Induction Scheduled To Begin Tomorrow Night Nervous
3 Replies
I am scheduled to check into the hospital tomorrow evening at 8pm. They will get me set up in a room & start by applying the prostaglandin gel to my cervix. I'll be offered a sleeping pill (which I'm not sure I'll take) & then if nothing happens in the night, the next morning, they will begin the pitocin drip. I really don't know what else to expect or whether or not my water will be broken for me. I am so upset because this is my first baby & I really wanted to begin labor naturally at home. I will be 11 days overdue as of Monday, the 23rd (when my baby will most likely be born). I had the option of course of waiting another 3 days, but II am so uncomfortable & anxious to meet my baby! Plus, on the flip side, I worry that there could be complications if we wait too much longer.
Does anyone have a "scheduled induction" story to share? Any advice to give? So weird to think that tomorrow night at this time, I will be in the hospital preparing to give birth!!
I had an induction with my last child (no.4). They started the drip at 9am and i didn't have any contractions til 4pm. (It doesn't usually take that long.) With a drip induction they gradually increase it until labour is established (regular contractions) once that happens they will monitor the levels. If your water doesn't break naturally they might break them to speed things up. If you can try and move around as much as possible. Hope everything goes well. When you hold your precious baby it will all be worth it. Let us know how you go.
Well I got induced with my son at 39 weeks due to him being due the day after x-mas and no one wanted to be there on x-mas day. Anyways.....I went in at 5:30 they started the pitocin at 6 a/m, my doc broke my water at 8:30 a/m, got my epidural at 11:30 a/m and then I stayed at 5 cm from 12 p/m until 8 p/m when they finally increased my pitocin, then my epidural came out and t hey gave me another one at 11:30 p/ was finally time to start pushing at 1:00 a/m and after pushing for 2 hours and 15 minutes and 22 hours of labor I had my gorgeous son at 3:15 a/m weighing 10 lbs even and 21 inches long. My induction was not the best but I think it had a lot to do with his size and the fact that he was coming out face up instead of face down which is the normal way. It was a lot of hard work but so worth it in the end. Good luck to you!!!
Well, I was at 4cm dilated, and the broke my water at 7:30 am...made me walk around the corridors for 45 minutes, then they gave me the epidural. They started the pitocin soon after and when it was time to only took 1...until my daughter was born at 11:57 am. So, my induction took only 4 1/2 hours...and 1 good push! Hopefully yours ends up going quick too!