Best Position When Pushing
3 Replies
Hi Ladies,
I had my first last November and clearly remember the nurse saying, when the time came, to pull my knees up to my chin and push. I did, he came out with ONE push so everything was fine. I was just curious because I've heard so many say they've given birth while laying on their side or with their legs not pulled up and they make it sound like pulling your knees up to your head is not the best way. In terms of giving birth in a hospital, any of you recommend another way that worked well and why other positions may be better? Just curious, I'm due September 30th and replaying the whole labor process in my head and want to see other options, just in case!
Thanks for any input!
Hi alirenee when you look at the phisiology of birth, lying on your back at all while labouring or pushing out a baby goes against nature (gravity), your body & can almost guarantee a slower more painful birth. When the baby comes down the birth ca___l your tail bone needs to be able to move out of the way, otherwise you are trying to push the baby over a speed bump (so to speak) & your pelvis needs to be as open as possible, & lying on your back make this VERY difficult. That said some women do find it easier & more comfortable to be on their backs, but for the majority of women this is not the case. With my first they tried to make me hop on my back to push but I refused, so as a compromise I gave birth on my left side which wasn't too bad. With my 2nd I gave birth on my knees in the tub leaning against the side & found that was much easier as I had gravity to help. I was sooooo grateful to be able to birth freely the 2nd time as ds was 9lb 3oz & as I am only pet_te I don't know how well I would have done if I had been forced to birth on my back. Hopefully you will be able to birth freely & only you will know what is comfortable when the time comes, just listen to your body. Generally speaking positions that are upright (eg: kneeling, squatting, standing) are easier as they use gravity & allow your body & pelvis to birth more efficiently, although if you have certain pain relief like an epi you will not have any choice but to be on your back. Goodluck & I hope you have an easy labour & birth.
Well i'm probably not the best person to answer this question b/c i had a c-section but thinkin gi was going to have a v____al birth i took a lamaze cla__s and the instrustor was showing different birthing positions and she was saying with squatting you can open up your pelvis like a whole extra centimeter. It doesnt' sound like a lot but the wider you can get your pelvis the better. Plus the gravity helps too, the only draw back is if you have an epidural you probaly can't labor or push in that postion. But like i said i didn't give birth that way, i can only tell you what i was told. Good luck.
Thanks, ladies. It makes total sense, the whole gravity thing and the opening of your pelvis. Hopefully this baby boy will be as good as my first!