I NEED Labor Classes Bradley OR Lamaze
8 Replies
Should I get Bradley or Lamaze lessons. I feel like I would like Bradley but I read that Doctors and Nurses are always irritated with Bradley moms becuase they are always trying to defy the way "things have always been done in the hospital". I dont want Lamaze as much but the pros of it are that it works well with hospitals....???? Also I am almost 28 weeks so I have to get enrolled, like NOW! oh AND my hubby is very in volved, we have been to all the appointments toghether.
resp. if you know the difference between the 2 methods...
| ? - July 3 |
is bradleys the method they use with hypno birthing? I have heard wonderful things about hypnobirthing and im gonna give it a try for sure.
Bradley, Bradley, Bradley!!! Hospitals nowadays are very receptive to whatever method you choose to use. I used the Bradley method with my doula, not my husband, and it was awesome and I had my 3rd son with no drugs in March. It really works. The reason we used a doula is because my husband prefers to not be super involved. It is all a bit much for him to handle and I love having another woman there to support me who knows first hand what I am going through. So, if your husband is already very involved than it sounds like the Bradley method would work very well for you. Lamaze does not work as well to me because it forces the body to do certain breathing and does not allow for the body to do what it does naturally. As far as breathing techniques, your body will figure that out on its own, you won't even think about it, it will just happen. I LOVE the Bradley method and I feel it is a big reason I was able to give birth naturally. Good Luck!
This is my first & I'm doing Bradley. I really like the Bradley method because it spends a lot of time making sure you know what is happening with your body. They also cover nutrition and b___stfeeding too. So it's really like 3 cla__ses rolle dup into one.
Thank you for your input. I will look into enrollment right away!
what is the difference between this 2?
Bradley is the 'husband coached' method of birthing, or at least 'someone coached' It boasts a 90% unmedicated birthrate. It kind of emphasizes that thats what is the healthiest for the baby, the are more likely to be moving around more, doing their share in the delivery process, and working up an appet_te to nurse immediately. Bradley urges you to focus on what is happening to your body. Lamaze teaches you to focus on something other than what is happenning to your body, and use distraction as a pain releiver through 3 different breathing patterns to remember. It also helps you and the baby get the oxygen you need. It does not emphasize unmedicated birth, rather, to do what makes you cope with pain best. All hospitals work well with a Lamaze coached patient, because they tend not to question the staff at the hospital, and to not cling to 'being in charge of their own delivery experience'.
That being said I still prefer the idea of bradley.