Castor Oil Need Advice ASAP
11 Replies
Im 38.5 wks and im thinking about taking castor oil tomorrow. I was wondering if anyone could tell me about their experiences with it or if there's any real reason I shouldn't take it. Thanks
it doesn't That's all i've got to say. First time it made me throw up, and go to the bathroom once...and the second, it did absolutely nothing..which is enough to tick you off after you drink the nasty stuff. I wouldn't reccomend it! :)
some people say it works - if your body is ready - that is, if your cervix is ripened and dilated a little already. i was at 3cm for 3 weeks, and after a week and a half i tried 3oz of castor oil. gave me diarreah and some cramps, but that's about it. then i tried it again a week later, about 2oz. didn't do a thing. i've been dilated to 4cm now for 4 days, and am 38w2d. i honestly think that castor oil working for some people is just coincidence. however, if you do decide to take it, i HIGHLY recommend taking it in welches grape soda. pour half a gla__s of soda, mix in 2oz of castor oil w/ a spoon, and chug. that type of soda is extremely fizzy and the oil gets caught in the bubbles, so it's the first to go down. then all you have is the grape taste. sierra mist and pibb are 2 highly carbonated bev's as well.. but the grape flavor covers really nicely. i also tried it in some vanilla ice cream & choc syrup stirred to make a shake. wasn't that bad, but took longer to get down.
Nothing will work if your body isn't ready. You can try until you're blue in the face, but if you're not ready nothing will happen. I did castor oil with my 1st and it didn't do a d__n thing.
I wouldn't take doesn't work. i took it like 2 times and had no complications but just didnt do nothing:S
| jg - January 1 |
I was going to do the same but read up heaps about it and the general advice was that it not only made you violently ill (toilet-wise) but could endanger your baby by making it pa__s meconium which it could then ingest. So I decided against it. Not worth the risk I would say.
castor oil DOES NOT get pa__sed on to the baby. the baby receives nutrition via the bloodstream, and since castor oil has no nutritional value, it's not absorbed. it basically goes straight through you. having said this, castor oil DOES NOT cause the baby to have a bowel movement in utero. HOWEVER, if a baby is ready to deliver, or if you're overdue, and you take castor oil, which produces contractions in your intestines, thereby causing contractions of your uterus, it is possible to stress out the baby, which can cause the baby to pa__s meconium while still in the amniotic sac.
Just a thought, if the baby only picks up the nutritonal values of what we eat, then why do we avoid caffeine, alcohol, etc. etc.? Mon17, I would just suggest do a little research about it then ask your doctor prior to trying it. I think the risk is super low on it so it's really between you and your doctor. Good luck!
bonnie - alcohol is absorbed into the bloodstream which pa__ses through the placenta into the baby's blood. caffeine also crosses the placental barrier and is metabolized by the baby.
all mom-to-be, be patient!!...When it's's time. Try walking+++ and all the other methods but, I'd advise not using castor oil. There's a good reason your doctor does not recomend castor oil. It can pa__s thru the placenta and cause the baby's bowels to become active. You do not want this to happen! Mecodum can be inhaled by the baby , they have swallowing reflexes and even now swallow fluid...that's fine.
this did not work for me at all. I drank a whole bottle of it with orange juice and nothing happened but it will clean out your rectum very well. I wouldnt do it if i were you because it make you sicker then a dog and dont work. Good luck and i would just wait till he/she decides to come. They will make that decision.
My Dr said that it is an old wives tale! There is nothing in castor oil that enduces labor. It only gives you cramps and the runs! She said anyone that it "worked" on.. was a complete coincidence.