I am going in Sunday night (4/23) to be induced. My midwife said they are going to start with me with cervadil around midnight. Has anyone had any experience with this?
Can I add my plea to preggiepop02 as I am also to be induced with Cervadil on Wednesday if I don't go into labour myself by then. I really want to know what I can do to help it work....like do I go home and rest, or will it more likely work if I stay up and walk about? Good luck preggiepop!!
Hey Kath. All I know is that they will insert the cervadil around midnight.. and if I havent gone into active labor by morning, they are going to break my water and start me on pitocin. I had read about getting the cervadil and then going home until labor started, but for some reason my doc is keeping me in the hospital. I think a lot of that reasoning is because they need to do fetal monitoring in case the contractions come on too strong and cause fetal distress. I'm not really sure. All I know is that I pray my body responds to it and that all I need is a little boost to get things going. I've been contracting for the past 3 weeks and am 1-2cm, 85%effaced, and the baby is at station 0. So they say I have a lot going for me.. but they also said that we are fighting against the fact that I am only 37 weeks and this is my first. We will see!! Good luck to you as well.
I was induced the same way 8 months ago. I went in at 1 cm dialated and 50%. I was 38 weeks and they inserted cervadil at 7pm and I had to stay in the hospital over night while it was in. Contractions started about a hour after it was in and got pretty painful a couple hours later. I got a shot for pain (can't remember which one) and then went to sleep. I was started on pitocin at 7am the next morning. I was 9 cm by around midnight. I got an epidural at 2 cm because the contractions where so strong and painful. I'm not sure it that was from being induced or if I'm just a wuss =) I ended up having to have a c-section because of many complications that didn't have anything to do with being induced. Good luck!
Hi, I am to be induced on wednesday too, if I dont go into labor by then. I was due thursday 20th. My doc said she would give me cervadil at 5 pm on wednesday and thursday morning, start me on pitocin, so I can have the baby on thursday. She also told me that it would be more painful if I dont have much dilation. I am currently 1cm and 50% effaced.
I was induced with cervadil at 37 wks. and I wasn't even barely dilated to a 1 after the 12 hours went by cause I had a Leep procedure done a couple years ago so there was scar tissue in front of my cervix, so my doc had to manually dilate me to a 4 with this balloon type thing that was filled up with saline solution and and when my body actually dilated, the balloon would fall right out. I was also put on pitocin. I went through so much, i wish they would of just gave me a c-section.
I was 41wks and 6 days when they tried the gel on me. I was only 1cm dialated. They put it on and within 15 minutes I had contractions. I had my son 8 1/2 hrs later! :) I also didn't have any drugs....so I don't think it could be THAT much worse than going into labor naturally.....also, I was only 17 at the time. (2 weeks before I turned 18) Good luck ladies!!! No matter what...the end product is what matters!
Worked great for me, that's how I had my last one. I was more than two weeks over but I was not dilated or effaced at all. My labor lasted 9 hours and it began almost right away after they inserted the cervidil. It was not a fun labor at all but I think that's because my baby was 10 lbs, not because of being induced.
Well thanks for all of your stories. The baby is here!!! I started contracting about 15 min after they inserted the cervadil, but by morning I hadnt made any cervical change. At 9 they started me on pitocin which was insane! My contractions really started to pick up, but by 1:30 I hadnt changed so they broke my water. This put me in a lot of pain because of how low the baby was. I got an epideral around 2:30 and within 30 min started making change (i think my body was too stressed which made it hard to make any change) 5 pm I started pushing and little Elijah was here at 5:19!!!! Hes amazing!! Thanks again for all your advice and encouragment. PS The docs told me that pitocin causes you to have pain at 2cm with contractions that a natural labor would have at 8cm.
Congratulations, Mommy!!!
Hi ladies,
I was induced with cervadil with my second child at San Diego Naval Hospital. My amniotic fluid was leaking. I'd highly recommend it over pitocin. I don't know the medical details, but it was a much gentler labor than my first baby in which I was induced with pitocin. It is supposed to work especially great with women who have already had one baby. When they used it on me, they had to put a second in because after about an hour or two the first one came out. The second one started kicking in about two hours later and I delivered in 90 minutes. However, I really didn't have much pain with my contractions. It wasn't until my baby was crowning that I experience much pain and by then it was almost over. He was born about 3 minutes later with no pushing. Hope that helps. Good luck.