Confusing Doctors Appointment
1 Replies
Hello Everyone - well for those of you who have been fallowing my posts you know that I am not having an easy time right now.......But I had the worst doctors appointment ever yesterday!! (I am now 35 weeks +3) It started off that I was told by doctor is leaving on Holidays on friday and won't be back untill November 16th - then the nurse tells me that I lost 2 pounds! After explaining to my doctor that I am in a lot of pain and my hips and pelvis are going to break open- she agrees that when she gets back from her holidays we can induce me - I will be just about 38 weeks...... After my internal exam she says not too much has changed since I was at the hospital on Monday (see post Labor soon?) but I am progressing - at this point I was to tired to ask any more questions - but now I wish I would have -on my prenatle forms under yesterdays notes it says "Cervix 50% closed, FT station -2 mid softening" I have no idea what this means and I am totally confused!! Oh and I get to meet my new doctor next week - great................ CAN ANYONE TELL ME WHAT THIS MEANS???? And re-assure me too???
I am so sorry that you are confused. I know how it is when you intend to ask several questions and it seems like when you get there to the doctors, I forget everything I wanted to ask. But about the Cervix being 50% closed and ft station -2 mid softening, I would think since she used a percentage instead of cm of dialation that maybe you are very little dialated, not quite a full cm and -2 mid softening that maybe your cervix has shortened but 2 cm. My doctor uses those terms when he discribes my status. I have felt like my hips would break off for the last couple of weeks. It is not every day, just usually if I have done a lot of activity. You are lucky if she induces before your due date. I have to wait until next week, maybe, and I am already 40 weeks +3days. I hope this helps