the hospital? i go to a b___stfeeding support group once a week, and had midwives come for 12 days everyday after the birth to help with feeding, im still going, my nipples are slowley healing but still sore, the main thing i make sure she is hungry before starting, if she has cried for a few mins first she latches better, also to hand get the milk flowing before she trys to latch so she can taste the milk and its already comming so it doesnt hurt so much, then make mynipple face her nose, make sure i and her are cusioned into right position and make her open real wide by brushing nipple over her lips then bottom lip has to touch areola first then then nipple should go right deep in her mouth pointing to the roof of her mouth, please get someone to help you, and i used kamilson cream which is great
Jb Joseph is gorgeous :-)