Hey girls. I am pregnant. 6 1/2 months in...Just preparing myself for the labour and delivery. I'll be blunt and ask " does it hurt a lot?" Is it really as bad as everyone says? I know I'm ready and obviously I can do it cause there's no way to go back...I just would like to know some of your experiences to maybe prepare myself a little more, and have more knowledge as to what to expect...Thanks girls I appreciate it
I am 3 weeks away and experiencing pre term labor. I will let you know
To answer your question honestly, I'm not trying to scare you, but it hurts way worse than I could have imagined. I thought I was prepared and could handle it, but I ended up w/ back labor and once the contractions were one on top of another I thought I would die if they didnt stop. I did survive obviously and am pregnant again, so it wasnt bad enough to make me not go through it again. Just remember everyones labor is different, some people claim it doesnt hurt much at all.
You know, I had contractions for just a little while before they hooked up the epidural. That made them bearable, The birth was easy, no pain, thanks to the meds., however, what I DID find painful and horribley uncomfortable was the healing proccess after giving birth. It took almost a week before I could sit properly!
EVERY labor is different. Also, people have different pain tolerance. So it's impossible to know how YOU will take it. However, I can see wanting to know other's experience to perhaps prepare yourself for the worst cuz I did the same my first time. For me, it was terrible because the baby was posterior which gave me terrible back labor and they never ended up turning him which causes for one of the most painful labors possible. I was in labor for 21 hours (once I got to the hospital) and I wasn't allowed an epidermal until I got to be 6cm dilated which wasn't until I had been in labor for 14 hours. The epidermal gave me a nice break and allowed me to sleep a little. It is WONDERFUL! You will still feel the contractions but they wont be unbearable. The turned off the meds about 1/2 hour before I started to push so unfortunately that part wasn't pain free but I definitely didn't feel as much as I would've if I hadn't had the epidermal. I may have just felt a lot of pain because I was pushing him out posterior because I've heard from many people that they didn't feel any of the pain a__sociated with the pushing. They lucky! As far as meds... some believe they aren't going to have any at all .. they'll do the "natural" labor like I thought I would. My advice: NEVER rule out pain meds because you can never anticipate how bad it will be. Discuss with your Dr. in advance about all your options so you can be prepared when the time comes if you happen to want something for the pain. Good luck.. I'm sure you'll do just fine! And remember... the good news: You truly do forget about the pain.. that's why all of us (even with our horror stories) end up going at it again! lol
Want to know what it feels like. Hold some ice in a tight fist for over 1 minute then let go. Do it agin 30 seconds later and squeez the ice for another 1 minute. Repeat this for some time and see what you think. Now double the pain. But just remember it is only for a few hours and at the end of it you will have a beautiful little baby. It will be all worth it. And remember there are alway pain killers to take so the pain wont be half as bad. But remember ...... you'll have a beautiful baby.
Honestly, yeah I think it hurts. It kind of reminds me of someone taking your insides and squeezing them as hard as they can. With my last I was 10 by the time I got to the hospital and I remember asking please could I have something for the pain, but it was too late so I didn't get anything. This time around I'm hoping it goes that fast again but I wouldn't rule out any pain medication until your there.
what you have to keep in mind is that it will hurt - alot - but there are always breaks between contractions, so it isn't constant. What really help is to BE PREPARED. Go to a lamaze cla__s. Read up on the subject. And don't just hide out in the bed and be miserable. Move around, breathe, and work through it instead of tensing up and panicking. That always makes it seem worse than it really is. It helped me to keep in mind that this is not a pain that will harm me, it's a natural pain with a very good result. You'll be fine.