Brown Sugar To Start Labor
10 Replies
I've read in a post about this.. boil water leave untill warm, take a 1/2 cup, poor into cup with 4 heaping tbl spoons full of brown sugar, takes aprox. 48hrs. Has anyone tried this and worked? I've been drinking Rasp leaf tea for a week now.. heard it gives you easier contractions.. im about to try the brown sugar i'll let you know if it works.
kellynj how far are you. YES please let me know if it works.
kellynj. any luck yet? im gonna give it ago. is it meant to make you go to the loo? or just start u off?
Well, I took it and it gave me contractions, and im dilated to 2cm.. but no baby. o well, I hope it'll happen soon.
KellynJ how far were you dilated before?
I have tried this brown sugar several times... doesn't work. Contractions yes but not enough I think to get you into labour. Must be the sugar overdose....
I tried it yesterday, didn't even give me contractions, but I liked the taste, lol.
Yup, still no baby for me. O well, I guess the wait is worth it.
so did the brown sugar start your contractions????? i ate a bunch this morning in my oatmeal not knowing about im starting to lose my mucus plug and am having sharp little pains, but not contractions. could it cause them?
I tried it yesterday and it didn't do anything except make me start bawling for no reason when I came down from the sugar high! lol. But I'm still only 38 weeks and they say the 'home remedies' only work if your body is ready so who knows. In one of the other forums about 3 women said it worked for them. *sigh* guess we'll just have to wait it out girls!
so i had about 3-4 teaspoons of brown sugar yesterday morning and then again this morning. I did start getting sharp lil pains yesterday afternoon and they still have not stopped. I went into the doctor today and i have not dialated but have thinned out some. i dont know if it could of been the sugar, what i do know is when i came off my sugar high, i pa__sed out lol i slept for like 3 hours.